39 research outputs found

    Dressed Fermions, Modular Transformations and Bosonization in the Compactified Schwinger Model

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    The celebrated exactly solvable "Schwinger" model, namely massless two-dimensional QED, is revisited. The solution presented here emphasizes the non- perturbative relevance of the topological sector through large gauge transformations whose role is made manifest by compactifying space into a circle. Eventually the well-known non-perturbative features and solution of the model are recovered in the massless case. However the fermion mass term is shown to play a subtle role in order to achieve a physical quantization that accounts for gauge invariance under both small and large gauge symmetries. Quantization of the system follows Dirac's approach in an explicitly gauge invariant way that avoids any gauge fixing procedure.Comment: 28 page

    Affine Quantization and the Initial Cosmological Singularity

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    The Affine Coherent State Quantization procedure is applied to the case of a FRLW universe in the presence of a cosmological constant. The quantum corrections alter the dynamics of the system in the semiclassical regime, providing a potential barrier term which avoids all classical singularities, as already suggested in other models studied in the literature. Furthermore the quantum corrections are responsible for an accelerated cosmic expansion. This work intends to explore some of the implications of the recently proposed "Enhanced Quantization" procedure in a simplified model of cosmology.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; major improvements and correction

    Denoising modulo samples: k-NN regression and tightness of SDP relaxation

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    Many modern applications involve the acquisition of noisy modulo samples of a function ff, with the goal being to recover estimates of the original samples of ff. For a Lipschitz function f:[0,1]dRf:[0,1]^d \to \mathbb{R}, suppose we are given the samples yi=(f(xi)+ηi)mod1;i=1,,ny_i = (f(x_i) + \eta_i)\bmod 1; \quad i=1,\dots,n where ηi\eta_i denotes noise. Assuming ηi\eta_i are zero-mean i.i.d Gaussian's, and xix_i's form a uniform grid, we derive a two-stage algorithm that recovers estimates of the samples f(xi)f(x_i) with a uniform error rate O((lognn)1d+2)O((\frac{\log n}{n})^{\frac{1}{d+2}}) holding with high probability. The first stage involves embedding the points on the unit complex circle, and obtaining denoised estimates of f(xi)mod1f(x_i)\bmod 1 via a kkNN (nearest neighbor) estimator. The second stage involves a sequential unwrapping procedure which unwraps the denoised mod 11 estimates from the first stage. Recently, Cucuringu and Tyagi proposed an alternative way of denoising modulo 11 data which works with their representation on the unit complex circle. They formulated a smoothness regularized least squares problem on the product manifold of unit circles, where the smoothness is measured with respect to the Laplacian of a proximity graph GG involving the xix_i's. This is a nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) hence they proposed solving its semidefinite program (SDP) based relaxation. We derive sufficient conditions under which the SDP is a tight relaxation of the QCQP. Hence under these conditions, the global solution of QCQP can be obtained in polynomial time.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figure

    On sampling determinantal and Pfaffian point processes on a quantum computer

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    DPPs were introduced by Macchi as a model in quantum optics the 1970s. Since then, they have been widely used as models and subsampling tools in statistics and computer science. Most applications require sampling from a DPP, and given their quantum origin, it is natural to wonder whether sampling a DPP on a quantum computer is easier than on a classical one. We focus here on DPPs over a finite state space, which are distributions over the subsets of {1,,N}\{1,\dots,N\} parametrized by an N×NN\times N Hermitian kernel matrix. Vanilla sampling consists in two steps, of respective costs O(N3)\mathcal{O}(N^3) and O(Nr2)\mathcal{O}(Nr^2) operations on a classical computer, where rr is the rank of the kernel matrix. A large first part of the current paper consists in explaining why the state-of-the-art in quantum simulation of fermionic systems already yields quantum DPP sampling algorithms. We then modify existing quantum circuits, and discuss their insertion in a full DPP sampling pipeline that starts from practical kernel specifications. The bottom line is that, with PP (classical) parallel processors, we can divide the preprocessing cost by PP and build a quantum circuit with O(Nr)\mathcal{O}(Nr) gates that sample a given DPP, with depth varying from O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) to O(rlogN)\mathcal{O}(r\log N) depending on qubit-communication constraints on the target machine. We also connect existing work on the simulation of superconductors to Pfaffian point processes, which generalize DPPs and would be a natural addition to the machine learner's toolbox. In particular, we describe "projective" Pfaffian point processes, the cardinality of which has constant parity, almost surely. Finally, the circuits are empirically validated on a classical simulator and on 5-qubit IBM machines.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures. Additional results about parity of cardinality of PfPP samples. Minor corrections in Section 5 and slight generalization of Lemma 5.4. Extra example and derivations in appendi

    The N = 1 Supersymmetric Wong Equations and the Non-Abelian Landau Problem

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    A Lagrangian formulation is given extending to N = 1 supersymmetry the motion of a charged point particle with spin in a non-abelian external field. The classical formulation is constructed for any external static non-abelian SU(N) gauge potential. As an illustration, a specific gauge is fixed enabling canonical quantization and the study of the supersymmetric non-abelian Landau problem. The spectrum of the quantum Hamiltonian operator follows in accordance with the supersymmetric structure.Comment: 10 page

    Positive semi-definite embedding for dimensionality reduction and out-of-sample extensions

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    In machine learning or statistics, it is often desirable to reduce the dimensionality of a sample of data points in a high dimensional space Rd\mathbb{R}^d. This paper introduces a dimensionality reduction method where the embedding coordinates are the eigenvectors of a positive semi-definite kernel obtained as the solution of an infinite dimensional analogue of a semi-definite program. This embedding is adaptive and non-linear. A main feature of our approach is the existence of a non-linear out-of-sample extension formula of the embedding coordinates, called a projected Nystr\"om approximation. This extrapolation formula yields an extension of the kernel matrix to a data-dependent Mercer kernel function. Our empirical results indicate that this embedding method is more robust with respect to the influence of outliers, compared with a spectral embedding method.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Improved presentatio