250 research outputs found

    Land Use Land Cover Change Analysis using Geospatial Tools in Case of Asayita District, Zone one, Afar Region, Ethiopia

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    Land use land cover change is a complex matter, which is caused by numerous biophysical, socio-economical and institutional factors. The main objective of this study was to analyze Land use land cover change in Asayita district, Zone one, Afar Region, Ethiopia. Land sat Satellite image is the main source for the study. Geographic Positioning System data collection instrument was used to collect spatial data from the field. ERDAS IMAGINE 14 and Arc GIS 10 are main software’s used to analyze the study. Preprocessing, enhancement, classification and accuracy assessment was the main tasks involved in satellite images processing. Therefore, four major land cover classes were identified based on spectral characteristics of Land sat MSS, image namely, open woodland, Pasture land, bare land and water. The result revealed that barren and open wood land increased at the expense of pasture and water. Therefore, creating awareness among the society concerning optimum use of natural resources, create green economy, conservation systems and their benefits by policy makers and non governmental organization could play significant role in rehabilitation of the environment. Keywords: Land use, land cover, satellite image, remote sensin

    Evaluation of Improved Sorghum Agronomic Options in the Moisture Stress Areas of Abergelle District, Northern Ethiopia

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    A field experiment  was conducted for two years, during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 cropping seasons using a randomized complete block design with four replications to identify best agronomic option techniques for enhancing sorghum productivity in moisture stress conditions at Abergelle agricultural research center on station. The treatments were direct sowing at onset of rainfall, seedling transplanting (raising on nursery site) and seed priming. The result of the experiment indicated that the highest mean grain yield was recorded from the seedling transplanting (3.03 t/ha), while the lowest mean grain yield was obtained from direct sowing (1.49 t/ha). This study revealed that seedling transplanting was the best option to reduce risks associated with the direct sowing of sorghum through facilitating earliness to flowering and maturity, which in turn enables it to escape early cessation of rain fall, as the flowering stage is sensitive to moisture stress. Generally, it can be recommended that sorghum transplanting technology should be a first choice option of small scale subsistence farming community in the moisture stress areas of Abergelle and other districts having the same agro-ecologies in the region, Northern Ethiopia. Keywords: Agronomic option, Grain yield, Moisture stress, Sorghum, Transplantin

    Text Mining Technique for Driving Potentially Valuable Information from Text

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    With the growing number of digitized documents and having large text databases, text mining will become increasingly important. Text mining can be a huge benefit for finding relevant and desired text data from unstructured data sources. Text Mining is the discovery by computer of new, previously unknown information, by automatically extracting information from different written resources. It is an important step of Knowledge Discovery process. The aim of the paper is to study the concept of Text Mining and various techniques with a particular focus on text mining process. In the text mining community have been trying to apply many methods such as rule-based, knowledge based, statistical and machine-learning-based approaches. Finally, the paper discusses issues towards the techniques for driving potentially valuable information from text and also, discuss on integration data mining. The paper ends with conclusion and the future line of works in the combining text mining and data mining techniques into a single system, a combination known as duo-mining, and also be more effective text mining techniques for contextual extraction. Keywords: Data mining, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Text Mining DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-1-01 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Bayesian Evidence against Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum in tension cosmology

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    Current cosmological constraints on the scalar spectral index of primordial fluctuations nsn_{\rm s} in the Λ\LambdaCDM model have excluded the minimal scale-invariant Harrison-Zel'dovich model (ns=1n_{\rm s}=1; hereafter HZ) at high significance, providing support for inflation. In recent years, however, some tensions have emerged between different cosmological datasets that, if not due to systematics, could indicate the presence of new physics beyond the Λ\LambdaCDM model. In the light of these developments, we evaluate the Bayesian evidence against HZ in different data combinations and model extensions. Considering only the Planck temperature data, we find inconclusive evidence against HZ when including variations in the neutrino number NeffN_{\rm eff} and/or the Helium abundance YHeY_{\rm He}. Adding the Planck polarization data, on the other hand, yields strong evidence against HZ in the extensions we considered. Perhaps most interestingly, Planck temperature data combined with local measurements of the Hubble constant give as the most probable model an HZ spectrum, with additional neutrinos. However, with the inclusion of polarisation, standard Λ\LambdaCDM is once again preferred, but the HZ model with extra neutrinos is not strongly disfavored. The possibility of fully ruling out the HZ spectrum is therefore ultimately connected with the solution to current tensions between cosmological datasets. If these tensions are confirmed by future data, then new physical mechanisms could be at work and an HZ spectrum could still offer a valid alternative.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Breeding Sorghum for Striga Resistance: A Review

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    Striga causes substantial losses in sorghum production in sub-Saharan Africa. Striga-resistant sorghum cultivars could be a major component of integrated striga management, if resistance was available in adapted, productive germplasm. In this paper I review activities of breeding sorghum for striga-resistant. The agar-gel assay is an excellent tool to screen host genotypes in the laboratory for low production of the striga seed germination stimulant. Further laboratory assays are needed which allow the non-destructive, rapid and inexpensive evaluation of individual plants for additional resistance mechanisms. Field screening for striga resistance is hampered by high micro variability in African soils, heterogeneity of natural infestations and concomitant large environmental effects on striga emergence. Due to the extreme variability of the parasite and significant genotype by environment interaction effects, multi-location screening is recommended to obtain materials with stable performance. characterization of crop germplasm and improvement of available sources of resistance for better agronomic performance; transfer and pyramiding of resistance genes into adapted, farmer-selected cultivars; development of striga-resistant parent lines for hybrid or synthetic cultivars; and development of random-mating populations with multiple sources of resistance. The development of marker assisted selection techniques for broad-based, polygenic striga resistance is underway. This approach is particularly promising because striga resistance tests are difficult, expensive, and sometimes unreliable; the parasite is quarantined; and some resistance genes are recessive. Transgenic, herbicide-tolerant sorghums could contribute to an immediate, cost-effective control of striga by herbicides, but such cultivars are not yet available. The selection of sorghum cultivars with specific adaptation to integrated striga management approaches could contribute to sustainable sorghum production in striga-infested areas. Keywords: breeding strategies, striga, resistant, sorghum, integrated control

    Appling Data Mining Technique for Crime Prevention: The Case of Hossaena Town Police Office

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    The Law enforcement agencies like that of police today are faced with large volume of data that must be processed and transformed into useful information and hence data mining can greatly improve crime analysis and aid in reducing and preventing crime. The purpose of this study is to construct predictive models that could help in the effort of crime pattern analysis with the aim of supporting the crime prevention activities at the Hossaena town police office. For this study, a six-step hybrid knowledge discovery process model is followed, due to the nature of the problem and attributes in the dataset. The classification technique such as J48 decision tree and Naive Bayes used to build the models. Performance of the models is compared using accuracy, True Positive Rate, False Positives Rate, and the area under the Relative Optical character curve. J48 decision tree registers better performance with 96.34% accuracy. Lastly for extracting the knowledge the researcher develop the prototype for the user for support the decision which crime is assigned under the serious, medium or low for this purpose the researcher generate the prototypes. Keywords: Classification, Crime, Data Mining, Hybrid, WEKA DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-1-03 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    Trend Analysis of Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) Productivity, Area of Production and Numbers of Holders in Ethiopia

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    This study was undertaken to identify trends of; Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) productivity, area of production and numbers of holders of coffee in Ethiopia. Data of; annual coffee yield, area of production and numbers of holders of coffee in Ethiopia for the period 2006/2007-2017/2018 were collected from Central statistical Agency (CSA). Trend test were carried out using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall’s trend test using xlstat software. The result of this study indicated that the country level area of coffee production showed significant increasing trend by a factor of 40534.67 ha per year. Similarly, numbers of holders/producers in the country were increased significantly by the factors of 283169.2 holders/year.  Moreover country level annual total amount of coffee Production were showed significant increasing trend by the factor of 219787.1 qt/year over the study periods. Despite expansions of coffee production area coverage and increasing numbers of holders in the country, however, the trend of coffee productivity in the country showed non-significant decreasing trend by the factors of -0.176 qt/ha per year for study periods.  Therefore, the author of this work have recommend that, land suitability of this crop at which it has been expanded in the country and others reasons behind decreasing productivity of this crop has to study DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-15-01 Publication date: August 31st 201
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