3,002 research outputs found

    Student Profile: Liz Turnwald

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    University of Dayton junior Liz Turnwald has always been one to explore the arts. Originally from Kalida, Ohio, the music and Spanish major with a minor in Women\u27s and Gender Studies, has deeply explored Spanish culture during the past two years. From traveling to Argentina during summer 2015, to studying Latin American protest and folk music with the Berry Summer Thesis Institute this past summer, Liz has kept busy by staying in tune with her passions

    Student Profile: Erin Frey

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    Erin Frey recently had an article published in the USA Today College Guide about how she fell in love with the University of Dayton. Frey, an energetic, outgoing junior from Cincinnati who is majoring in public relations and minoring in marketing, also reported about Pope Francis\u27 2015 visit to Washington D.C. for University of Dayton Magazine. In addition, she works as a University social media specialist, creating content across multiple platforms

    Effects of Nicotine on Contextual Fear Conditioning in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    The goal of this experiment was to investigate the effects of nicotine in fear-conditioned zebrafish. Fear was analyzed by the presence of freezing, which was defined as the absence of movement for at least two consecutive seconds, excepting gill-related or ocular motions. Zebrafish have been used as subjects in many experiments to understand the effects of drugs on behavioral mecahnisms, but their memory processes have not been extensively studied. The present experiment investigated whether or not nicotine, given immediately after contextual fear conditioning, enhanced memory consolidation. Zebrafish were randomly categorized into two groups: placebo and high-dose nicotine (100mg/L). Individual fish were placed into the conditioning apparatus, where a Rigol DP832 programmable power supply administered shocks in a distinct environment. After conditioning, subjects were transported back to their home tanks. Reliable measurements were taken after conditioning to assess the effects of nicotine on emotional (fear) memory. Freezing was predicted to show a decrease in nicotine-exposed subjects in the original, yellow context. AquaScan behavioral tracking software and webcams measured behavioral correlates of fear, i.e. freezing. It was hypothesized that nicotine would decrease conditioned fear, resulting in shorter durations of observed freezing, when compared to placebo-treated subjects. The data suggested that there was a trend related to drug exposure and conditioning context, but the significance (p-value) was not great enough to conclude that there was a direct relationship between nicotine exposure and memory consolidation in this experiment

    Student Profile: Martin Blay

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    German graduate student and visiting scholar Martin Blay spent three months this semester at the University of Dayton researching his doctoral dissertation on miracles. A native of Bavaria, Germany, Blay attends the University of Regensburg, where his main interests are divine action and analytic metaphysics. He hopes to publish his dissertation and become a Lay minister in his home diocese of Ausenberg by fall

    Student Profile: Darius Beckham

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    University of Dayton sophomore Darius Beckham is an accomplished public speaker and writer who is also a 2019 Dayton Civic Scholar. The Dayton native and political science major hopes to one day make a lasting impact on the University and the city of Dayton

    Student Profile: Alexandra Morrissette

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    University of Dayton senior Alexandra Morrissette is being recognized for her abstract paintings, which department of art and design chair Judith Huacuja described as visually striking, quite large and bold. Morrissette, a fine arts major from Pittsburgh, has been honored with the Award for Excellence in the Visual Arts by the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Ohio. She will receive the award in late March and also is a finalist for the Grand Award

    Student Profile: Meg Maloney

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    University of Dayton junior Meg Maloney had an adventurous, eventful summer in the U.S. and abroad. The Chicago native - an environmental biology major with a minor in sustainability, energy and environment - traveled to Sikkim, India, on a study abroad experience through the Students for International Training program. She also conducted research in Dayton with Ryan McEwan, associate professor of biology and the environmental biology program coordinator

    Student Profile: Carlos Rodriguez

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    University of Dayton junior Carlos Rodriguez has traveled to India and Africa through University-sponsored immersion trips. The San Antonio native is majoring in psychology and human rights studies with a minor in political science. He is interested in development work and advocating strongly for individuals with special needs