4 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning-driven Cross-Community Energy Interaction Optimal Scheduling

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    In order to coordinate energy interactions among various communities and energy conversions among multi-energy subsystems within the multi-community integrated energy system under uncertain conditions, and achieve overall optimization and scheduling of the comprehensive energy system, this paper proposes a comprehensive scheduling model that utilizes a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning algorithm to learn load characteristics of different communities and make decisions based on this knowledge. In this model, the scheduling problem of the integrated energy system is transformed into a Markov decision process and solved using a data-driven deep reinforcement learning algorithm, which avoids the need for modeling complex energy coupling relationships between multi-communities and multi-energy subsystems. The simulation results show that the proposed method effectively captures the load characteristics of different communities and utilizes their complementary features to coordinate reasonable energy interactions among them. This leads to a reduction in wind curtailment rate from 16.3% to 0% and lowers the overall operating cost by 5445.6 Yuan, demonstrating significant economic and environmental benefits.Comment: in Chinese language, Accepted by Electric Power Constructio

    A potential therapeutic drug for osteoporosis: prospect for osteogenic LncRNAs

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    Long non-coding RNAs (LncRNAs) play essential roles in multiple physiological processes including bone formation. Investigators have revealed that LncRNAs regulated bone formation through various signaling pathways and micro RNAs (miRNAs). However, several problems exist in current research studies on osteogenic LncRNAs, including sophisticated techniques, high cost for in vivo experiment, as well as low homology of LncRNAs between animal model and human, which hindered translational medicine research. Moreover, compared with gene editing, LncRNAs would only lead to inhibition of target genes rather than completely knocking them out. As the studies on osteogenic LncRNA gradually proceed, some of these problems have turned osteogenic LncRNA research studies into slump. This review described some new techniques and innovative ideas to address these problems. Although investigations on osteogenic LncRNAs still have obtacles to overcome, LncRNA will work as a promising therapeutic drug for osteoporosis in the near future


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    Only a few basin modeling studies have been completed at a depression-scale for the southern Western Depression, Liaohe Basin, Bohai Bay Basin Group. Such studies are essential for advancing our understanding of the hydrocarbon accumulation history and to predicting potential reservoirs. This study analyzed the petroleum system of the Shahejie Formation within the southern Western Depression using techniques of one- and two-dimensional basin modeling and structural restorations. The results showed that the mudstones in the fourth and third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4 and Es3) are the primary source rocks for the Shahejie tight gas sand system in the study area, which is in agreement with earlier findings. They are rich in organic matter with TOC content up to 2.83%. Tight sandstones with measured porosity values ranging from 2% to 10% in the Es3 member are the deepest proven hydrocarbon reservoir rocks. To further analyze the petroleum generation and accumulation history of Shahejie Formation, forward basin models were developed based on reconstructions of the burial, thermal, maturity, structural, and migration histories. The present-day and paleo heat flows of the studies basin in 1D models were calibrated with measured borehole temperature and vitrinite-reflectance data. Results indicate that the present-day heat flow is ca. 50 mW/m2. Paleo heat flow increased from 43 to 36 Ma, with a peak of 83.68 mW/m2 at approximately 36 Ma and then decreased till present. The source rocks are presently at a thermal maturity stage of condensate and gas generation window, while some deep-buried areas in the central Depression are in the dry gas threshold. In order to assess the geometry and displacement of listric normal faults and growth faults in the study area, a 2D balanced cross section was reconstructed. This structural model was used in 2D basin modeling to depict the structure of the basin and therefore provide a more robust estimation of the hydrocarbon migration history. The expulsion and accumulation results were calibrated using the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion in rock samples from 7 wells in the study area. The model suggests that hydrocarbon generation started at 40 Ma and peaked during 38 Ma to 36.5 Ma. Moreover, major expulsion, migration, and accumulation of hydrocarbon occurred during 36.5 Ma to 20 Ma.Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department o

    Diagenetic characteristics under abnormally low pressure: A case from the Paleogene of southern Western Sag, Liaohe Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

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    The effects of low pressure and abnormally low pressure on reservoir diagenesis and physical property of the Paleocene in southern part of Western Sag of Liaohe Depression, Bohai Bay Basin have been analyzed using large amounts of pressure, physical property and formation testing data. When formation pressure is low or abnormally low, the pore fluid has lower pressure, the overburden litho-static pressure is largely born by the sandstone framework, sometimes over compaction occurs, leading to densification of reservoir and stronger mechanical compaction; residual formation pressure has a negative correlation with carbonate cement content, low pressure or abnormally low pressure tight sandstone formations have higher carbonate cement content than sandstone formations with hydrostatic pressure or weak overpressure; pore fluid in sandstones with low pressure or abnormally low pressure has higher Si4+, conducive to the siliceous cementation; when dissolution happens, reservoirs with low pressure or abnormally low pressure, poor in original physical properties, are not favorable for the injection of dissolution fluid and the expulsion of dissolution products, so they have weaker dissolution. In summary, reservoirs with low pressure or abnormally low pressure have poorer physical properties. Key words: abnormally low pressure, diagenesis, reservoir physical property, tight sandstone, Western Sag, Liaohe Depressio