13 research outputs found


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    One of the regional hospitals in Pemalang Regency has not compiled an Outpatient Disease Index and the process of making other indexes is still manual. The study aims to determine the process of making an index of Medical Record Units at Pemalang Regency Regional Hospitals in 2022. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection through semi-structured interviews with indexing officers and observations on the index table design. Analysis of interview results and observations using synthesis analysis. The results of this study show that the data sources for the RI and RJ disease index, patient index, surgery index, doctor index, and death index made by hospitals are taken from medical record documents, while the data sources for the Patient Index and Inpatient Index are taken from SIMRS. Index data processing is done manually (inpatient disease index, outpatient index, doctor index, surgery index, and mortality index) and electronically (patient index). The use of SIMRS in Unit Indexing is not fully used because most of the process is done manually (Microsoft Excel), except for the Patient Index. Suggestion, To improve the quality of hospital services, the hospital should evaluate the performance of medical personnel in the ward in inputting resume data of patients returning home both in SIMRS and in DRM. In addition, improving the features or functions of SIMRS in order to collect, process, and present all index data (Inpatient Disease Index, Outpatient Index, Patient Index, Operation Index, Doctor Index, and Death Index) needed by the hospital


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    As a result of low health literacy levels, patients will face more challenges when they access and use the health care service system. This research purpose is to know about literacy levels based on a patient's characteristics and their activities in the Program of Chronic Disease Management (PROLANIS). The researcher did the descriptive research by using the HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire which was adapted in the Indonesian language. Respondents in this study were 20 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Prolanis Participants in 2020. The result of the research showed that the respondents who live in the Kedungmundu Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) area mostly were elderly (55%), female (55%), high school graduates (50%), have a job (50%). PROLANIS activities followed by the respondent are medical consultation (100%), education program (100%), and gymnastic (90%). Health literacy categories were Inadequate HL (35%), Problematic HL (50%), and Sufficient HL (15%). This result shows the extra need for handling people with Diabetes Mellitus, especially for the elderly. It should be important to monitor a patient's blood sugar and to educate the patients for better self-management.Keywords: diabetes mellitus, literasi kesehatan, prolani


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    AbstractClinical governance is a structured organizational framework to improve the quality and safety of patients in the hospital which made by the NHS into seven pillars and adjusted to RI Law No. 44 of 2009. The evaluation results from the quality and patient safety team of Koja Public Regional Hospital in 2018, showed that there is Fall Patient incidents (6 events), KTD and KNC (13 events) which is not following the 0 % of the target from Patient Safety Goals by the Ministry of Health. The study was conducted to analyze patient safety governance for hospitalized patients at the Koja Public Regional Hospital in 2019 based on 4 of the Clinical Governance theories, which are clinical leadership, clinical audit, clinical effectiveness (guidelines); and education, training, and development of conservation profession. This study is using in-depth interview methods through the Purposive Sampling method and also reviewing documents conducted from May to June 2019. The results of the study found that the implementation of Clinical Leadership in Koja Public Hospital was running quite well but not yet optimal because the leadership system, which used the Line Organization to help to faster the decision-making process, is still weak in monitoring. From the Clinical Pathway (CP) evaluation,  The medical audit was done well, but the monitoring and evaluation aspects are not yet optimal. The evaluation of clinical effectiveness showed that the compliance to fill the CP form was not optimal because of the lack of CP benefit socialization. Training and courses were done pretty well but have not been evaluated yet. The management team recommends monitoring, collaborating with the medical committee to evaluate the CP usage, providing training related to CP procurement to increase understanding, and also providing necessary training and its evaluation.Abstrak Tata kelola klinis merupakan kerangka organisasi yang bertujun untuk meningkatkan mutu dan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit yang diciptakan oleh NHS ke dalam 7 pilar dan disesuaikan kedalam UU Nomor 44 tahun 2009. Hasil evaluasi tim mutu dan keselamatan pasien RSUD Koja pada tahun 2018 menunujukan tingginya angka kejadian pasien jatuh ( 6 kejadian) , KTD dan KNC (13 kejadian) dimana hal ini tidak sesuai dengan Patient Safety Goals yang ditargetkan oleh kemenkes 0 %.   Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis gambaran tata kelola keselamatan pasien rawat inap di RSUD Koja berdasarkan 4 dari teori Clinical Governance yaitu kepemimpinan klinis, audit klinis, efektivitas klinis (Guideline), serta pendidikan, pelatihan dan pengembangan profesi berkelanjutan  dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam menggunakan  Purposive Sampling , serta melakukan telaah dokumen yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2019. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pelaksanaan kepemimpinan klinis di RSUD Koja berjalan cukup baik namun belum optimal karena sistem kepemimpinan menggunakan Line Organization yang  membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan yang cepat namun lemah dalam  pengawasan, Pelaksanaan audit medis dilaksanakan dengan baik namun monitoring dan evaluasi masih belum optimal dari hasil evaluasi Clinical Pathway (CP)., Evaluasi  efektifitas klinis menunjukan kepatuhan  pengisian form CP  belum optimal karena kurangnya sosialisasi terhadap manfaat CP,  Pelatihan dan pendidikan sudah terlaksana cukup baik namun belum adanya kegiatan evaluasi.  Saran penelitian adalah pihak manajemen melakukan monitoring, melakukan kerjasama dengan tim komite medis melaksanakan evaluasi penggunaan CP dan memberikan pelatihan terkait pentingnya pengisian CP  untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, serta memberikan pelatihan dasar dan  mengevaluasi penerapan pelatihan  pendidikan

    Peran Pengetahun terhadap Sikap kepada Pasien Epilepsi pada Mahasiswa dan Staf Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

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    More than half of 50 million worldwide epilepsy patients expected to live in Asia. Public knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy patients need to be known to prevent social discrimination. Cross-Sectional study was conducted on 223 samples (lecturers, staff and students) at Dian Nuswantoro University. Data collection used questionnaire. The results showed that, 184 respondents(82.5%) had information about epilepsy, 91 respondents (40.8%) knew the cause of epilepsy, and 164 respondents (73.5%) knew that epilepsy was not contagious. While attitudes toward epilepsy patients, 137 respondents (61.4%) are willing to help, 8 respondents (3.6%) will stay away when seeing epilepsy patients experience a seizure attack. Knowledge about epilepsy affect attitudes toward epilepsy patients (p = 0.003; r = 0.182). Ignorance about the transmission of epilepsy (p = 0,007, r = -0,180) and understanding that epilepsy is a curable disease (p = 0,031, r = -0,145) have more influence on low willingness to give help epilepsy patients when they experience seizure attack. In-depth interviews need to be done on future research to gain a deeper information about public’s attitude toward epilepsy patients.Keywords: epilepsy, knowledge, attitud

    Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Website Appsgeyser untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Kelas V Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengembangankan media interaktif berbasis website Appsgeyser untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika kelas V siswa sekolah dasar dan (2) mengetahui tingkat validasi pengembangan media interaktif berbasis website Appsgeyser untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika kelas V berdasarkan uji validasi ahli. Penelitian R&D ini menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari analysis,design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas V dan siswa kelas V SD Negeri Bringin 02. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) analisis kemampuan awal siswa pada materi, perencanaan dan pembuatan media inetratif berbasis website Appsgeyser dalam bentukk ebook dan LKPD game kuis, pengembangan dengan melakukan uji validasi ahli. (2) berdasarkan uji validasi ahli, ahli materi memberikan presentase 90% dengan kriteria “sangat baik”, ahli media memberikan presentase 89% dengan kriteria “sangat baik”, dan ahli desain pembelajaran memberikan presentase 90% dengan kriteria “sangat baik”. (3) berdasarkan uji coba terbatas hasil respon guru mendapatkan presentase 88% dengan kriteria “sangat baik, dan hasil respon siswa mendapatkan presentase 89,4% dengan kriteri “sangat baik

    The willingness of COVID-19 vaccination and associated factors: A systematic review

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    Aim: Vaccination is an effective approach to avoid infection and reduce morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases. However, in previous infectious disease vaccination programs, some people were hesitant to get vaccinated. To develop an effective vaccination program or policy, the government or public health officials need to understand the factors that influence the willingness of COVID-19 vaccination from the various studies. Methods: Between 1-18 December 2020, articles were searched from PubMed and ScienceDirect with the following key terms: Willingness, Acceptance, Acceptability, COVID-19 vaccine, and COVID-19 vaccination.  Eligibility for article inclusion criteria was determined by PRISMA. Results: 20 studies were included in this review. All studies were conducted in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The willingness of COVID-19 vaccination ranged from 60-97% among the general population, 28-63% among healthcare workers, 56-65% among parents or caregivers, and 73% among factory workers. The common factors that affected the willingness of COVID-19 vaccination:  gender, age, education, individual perception about diseases and the vaccine, trust in the government, statements of public health officials and health providers. Conclusion: Concerns about disease risk, effectiveness, and side effects are important factors associated with vaccination willingness. To avoid vaccination hesitancy in the community, public health officials need to disseminate detailed information about the vaccines like efficacy level and side effects, and continue to provide information about the risks of COVID-19 for personal health and others through various online media to avoid vaccination hesitancy

    Hubungan Literasi TBC dengan Stigma Tuberkulosis Masyarakat di Kelurahan Pekunden Semarang

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    Community TB stigma is one of the obstacles to seeking TB treatment. Therefore it is necessary to know how the role of health literacy in TB disease against TB stigma.An observational study with a cross-sectional approach was conducted to measure the relationship between TB literacy and TB stigma. The number of respondents in this study was 102, who live in Pekunden Village and aged >= 18 years were taken incidentally. TB literacy and TB stigma were measured using interviews using a questionnaire.The results showed that 70.6% of respondents were female, most were 47 years old, 54% were unemployed, and 79.4% had heard of TB information before. As many as 48% of respondents are in the problematic and inadequate literacy category. As many as 48% of respondents gave a negative TB stigma. Spearman's rank test results with a 95% confidence level showed a relationship between TB literacy and tuberculosis stigma (p=0.0001; r=0.344)The prevention carried out becomes an action that is considered a stigma for the community. Follow-up is needed to see from the perspective of TB literacy and the behavior of TB patients


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    Penelitian ini meneliti hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap tentang implementasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Survei awal berdasarkan pengamatan penelitimenunjukkan partisipasi siswa yang rendah dalam implementasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Daerah yang seharusnya bebas asap rokok, tetapi masih ditemukan perokok. Penelitian ini merupakan survei cross sectional . Responden adalah 96 mahasiswa aktif . Data primer meliputi karakteristik responden , pengetahuan, sikap dan partisipasi yang diukur denganwawancara. Data sekunder diperoleh dari profil UDINUS. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan dengan uji chi square. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,3% responden memilikipengetahuan yang baik, sebesar 93,8% responden memiliki sikap yang baik, sebesar 83,3% responden memiliki partisipasi kurang pada implementasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Analisisbivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok dengan tingkat partisipasi dalam implementasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok ( p value = 0,065 ), tidak ada hubungan antara sikap tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok dengan tingkatpartisipasi dalam implementasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok ( p value = 0,585 ). Berdasarkanpenelitian, perlu penelitian kualitatif tentang pendapat perokok untuk bersama-sama mewujudkan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di kampus, karena sebagian besar perokok tergolong berusia muda, sosialisasi tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di UDINUS kepada dosen dan mahasiswa dan dibutuhkan penegakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok pada kampus dalam bentuk pengawasan di area kampus dan meningkatkan peran mahasiswa melalui kelompok sebaya.Kata kunci: partisipasi, mahasiswa, implementasi, Kawasan Tanpa Roko