19 research outputs found

    Synchronizabilities of Networks: A New index

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    The random matrix theory is used to bridge the network structures and the dynamical processes defined on them. We propose a possible dynamical mechanism for the enhancement effect of network structures on synchronization processes, based upon which a dynamic-based index of the synchronizability is introduced in the present paper.Comment: 4pages, 2figure

    Scaling Invariance in Spectra of Complex Networks: A Diffusion Factorial Moment Approach

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    A new method called diffusion factorial moment (DFM) is used to obtain scaling features embedded in spectra of complex networks. For an Erdos-Renyi network with connecting probability pER<1Np_{ER} < \frac{1}{N}, the scaling parameter is δ=0.51\delta = 0.51, while for pER≥1Np_{ER} \ge \frac{1}{N} the scaling parameter deviates from it significantly. For WS small-world networks, in the special region pr∈[0.05,0.2]p_r \in [0.05,0.2], typical scale invariance is found. For GRN networks, in the range of θ∈[0.33,049]\theta\in[0.33,049], we have δ=0.6±0.1\delta=0.6\pm 0.1. And the value of δ\delta oscillates around δ=0.6\delta=0.6 abruptly. In the range of θ∈[0.54,1]\theta\in[0.54,1], we have basically δ>0.7\delta>0.7. Scale invariance is one of the common features of the three kinds of networks, which can be employed as a global measurement of complex networks in a unified way.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    Collective Chaos Induced by Structures of Complex Networks

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    Mapping a complex network of NNcoupled identical oscillators to a quantum system, the nearest neighbor level spacing (NNLS) distribution is used to identify collective chaos in the corresponding classical dynamics on the complex network. The classical dynamics on an Erdos-Renyi network with the wiring probability pER≤1Np_{ER} \le \frac{1}{N} is in the state of collective order, while that on an Erdos-Renyi network with pER>1Np_{ER} > \frac{1}{N} in the state of collective chaos. The dynamics on a WS Small-world complex network evolves from collective order to collective chaos rapidly in the region of the rewiring probability pr∈[0.0,0.1]p_r \in [0.0,0.1], and then keeps chaotic up to pr=1.0p_r = 1.0. The dynamics on a Growing Random Network (GRN) is in a special state deviates from order significantly in a way opposite to that on WS small-world networks. Each network can be measured by a couple values of two parameters (β,η)(\beta ,\eta).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, To appear in Physica