3,207 research outputs found

    Understanding Information Systems Usage Behavior in E-Government: The Role of Context and Perceived Value

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    This work provides an alternative conceptualization of the information systems (IS) success model for further understanding of user behavior in government. A context-value-behavior framework is proposed. This study investigates the relationships among perceived quality, normative pressure, perceived values, satisfaction and intention to use IS in government. Analytical results indicate that user intention to use IS in government is markedly influenced by social value and functional value and not by conditional value and satisfaction. The contextual factors, i.e. normative pressure, information quality of IS, and service quality from support of IS department, are crucial for enhancing users’ intention to use IS in government

    The Trend and Intellectual Structure of Digital Archives Research

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    Archives are an extremely valuable part of cultural heritage since they represent the trace of the activities of a juridical person or organization in the course of their business. Through various information technology (IT), tremendous amount of digital archives (DA) are created. These archives are the basis for providing evidence and knowledge in everlasting memory of human society. The management of digital archives becomes a fast growing field throughout last decade and introduces abundant articles in academia. However, their trend and intellectual structure have remained obscure in the research community. To map the trend and intellectual structure of DA research, this study identifies the high-impact articles as well as the correlations among these scholar publications. In this study, text mining techniques, such as co-word and cluster analysis, have been deployed to investigate the intellectual pillars of the DA literature. This study exposes researchers to a new way of profiling knowledge networks and their relationships in the research area of DA, thereby helping academia and practitioners better understand up-to-date studies. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of DA research, provide a valuable tool for researchers to access DA literature, and act as an exemplary model for future research

    Examining the Business-Technology Alignment in Government Agencies: A Study of Electronic Record Management Systems in Taiwan

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    For e-government to succeed, government agencies must manage their records and archives of which the sheer volume and diversity necessitate the use of electronic record management systems (ERMS). Using an established business–technology alignment model, we analyze an agency’s strategic alignment choice and examine the outcomes and agency performance associated with that alignment. The specific research questions addressed in the study are as follows: (1) Do strategic alignment choices vary among agencies that differ in purpose or position within the overall government hierarchy? (2) Do agencies’ alignment choices lead to different outcomes? and (3) Does performance in implementing, operating, and using ERMS vary among agencies that follow different alignment choices? We conducted a large-scale survey study of 3,319 government agencies in Taiwan. Our data support the propositions tested. Based on the findings, we discuss their implications for digital government research and practice

    Examining Public-Public and Public-Private Partnership of Information Systems in Taiwan

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    Government agencies have spent lots of money on information system (IS) deployment. However, the partnerships, i.e. public-public partnership (PUP) and public-private partnership (PPP), are less explored in IS domain. Under the concept of social exchange, this study used electronic document management systems (EDMS) in Taiwan government as the target IS for examining the PUP and PPP among agencies and vendors. This study develops a theoretical model that is informed by the literature on partnership and by social exchange theory to explain the aggregated implementation of EDMS. Based on previous literature, this study suggests that the performance expectation is the incentive and affects the support from top-management, trust to others and regulation power from National Archives Administration (NAA) that shape the PUP and PPP in government agencies. To propose the empirical findings, this study collects data from agencies with digital signature used in EDMS. This study establishes the adaption of EDMS in agencies, infers the managerial implication, and compares the findings with other researches to enhance its contribution. Support from top manages and trust to others positively affect the PUP and PPP. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of PUP and PPP research


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    A number of countries have launched projects with a particular emphasis on using information technologies (IT) to provide electronic information and services to citizens and businesses. Through various IT, tremendous amount of electronic records in government agencies are created. These records and archives are the basis of knowledge management. Electronic records management (ERM) is a fast growing field throughout the last decades. Theoretical foundations for ERM have remained obscure from the research community. To map the intellectual structure of ERM research, this study identifies the high-impact articles as well as the correlations among these scholar publications. In this study, co-citation, co-word, association rule and cluster analysis techniques are used to investigate the intellectual pillars of the ERM literature. This study exposes researchers to a new way of profiling knowledge networks and their relationships the area of ERM, thereby helping academia and practitioners better understand contemporary studies. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of ERM research, provide a valuable tool for researchers to access ERM literature, and acts as an exemplary model for future researches


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    Regulating agency in government, i.e. regulator, must co-align its information systems (IS) planning strategy with executing agencies, i.e. executors, for better e-government performance. Using an established strategic co-alignment model, we analyze the mutual participating strategies between regulator and executors and examine the outcomes and performance associated with that co-alignment choice. After conducting a large-scale survey study of government agencies in Taiwan, the co-alignment relationship between e-government IS policy regulator and executor is examined. Based on the findings, we discuss their implications for e-government research and practice

    Primary Cardiac Lymphoma

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    Primary cardiac lymphoma (PCL) has rarely been reported in Chinese populations. PCL mostly occurs in the right atrium. The clinical manifestations may be variable and are attributed to its location, the presence of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, arrhythmia, and cardiomegaly. The prognosis is usually poor because it is usually found too late and therefore, clinicians should be aware of PCL. Imaging examinations are the best methods for initial diagnosis and include echocardiography, computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and radioisotope scan. However, the final diagnosis is made by pathology, such as cytologic examination of the effusive fluid and tissue biopsy. Because the tumors are difficult to resect, the main treatment for the disease is chemotherapy, which can be successful. Here, we report a 58-year-old man who had a tumor measuring 8 × 5 cm in the right atrium. By clinical staging, including chest X-ray, echocardiography, CT scan of the abdomen, MRI of the heart, whole body tumor Gallium scan, and gastrointestinal series, no metastatic lesion or involvement was found in other parts of the body. Pathologic findings including cytology of pericardial effusion and heart tumor biopsy revealed the case as a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. After chemotherapy with COP (cyclophosphamide + vincristine + prednisone) and CHOPBE (COP + doxorubicin + bleomycin + etoposide) regimens, the intracardiac tumor had disappeared, but the patient survived for 12 months in total, despite additional radiotherapy over the pericardial lesions. It was presumed that because the tumor was very large and involved all 3 layers of the heart, it did not respond as well to the therapy as expected