6,045 research outputs found

    An Experimental study of differences in reading photo books by presentation media: print vs. screen

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    As photography technology changes, the penetration of digital cameras is increasing, especially among young users. Compared to conventional camera users who print most of their images, digital camera users print about one-third of their digital images (PMA, 2009b, p. 10). Moreover, only 5 percent of camera phone users make photo prints (Henning, 2008, p. 4). One popular photo-finishing product is the photo book. The objective of this research was to determine whether people interacted differently with photographic content presented in print versus on screen. This research was focused on: 1. Time spent interacting with photo books. 2. Differences of recall and recognition by presentation modality. 3. Choices of medium preference. An experimental study was administered at RIT with 64 participants. Half were shown the printed book, and half were shown the PDF displayed on a computer monitor. The results showed that: 1. The average time spent interacting with the book was approximately 5 minutes for both printed book and screen views. There were no differences in the amount of time spent interacting with photographic content presented in print versus on screen. 2. There were no differences in how much participants remembered with photographic content presented on print versus on screen. 3. Overall, 74 percent of participants preferred to keep the printed book. However, relatively more participants selected the PDF when shown a PDF, even though the majority of participants overall selected the book

    Critical behaviors near the (tri-)critical end point of QCD within the NJL model

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    We investigate the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite density and temperature within the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, and mainly focus on the critical behaviors near the critical end point (CEP) and tricritical point (TCP) of quantum chromodynamics. The multi-solution region of the Nambu and Wigner ones is determined in the phase diagram for the massive and massless current quark, respectively. We use the various susceptibilities to locate the CEP/TCP and then extract the critical exponents near them. Our calculations reveal that the various susceptibilities share the same critical behaviors for the physical current quark mass, while they show different features in the chiral limit

    Parametric well-posedness for variational inequalities defined by bifunctions

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    AbstractIn this paper we introduce the concepts of parametric well-posedness for Stampacchia and Minty variational inequalities defined by bifunctions. We establish some metric characterizations of parametric well-posedness. Under suitable conditions, we prove that the parametric well-posedness is equivalent to the existence and uniqueness of solutions to these variational inequalities
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