37 research outputs found

    Distributed Pruning Towards Tiny Neural Networks in Federated Learning

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    Neural network pruning is an essential technique for reducing the size and complexity of deep neural networks, enabling large-scale models on devices with limited resources. However, existing pruning approaches heavily rely on training data for guiding the pruning strategies, making them ineffective for federated learning over distributed and confidential datasets. Additionally, the memory- and computation-intensive pruning process becomes infeasible for recourse-constrained devices in federated learning. To address these challenges, we propose FedTiny, a distributed pruning framework for federated learning that generates specialized tiny models for memory- and computing-constrained devices. We introduce two key modules in FedTiny to adaptively search coarse- and finer-pruned specialized models to fit deployment scenarios with sparse and cheap local computation. First, an adaptive batch normalization selection module is designed to mitigate biases in pruning caused by the heterogeneity of local data. Second, a lightweight progressive pruning module aims to finer prune the models under strict memory and computational budgets, allowing the pruning policy for each layer to be gradually determined rather than evaluating the overall model structure. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FedTiny, which outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, particularly when compressing deep models to extremely sparse tiny models. FedTiny achieves an accuracy improvement of 2.61% while significantly reducing the computational cost by 95.91% and the memory footprint by 94.01% compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: This paper has been accepted to ICDCS 202

    DOMINO++: Domain-aware Loss Regularization for Deep Learning Generalizability

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization poses a serious challenge for modern deep learning (DL). OOD data consists of test data that is significantly different from the model's training data. DL models that perform well on in-domain test data could struggle on OOD data. Overcoming this discrepancy is essential to the reliable deployment of DL. Proper model calibration decreases the number of spurious connections that are made between model features and class outputs. Hence, calibrated DL can improve OOD generalization by only learning features that are truly indicative of the respective classes. Previous work proposed domain-aware model calibration (DOMINO) to improve DL calibration, but it lacks designs for model generalizability to OOD data. In this work, we propose DOMINO++, a dual-guidance and dynamic domain-aware loss regularization focused on OOD generalizability. DOMINO++ integrates expert-guided and data-guided knowledge in its regularization. Unlike DOMINO which imposed a fixed scaling and regularization rate, DOMINO++ designs a dynamic scaling factor and an adaptive regularization rate. Comprehensive evaluations compare DOMINO++ with DOMINO and the baseline model for head tissue segmentation from magnetic resonance images (MRIs) on OOD data. The OOD data consists of synthetic noisy and rotated datasets, as well as real data using a different MRI scanner from a separate site. DOMINO++'s superior performance demonstrates its potential to improve the trustworthy deployment of DL on real clinical data.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, Accepted by the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 202