49 research outputs found

    Generalizable Neural Voxels for Fast Human Radiance Fields

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    Rendering moving human bodies at free viewpoints only from a monocular video is quite a challenging problem. The information is too sparse to model complicated human body structures and motions from both view and pose dimensions. Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have shown great power in novel view synthesis and have been applied to human body rendering. However, most current NeRF-based methods bear huge costs for both training and rendering, which impedes the wide applications in real-life scenarios. In this paper, we propose a rendering framework that can learn moving human body structures extremely quickly from a monocular video. The framework is built by integrating both neural fields and neural voxels. Especially, a set of generalizable neural voxels are constructed. With pretrained on various human bodies, these general voxels represent a basic skeleton and can provide strong geometric priors. For the fine-tuning process, individual voxels are constructed for learning differential textures, complementary to general voxels. Thus learning a novel body can be further accelerated, taking only a few minutes. Our method shows significantly higher training efficiency compared with previous methods, while maintaining similar rendering quality. The project page is at https://taoranyi.com/gneuvox .Comment: Project page: http://taoranyi.com/gneuvo

    Fast High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes

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    Neural Radiances Fields (NeRF) and their extensions have shown great success in representing 3D scenes and synthesizing novel-view images. However, most NeRF methods take in low-dynamic-range (LDR) images, which may lose details, especially with nonuniform illumination. Some previous NeRF methods attempt to introduce high-dynamic-range (HDR) techniques but mainly target static scenes. To extend HDR NeRF methods to wider applications, we propose a dynamic HDR NeRF framework, named HDR-HexPlane, which can learn 3D scenes from dynamic 2D images captured with various exposures. A learnable exposure mapping function is constructed to obtain adaptive exposure values for each image. Based on the monotonically increasing prior, a camera response function is designed for stable learning. With the proposed model, high-quality novel-view images at any time point can be rendered with any desired exposure. We further construct a dataset containing multiple dynamic scenes captured with diverse exposures for evaluation. All the datasets and code are available at \url{https://guanjunwu.github.io/HDR-HexPlane/}.Comment: 3DV 2024. Project page: https://guanjunwu.github.io/HDR-HexPlan

    GaussianEditor: Editing 3D Gaussians Delicately with Text Instructions

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    Recently, impressive results have been achieved in 3D scene editing with text instructions based on a 2D diffusion model. However, current diffusion models primarily generate images by predicting noise in the latent space, and the editing is usually applied to the whole image, which makes it challenging to perform delicate, especially localized, editing for 3D scenes. Inspired by recent 3D Gaussian splatting, we propose a systematic framework, named GaussianEditor, to edit 3D scenes delicately via 3D Gaussians with text instructions. Benefiting from the explicit property of 3D Gaussians, we design a series of techniques to achieve delicate editing. Specifically, we first extract the region of interest (RoI) corresponding to the text instruction, aligning it to 3D Gaussians. The Gaussian RoI is further used to control the editing process. Our framework can achieve more delicate and precise editing of 3D scenes than previous methods while enjoying much faster training speed, i.e. within 20 minutes on a single V100 GPU, more than twice as fast as Instruct-NeRF2NeRF (45 minutes -- 2 hours).Comment: Project page: https://GaussianEditor.github.i

    Segment Anything in 3D with NeRFs

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    The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated its effectiveness in segmenting any object/part in various 2D images, yet its ability for 3D has not been fully explored. The real world is composed of numerous 3D scenes and objects. Due to the scarcity of accessible 3D data and high cost of its acquisition and annotation, lifting SAM to 3D is a challenging but valuable research avenue. With this in mind, we propose a novel framework to Segment Anything in 3D, named SA3D. Given a neural radiance field (NeRF) model, SA3D allows users to obtain the 3D segmentation result of any target object via only one-shot manual prompting in a single rendered view. With input prompts, SAM cuts out the target object from the according view. The obtained 2D segmentation mask is projected onto 3D mask grids via density-guided inverse rendering. 2D masks from other views are then rendered, which are mostly uncompleted but used as cross-view self-prompts to be fed into SAM again. Complete masks can be obtained and projected onto mask grids. This procedure is executed via an iterative manner while accurate 3D masks can be finally learned. SA3D can adapt to various radiance fields effectively without any additional redesigning. The entire segmentation process can be completed in approximately two minutes without any engineering optimization. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SA3D in different scenes, highlighting the potential of SAM in 3D scene perception. The project page is at https://jumpat.github.io/SA3D/.Comment: Work in progress. Project page: https://jumpat.github.io/SA3D

    GaussianObject: Just Taking Four Images to Get A High-Quality 3D Object with Gaussian Splatting

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    Reconstructing and rendering 3D objects from highly sparse views is of critical importance for promoting applications of 3D vision techniques and improving user experience. However, images from sparse views only contain very limited 3D information, leading to two significant challenges: 1) Difficulty in building multi-view consistency as images for matching are too few; 2) Partially omitted or highly compressed object information as view coverage is insufficient. To tackle these challenges, we propose GaussianObject, a framework to represent and render the 3D object with Gaussian splatting, that achieves high rendering quality with only 4 input images. We first introduce techniques of visual hull and floater elimination which explicitly inject structure priors into the initial optimization process for helping build multi-view consistency, yielding a coarse 3D Gaussian representation. Then we construct a Gaussian repair model based on diffusion models to supplement the omitted object information, where Gaussians are further refined. We design a self-generating strategy to obtain image pairs for training the repair model. Our GaussianObject is evaluated on several challenging datasets, including MipNeRF360, OmniObject3D, and OpenIllumination, achieving strong reconstruction results from only 4 views and significantly outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Project page: https://gaussianobject.github.io