15,688 research outputs found

    Triangular bases in quantum cluster algebras and monoidal categorification conjectures

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    We consider the quantum cluster algebras which are injective-reachable and introduce a triangular basis in every seed. We prove that, under some initial conditions, there exists a unique common triangular basis with respect to all seeds. This basis is parametrized by tropical points as expected in the Fock-Goncharov conjecture. As an application, we prove the existence of the common triangular bases for the quantum cluster algebras arising from representations of quantum affine algebras and partially for those arising from quantum unipotent subgroups. This result implies monoidal categorification conjectures of Hernandez-Leclerc and Fomin-Zelevinsky in the corresponding cases: all cluster monomials correspond to simple modules.Comment: 93 pages; minor corrections, Definition 6.1.1 and Lemma 6.4.2 update

    Quantum groups via cyclic quiver varieties I

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    We construct the quantized enveloping algebra of any simple Lie algebra of type ADE as the quotient of a Grothendieck ring arising from certain cyclic quiver varieties. In particular, the dual canonical basis of a one-half quantum group with respect to Lusztig's bilinear form is contained in the natural basis of the Grothendieck ring up to rescaling. This paper expands the categorification established by Hernandez and Leclerc to the whole quantum groups. It can be viewed as a geometric counterpart of Bridgeland's recent work for type ADE.Comment: 34 pages, Example 3.2.3 added, clarification and corrections made following the referee's suggestion

    Compare triangular bases of acyclic quantum cluster algebras

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    Given a quantum cluster algebra, we show that its triangular bases defined by Berenstein and Zelevinsky and those defined by the author are the same for the seeds associated with acyclic quivers. This result implies that the Berenstein-Zelevinsky's basis contains all the quantum cluster monomials. We also give an easy proof that the two bases are the same for the seeds associated with bipartite skew-symmetrizable matrices.Comment: 18 pages; minor correction; the proof of Lemma 3.2.1 correcte

    Husimi operator and Husimi function for describing electron's probability distribution in uniform magnetic field derived by virtue of the entangled state representation

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    For the first time we introduce the Husimi operator Delta_h(gamma,varepsilon;kappa) for studying Husimi distribution in phase space(gamma,varepsilon) for electron's states in uniform magnetic field, where kappa is the Gaussian spatial width parameter. Using the Wigner operator in the entangled state |lambda> representation [Hong-Yi Fan, Phys. Lett. A 301 (2002)153; A 126 (1987) 145) we find that Delta_h(gamma,varepsilon;kappa) is just a pure squeezed coherent state density operator |gamma,varepsilon>_kappa kappa<gamma,varepsilon|, which brings convenience for studying and calculating the Husimi distribution. We in many ways demonstrate that the Husimi distributions are Gaussian-broadened version of the Wigner distributions. Throughout our calculation we have fully employed the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators.Comment: 15page

    Further factorization of xn1x^n-1 over a finite field

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    Let Fq\Bbb F_q be a finite field with qq elements and nn a positive integer. Mart\'inez, Vergara and Oliveira \cite{MVO} explicitly factorized xn1x^{n} - 1 over Fq\Bbb F_q under the condition of rad(n)(q1)rad(n)|(q-1). In this paper, suppose that rad(n)(q1)rad(n)\nmid (q-1) and rad(n)(qw1)rad(n)|(q^w-1), where ww is a prime, we explicitly factorize xn1x^{n}-1 into irreducible factors in Fq[x]\Bbb F_q[x] and count the number of its irreducible factors

    The Highest Dimensional Stochastic Blockmodel with a Regularized Estimator

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    In the high dimensional Stochastic Blockmodel for a random network, the number of clusters (or blocks) K grows with the number of nodes N. Two previous studies have examined the statistical estimation performance of spectral clustering and the maximum likelihood estimator under the high dimensional model; neither of these results allow K to grow faster than N^{1/2}. We study a model where, ignoring log terms, K can grow proportionally to N. Since the number of clusters must be smaller than the number of nodes, no reasonable model allows K to grow faster; thus, our asymptotic results are the "highest" dimensional. To push the asymptotic setting to this extreme, we make additional assumptions that are motivated by empirical observations in physical anthropology (Dunbar, 1992), and an in depth study of massive empirical networks (Leskovec et al 2008). Furthermore, we develop a regularized maximum likelihood estimator that leverages these insights and we prove that, under certain conditions, the proportion of nodes that the regularized estimator misclusters converges to zero. This is the first paper to explicitly introduce and demonstrate the advantages of statistical regularization in a parametric form for network analysis

    Faster Convergence of a Randomized Coordinate Descent Method for Linearly Constrained Optimization Problems

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    The problem of minimizing a separable convex function under linearly coupled constraints arises from various application domains such as economic systems, distributed control, and network flow. The main challenge for solving this problem is that the size of data is very large, which makes usual gradient-based methods infeasible. Recently, Necoara, Nesterov, and Glineur [Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 173 (2017) 227-2254] proposed an efficient randomized coordinate descent method to solve this type of optimization problems and presented an appealing convergence analysis. In this paper, we develop new techniques to analyze the convergence of such algorithms, which are able to greatly improve the results presented there. This refined result is achieved by extending Nesterov's second technique developed by Nesterov [SIAM J. Optim. 22 (2012) 341-362] to the general optimization problems with linearly coupled constraints. A novel technique in our analysis is to establish the basis vectors for the subspace of the linearly constraints

    Moment estimates and applications for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion with irregular drifts

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    In this paper, high-order moment, even exponential moment, estimates are established for the H\"older norm of solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion whose drifts are measurable and have linear growth. As applications, we first study the weak uniqueness of solutions to fractional stochastic differential equations. Moreover, combining our estimates and the Fourier transform, we establish the existence of density of solutions to equations with irregular drifts.Comment: 25 page

    Experimental consequences of pzp_z-wave spin triplet superconductivity in A2_2Cr3_3As3_3

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    The experimental observable properties of the triplet pzp_z-wave pairing state, proposed by Wu {\em et al.} [arXiv:1503.06707] in quasi-one dimensional A2_2Cr3_3As3_3 materials, are theoretically investigated. This pairing state is characterized by the line nodes on the kz=0k_z=0 plane on the Fermi surfaces. Based on the three-band tight binding model, we obtain the specific heat, superfluid density, Knight shift and spin relaxation rate and find that all these properties at low temperature (TTcT\ll T_c) show powerlaw behaviors and are consistent available experiments. Particularly, the superfluid density determined by the pzp_z-wave pairing state in this quasi-one dimensional system is anisotropic: the in-plane superfluid density varies as ΔρT\Delta\rho_{\parallel}\sim T but the out-plane one varies as ΔρT3\Delta\rho_{\perp}\sim T^3 at low temperature. The anisotropic upper critical field reported in experiment is consistent with the Sz=0S_z=0 (i.e., (+)(\uparrow\downarrow+\downarrow\uparrow)) pzp_z-wave pairing state. We also suggest the phase-sensitive dc-SQUID measurements to pin down the triplet pzp_z-wave pairing state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, + supplemental materials, Fig.3 is update

    Finite-time scaling of dynamic quantum criticality

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    We develop a theory of finite-time scaling for dynamic quantum criticality by considering the competition among an external time scale, an intrinsic reaction time scale and an imaginary time scale arising respectively from an external driving field, the fluctuations of the competing orders and thermal fluctuations. Through a successful application in determining the critical properties at zero temperature and the solution of real-time Lindblad master equation near a quantum critical point at nonzero temperatures, we show that finite-time scaling offers not only an amenable and systematic approach to detect the dynamic critical properties, but also a unified framework to understand and explore nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum criticality, which shows specificities for open systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure