12 research outputs found

    Дослідження особливостей живлення Philonthus decorus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) у лабораторних умовах

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    Biological features and biotopical distribution of Philonthus decorus (Gravenhorst, 1802) have been studied. Diet spectrum and enemies list have been fixed. Parameters of optimal captive conditions for Ph. decorus are described.Вивчено біологічні особливості та біотопічний розподіл Ph. decorus (Gravenhorst, 1802). Досліджено спектр живлення та коло ворогів даного виду. Охарактеризовано показники оптимальних умов утримання філонтусів у лабораторних умовах.Вивчено біологічні особливості та біотопічний розподіл Ph. decorus (Gravenhorst, 1802). Досліджено спектр живлення та коло ворогів даного виду. Охарактеризовано показники оптимальних умов утримання філонтусів у лабораторних умовах

    Prospect of a method of infected wound healing with a help of Calliphoridae blowfly screwworms

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    Complex assessment of possibilities of infected wound healing with a help of screwworms of blowfly of the family Calliphoridae in the hospitals of Ukraineis offered. On the basis of available data the mechanism of therapeutic action is shown, and the medicinal properties of substances containing in the secretions and excretions of the blowfly screwworms are described. The gist of the treatment method and traits of the blowfly cultivation in a laboratory are highlighted. The quality standards for specialized biological laboratories are presented. The proposed wound healing method is proved as promising

    Sensitivity of non-target groups of invertebrates to cypermethrin

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    Agrogenic pollution with pyrethroid insecticides has been impacting the structure of populations of terrestrial invertebrates, causing decline in their taxonomic diversity and tolerance to critical values of environmental factors. In a laboratory experiment, we evaluated the sensitivity of 46 non-target invertebrate species to cypermethrin. In most examined species, we observed correlation between the body parameters (length and weight of body) and tolerance to this insecticide. We determined that the greater body size of the invertebrates, the better their tolerance to cypermethrin. Differences in LD50 were the highest for groups of invertebrates with the body weight of 1.0–3.9 mg (1.9 ± 0.5 g/ha) and 16.0–63.9 mg (16.4 ± 3.2 g/ha). We observed a relashionship between the trophic specialization and sensitivity to the insecticide in phytophages and zoophages. Average LD50 values for phytophages were 2.1 ± 0.5 g/ha, much lower than for zoophages – 15.6 ± 3.3 g/ha. Among zoophages, the greatest tolerance to cypermethrin was demonstrated by ground beetles Carabus coriaceus L., Pterostichus niger (Schall.), P. melanarius (Ill.), Pseudoophonus rufipes (De Geer), and earwigs Forficula auricularia L. Analysis of various taxonomic groups of insects revealed the parameter to be 24.00 ± 4.66 for Carabidae, 8.60 ± 2.72 for Formicidae, and 0.23 ± 0.08 for Staphylinidae. Among the taxonomic groups we studied, the most sensitive to cypermethrin (LD50 = 0.002–0.99 g/ha) were Philonthus decorus (0.0029), Ph. rectangulus (0.0035), Ophonus rufibarbis (0.121), Oxytelus sculptus (0.124), Myrmica ruginodis (0.39), Aleochara lanuginosa (0.49), Carabus granulatus (0.51), Oxythyrea funesta (0.52), Tachinus signatus (0.55), Cixiidae sp. (0.56), Lygus pratensis (0.56), Carabus convexus (0.71), and C. hortensis (0.83). Lower sensitivity to cypermethrin (LD50 = 1.00–9.99 g/ha) was seen in Lasius fuliginosus (1.05), Pyrrhocoris apterus (1.28), Chortippus sp. 2 (1.96), Rhyparochromus phoeniceus (2.24), Phosphuga atrata (2.25), Chironomus plumosus (2.58), Labia minor (2.86), Graphosoma italicum (2.86), Hister fenestus (3.39), Cylindroiulus truncorum (3.61), Opilio saxatilis (3.71), Chortippus sp. 1 (3.94), Epaphius secalis (4.54), Lasius niger (4.77), Silpha carinata (4.84), Aphodius foetens (4.94), Porcellio laevis (5.68), Coreus marginatus (6.50), Leistus ferrugineus (7.39), and Lasius alienus (9.73). The most tolerant to cypermethrin (LD50 = 10.00–108.00 g/ha) were Calathus fuscipes (12.14), Limodromus assimilis (12.22), Trochosa terricola (12.55), Lithobius forficatus (13.98), Calathus ambiguus (20.85), Nebria brevicollis (23.20), Ponera coarctata (27.04), Megaphyllum sp. (29.01), Pseudoophonus rufipes (41.75), Pterostichus melanarius (45.78), P. niger (58.29), Forficula auricularia (80.57), and Carabus coriaceus (107.71). The differences we found in tolerance to cypermethrin ranged 100,000 times. This evidences the necessity of further research of taxonomic differences in tolerance of invertebrates to cypermethrin

    Staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of Ukrainian metropolises

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    During hundreds of years, in large cities man has been forming a specific urban environment with original species composition of insect communities, including the most diverse group of predatory beetles – Staphylinidae family. Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro are the three most populated cities of Ukraine. In the urban cenoses of these cities, over 140 species from 66 genera of Staphylinidae have been recorded. The total of 69 species (43 genera) were recorded in Kyiv, 67 (39 genera) in Dnipro and 66 (37 genera) in Kharkiv. Among them, , eight species in the catalogue of Palearctic staphylinds had not been previously recorded for Ukraine: Arpedium quadrum Grav., Atheta laticeps Thomson, Medon apicalis Kraatz, Ocalea rivularis Müll., Philonthus salinus Kiesenwetter, Quedius invreae Gridelli, Tasgius pedator Grav. and Xantholinus gallicus Coiffait. By number, common species accounted for 29 in Dnipro, 21 in Kyiv and 19 in Kharkiv. In all the metropolises, two species (Staphylinus caesareus Cederhjelm and Drusilla canaliculata (F.)) were identified as eudominants. Dominants and subdominants comprised 18–25 species. Almost two thirds of the fauna of staphylinids of the cities was classified as rare species. The lowest faunistic similarity was seen between the staphylinids of the urban cenoses of Dnipro and those in Kyiv and Kharkiv (15.3% and 17.5%), similarity was higher for Staphylinidae of Kyiv and Kharkiv (36.0%). Similarity by common species of staphylinids for Kyiv and Kharkiv equaled 73.9%, 28.2% for Dnipro and Kyiv and 37.1% for Dnipro and Kharkiv. The article offers a review of species diversity, number and ecological structure (biotopic confinedness, hygrothermal preference) of typical species of staphylinids in different urban cenoses of Kharkiv. Differences in qualitative-quantitative and ecological structures of staphylinids are related to the diversity of the conditions in a particular urban cenoses. The commonest representatives of the family in the metropolises were polytopic mesophilous carnivorous species

    Coprophilous road beetles of the genus Philonthus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) as a reservoir host of nematodes of suborders Strongylata and Rhabditata

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    Підтверджено несприятливу епізоотичну ситуацію щодо гельмінтозів великої рогатої худоби у с. Андріївка Новомосковського району Дніпропетровської області. Виявлено сім видів нематод, які належать до родів Strongуloides, Dictyocaulus, Bunostomum, Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, Chabertia, Nematodirus. Доведено, що личинки окремих видів гельмінтів підрядів Strongylata та Rhabditata використовують як транзитних резервуарних хазяїв копрофільних стафілінід роду Philonthus Curt.Подтверждено неблагоприятную эпизоотической ситуации по гельминтозов крупного рогатого скота в с. Андреевка Новомосковского района Днепропетровской области. Выявлено семь видов нематод, которые относятся к родам Strongуloides, Dictyocaulus, Bunostomum, Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, Chabertia, Nematodirus. Доказано, что личинки отдельных видов гельминтов подрядов Strongylata и Rhabditata используют как транзитных резервуарных хозяев копрофильних стафилинид рода Philonthus Curt.It has been confirmed the untoward epizootic condition concerning helminthiasis of the cattle in village of Andreevka (Novomoskovsk district, Dnipropetrovsk province). Seven nematode species of the genera Strongуloides, Dictyocaulus, Bunostomum, Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, Chabertia and Nematodirus were determined. It has been proved that the larvae of some species of suborders Strongylata and Rhabditata used the coprophilous road beetles (genus Philonthus Curt) as a transit reservoir host

    Пластичність морфометричних ознак Calliphora vicina (Diptera, Calliphoridae) у постійних і мінливих температурних умовах культивування

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    Variability of the main morphometric features of imago flies Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of two samples was studied. First sample consists of individuals caught in the wild (park ecosystems of Dnipropetrovsk), the second one – specimens cultured in the laboratory under the constant temperature and humidity. Possible using of C. vicina R.-D. as a bioindicator of anthropogenic factors is analysed. Environmental factors may act as the stimulators of adaptive changes in physiological functions, as the constraints that cause impossibility of the existence of certain species in particular conditions, and as modifiers that determine the morpho- anatomical and physiological changes in organisms. The most significant differences between studied samples were found for the width (“laboratory” individuals are characterized by larger head size) and for the length of limbs segments. The fluctuating range of the head width in specimens collected in the wild is much wider, due to the heterogeneity of the micro-climatic conditions of the larvae development and trophic resources. Maximal negative asymmetry of the head width is observed in individuals C. vicina R.-D. of the “natural” sample as compared with “laboratory” individuals. Among imagoes caught in the wild the individuals with a relatively wide head are dominated, as evidenced by the large positive value of kurtosis. At the same time, the distribution of values in “laboratory” individuals is almost normal. In adults bred in the laboratory the shortening of segments of the leg pair I is observed in comparison with the individuals of “natural” sample. Similar results were recorded for other insect groups cultivated in a laboratory. For most other linear measurements of the C. vicina R.-D. body the differences between samples are not registered. Ephemeral existence of the substrate of blow flies leads to higher prevailing evolutionary adaptation of species to varying micro-climatic conditions inside cadaveric material. A minor variation of morphometric characteristics indicates the resistance to changes in abiotic environmental factors. Thus, use of Calliphora vicina R.-D. (in the temperature range of +17…+28 °C) as an indicator species of changes in the environmental temperature factor is not appropriate.Досліджено мінливість основних морфометричних ознак імаго мух Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) із двох вибірок (n = 33). Перша вибірка – особини, зібрані у природних умовах (паркові екосистеми м. Дніпропетровськ), друга – особини, культивовані у лабораторії при підтриманні постійної температури та вологості. Проаналізовано можливість використання Calliphora vicina R.-D. у біоіндикації антропогенних чинників на підставі результатів морфометричного аналізу. Найсуттєвіші відмінності між вибірками виявлено за шириною голови («лабораторні» особини характеризуються більш константними розмірами голови) та довжиною окремих сегментів кінцівок. В імаго, виведених у постійних умовах, спостерігається вкорочення сегментів I пари ніг порівняно з особинами «природної» вибірки. За більшістю інших лінійних промірів тіла Calliphora vicina R.-D. відмінності між вибірками не реєструються. Незначна мінливість морфометричних характеристик вказує на еволюційно зумовлену стійкість виду до зміни абіотичних факторів середовища. Тому використовувати Calliphora vicina R-D. (за умов розвитку в температурному діапазоні +17…+28 °С) як вид – індикатор зміни температурного фактора довкілля не доцільно. Досліджено мінливість основних морфометричних ознак імаго мух Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) із двох вибірок (n = 33). Перша вибірка – особини, зібрані у природних умовах (паркові екосистеми м. Дніпропетровськ), друга – особини, культивовані у лабораторії при підтриманні постійної температури та вологості. Проаналізовано можливість використання Calliphora vicina R.-D. у біоіндикації антропогенних чинників на підставі результатів морфометричного аналізу. Найсуттєвіші відмінності між вибірками виявлено за шириною голови («лабораторні» особини характеризуються більш константними розмірами голови) та довжиною окремих сегментів кінцівок. В імаго, виведених у постійних умовах, спостерігається вкорочення сегментів I пари ніг порівняно з особинами «природної» вибірки. За більшістю інших лінійних промірів тіла Calliphora vicina R.-D. відмінності між вибірками не реєструються. Незначна мінливість морфометричних характеристик вказує на еволюційно зумовлену стійкість виду до зміни абіотичних факторів середовища. Тому використовувати Calliphora vicina R-D. (за умов розвитку в температурному діапазоні +17…+28 °С) як вид – індикатор зміни температурного фактора довкілля не доцільно.

    Influence of the herbaceous layer and litter depth on the spatial distribution of litter macrofauna in a forest plantation

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    The litter invertebrate community consists of species from different size, trophic and taxonomic groups. The distribution of the animal population of the litter horizon depends upon many factors, especially the content of the phytocoenosis, the projective herbaceous plant cover, moisture, litter thickness and the soil texture. This article analyses the variability of the main characteristics of litter invertebrate communities (total number, number of species, diversity according to the Shannon–Wiener and Pielou indices) on plots with different herbaceous plant composition and cover in plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the South steppe zone of Ukraine (territory of the “Tiligulsky” Regional Landscape Park). The taxonomic structure of the litter communities in the Robinia plantation was dominated by predatory groups of invertebrates (Carabidae, Aranea, Formicidae). The abundance of Julidae, Isopoda, Silphidae and Staphylinidae was relatively low. The studied forest plots were characterized by the simplified size structure of the litter macrofauna. The absence of species with body length of 16–20 mm and length over 20 mm indicates damage to the most significant trophic chains. The forest belt studied is in a highly disturbed condition, the plots being dominated by steppe species of herbaceous plants. The analyzed factors (diversity and extent of cover of herbaceous plants) do not determine the structure of the litter macrofauna community but affect it indirectly: a slight increase in the total number of invertebrates was observed in areas with minimal and maximum number of species of herbaceous plants. The relationship between the abundance of invertebrates and the percentage of herbaceous plant cover is manifested insignificantly. We noted a tendency for the number of invertebrate species to decrease along the gradient of herbaceous plant cover due to the concentration of dominant predatory species which exterminate other trophic groups of macrofauna.The litter invertebrate community consists of species from different size, trophic and taxonomic groups. The distribution of the animal population of the litter horizon depends upon many factors, especially the content of the phytocoenosis, the projective herbaceous plant cover, moisture, litter thickness and the soil texture. This article analyses the variability of the main characteristics of litter invertebrate communities (total number, number of species, diversity according to the Shannon–Wiener and Pielou indices) on plots with different herbaceous plant composition and cover in plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the South steppe zone of Ukraine (territory of the “Tiligulsky” Regional Landscape Park). The taxonomic structure of the litter communities in the Robinia plantation was dominated by predatory groups of invertebrates (Carabidae, Aranea, Formicidae). The abundance of Julidae, Isopoda, Silphidae and Staphylinidae was relatively low. The studied forest plots were characterized by the simplified size structure of the litter macrofauna. The absence of species with body length of 16–20 mm and length over 20 mm indicates damage to the most significant trophic chains. The forest belt studied is in a highly disturbed condition, the plots being dominated by steppe species of herbaceous plants. The analyzed factors (diversity and extent of cover of herbaceous plants) do not determine the structure of the litter macrofauna community but affect it indirectly: a slight increase in the total number of invertebrates was observed in areas with minimal and maximum number of species of herbaceous plants. The relationship between the abundance of invertebrates and the percentage of herbaceous plant cover is manifested insignificantly. We noted a tendency for the number of invertebrate species to decrease along the gradient of herbaceous plant cover due to the concentration of dominant predatory species which exterminate other trophic groups of macrofauna.The litter invertebrate community consists of species from different size, trophic and taxonomic groups. The distribution of the animal population of the litter horizon depends upon many factors, especially the content of the phytocoenosis, the projective herbaceous plant cover, moisture, litter thickness and the soil texture. This article analyses the variability of the main characteristics of litter invertebrate communities (total number, number of species, diversity according to the Shannon–Wiener and Pielou indices) on plots with different herbaceous plant composition and cover in plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the South steppe zone of Ukraine (territory of the “Tiligulsky” Regional Landscape Park). The taxonomic structure of the litter communities in the Robinia plantation was dominated by predatory groups of invertebrates (Carabidae, Aranea, Formicidae). The abundance of Julidae, Isopoda, Silphidae and Staphylinidae was relatively low. The studied forest plots were characterized by the simplified size structure of the litter macrofauna. The absence of species with body length of 16–20 mm and length over 20 mm indicates damage to the most significant trophic chains. The forest belt studied is in a highly disturbed condition, the plots being dominated by steppe species of herbaceous plants. The analyzed factors (diversity and extent of cover of herbaceous plants) do not determine the structure of the litter macrofauna community but affect it indirectly: a slight increase in the total number of invertebrates was observed in areas with minimal and maximum number of species of herbaceous plants. The relationship between the abundance of invertebrates and the percentage of herbaceous plant cover is manifested insignificantly. We noted a tendency for the number of invertebrate species to decrease along the gradient of herbaceous plant cover due to the concentration of dominant predatory species which exterminate other trophic groups of macrofauna

    Різноманіття угруповань герпетобію балки тунельна м. Дніпропетровськ

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    Species community of invertebrates in 10 antropogenically transformed ecosystems on the territory of Tunel’na gully (south-west part of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) is investigated. The plant cover of sample areas is shortly described. Taxonomic and ecomorphical structure, indices of biological diversity of litter invertebrate communities are analysed. The invertebrate species inhabited the Tunel’na gully and listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and Dnepropetrovsk province are described. The value of the inspected territory for the conservation of rare and endangered animal species is underlined. The creation of new nature protected reservation in the Tunel’na gully is proposedИсследован видовой состав фауны подстилочных безпозвоночных 10 антропогенно трансфор­мированных экосистем на территории балки Туннельная (юго-западная часть Днепропетровска, Украина). Кратко охарактеризован растительный покров пробных площадей, проанализированы таксономическая и экоморфическая структуры, индексы биологического разнообразия сообществ подстилочных беспозвоночных животных. Охарактеризованы виды беспозвоночных животных бал­ки Туннельная, занесенные в Красные книги Украины и Днепропетровской области. Подчеркивается ценность обследованной территории для охраны редких и исчезающих видов животных, предлагается создать на территории балки новый объект природно-заповедного фондаДосліджено видовий склад фауни підстилкових безхребетних 10 антропогенно трансформованих екосистем на території балки Тунельна (південно-західна частина Дніпропетровська, Україна). Коротко охарактеризовано рослинний покрив пробних ділянок, проаналізовано таксономічну та екоморфічну структури, індекси біологічного різноманіття угруповань підстилкових безхребетних тварин. Охарактеризовано види безхребетних тварин балки Тунельна, занесені до Червоних книг України та Дніпропетровської області. Підкреслюється цінність обстеженої території для охорони рідкісних і зникаючих видів тварин, пропонується створити та території балки новий об’єкт природ­но-заповідного фонд

    Ecology of zoophilic flies in livestock biocenoses of Ukraine

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    In modern animal husbandry of Ukraine, there are still some unresolved issues related to the high number of zoophilic flies in the territories of facilities and the spread of animal infectious and parasitic diseases. A detailed study of bioecological peculiarities of the dominant zoophilic fly species contributes to improving the effectiveness of measures to control ectoparasites. 27 zoophilic fly species have been found in animal breeding complexes. The maximum number of parasitic Diptera species was recorded on cattle-keeping premises. The biological properties of Neomyia cornicina (Fabricius, 1781) (size, shape, colour, duration of preimaginal phase development) were studied. Also, we studied the dynamics of the number and daily activity of dominant fly species (Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758, M. autumnalis De Geer, 1776, Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758)). When studying the intraspecies competition, a high-degree survival of M. domestica and M. autumnalis was determined in the conditions of critical nutritional deficiency (0.5 g of nutrient medium per larva) and increased density of individuals (the imago emergence was 38.6% and 34.0%, respectively). In similar maintenance conditions, the emergence of N. cornicina imago was low (14.6%). With a two-fold increase in the insectarium volume and in the amount of nutrient medium (1 g per larva), the imago emergence of M. domestica, M. autumnalis and N. cornicina increased to 64.0%, 39.2%, and 24.0%, respectively. With an even greater increase in the amount of nutrient medium (2 g per larva), the maximum emergence of imagoes of all the studied fly species was observed (M. domestica, M. autumnalis, and N. cornicina: 96.6%, 91.2% and 72.6%, respectively). In the conditions of interspecific competition, M. autumnalis suppressed N. cornicina even in conditions of a sufficient amount of nutrient substrate. In the competition between M. domestica and M. autumnalis, house fly dominated. Increasing the nutrient medium volume narrowed the gap between the competing species

    Distribution, bioecological peculiarities of staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in livestock biocenoses of forest-steppe and steppe Ukraine

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    As a result of research in the territory of livestock farms, 103 species of predatory Coleoptera were found, including Staphylinidae accounting for 51.4%, Histeridae – 27.3%, Carabidae – 21.3%. A total of 39 species of the Staphylinidae family were identified, belonging to 5 subfamilies: Oxytelinae, Steninae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae. Species composition of staphylinids varied in relation to the types of animal rearing premises. In cowsheds and calf pens species diversity was higher (35 species). To study the peculiarities of feeding in laboratory conditions, we monitored 9 species of Staphylinidae: Philonthus addendus Sharp, Ph. cruentatus (Gmel.), Ph. rectangulus Sharp, Ph. varians (Payk.), Ph. spinipes Sharp, Ph. nitidus F., Creophilus maxillosus (L.), Ontholestes murinus (L.), Oxytelus sp. Feeding specialization of imagoes and larvae of different ages was studied. We determined that the mass of food consumed per day is higher than the weight of the beetles. Large species of staphylinids prefer feeding on average-aged larvae of flies and can eat puparia. Peculiarities of the development of coprophilous staphylinids were studied on the example of Ph. spinipes Sharp. During 24 h a female laid 1–3 eggs (in +28°С). Duration of the egg phase depends on the temperature regime (in +20 °С – 4–5, +28 °С – 3–4 days). Cessation of egg laying was observed with decrease in the temperature to +14 °С. The development takes part in three larval stages. Duration of the larva phase at +28 °С was 8–10 days, at +20 °С – 13–14 days. The first moulting was observed on the 2–3th days (in +28 °С) after the larvae emerged from the eggs. At +28 °С the pupa phase lasted 8–10 days. Decrease in temperature prolonged the rate of the development. At +24 °С it practically did not change (9–10 days), at +18 °С – increased to 13–15 days