4 research outputs found

    Structurama: Bayesian Inference of Population Structure

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    Structurama is a program for inferring population structure. Specifically, the program calculates the posterior probability of assigning individuals to different populations. The program takes as input a file containing the allelic information at some number of loci sampled from a collection of individuals. After reading a data file into computer memory, Structurama uses a Gibbs algorithm to sample assignments of individuals to populations. The program implements four different models: The number of populations can be considered fixed or a random variable with a Dirichlet process prior; moreover, the genotypes of the individuals in the analysis can be considered to come from a single population (no admixture) or as coming from several different populations (admixture). The output is a file of partitions of individuals to populations that were sampled by the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The partitions are sampled in proportion to their posterior probabilities. The program implements a number of ways to summarize the sampled partitions, including calculation of the ‘mean’ partition—a partition of the individuals to populations that minimizes the squared distance to the sampled partitions

    Sex and virulence in Escherichia coli: an evolutionary perspective

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    Pathogenic Escherichia coli cause over 160 million cases of dysentery and one million deaths per year, whereas non-pathogenic E. coli constitute part of the normal intestinal flora of healthy mammals and birds. The evolutionary pathways underlying this dichotomy in bacterial lifestyle were investigated by multilocus sequence typing of a global collection of isolates. Specific pathogen types [enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, enteroinvasive E. coli, K1 and Shigella] have arisen independently and repeatedly in several lineages, whereas other lineages contain only few pathogens. Rates of evolution have accelerated in pathogenic lineages, culminating in highly virulent organisms whose genomic contents are altered frequently by increased rates of homologous recombination; thus, the evolution of virulence is linked to bacterial sex. This long-term pattern of evolution was observed in genes distributed throughout the genome, and thereby is the likely result of episodic selection for strains that can escape the host immune response