20 research outputs found

    Modeling Carne PRI supply chain with the *-Chain Platform

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    Certification of the origin of products and control over the production chain are fundamental activities that can make goods competitive. Therefore, it is of great interest to develop platforms that enable domain experts to build supply chain management systems with easy-to-use systems, providing integration with structures that can guarantee the certification of a certain good. This paper shows how the*-chain framework solves this problem. In particular, we represent the use case: "Pezzata Rossa" - Carne PRI supply chain.*-chain generates the related blockchain-based traceability system. The framework's tools generate a set of solidity smart contracts implementing the system and three web interfaces to interact with them

    Evolución del banco in vitro de germoplasma de mandioca (Manihot esculenta, Euphorbiaceae) de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UNNE y del Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (CONICET-UNNE) en tiempos prepandémicos y pandémicos por COVID-19

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    El funcionamiento normal de laboratorios de conservación de germoplasma vegetal involucra la realización de actividades numerosas y diversas, las cuales fueron afectadas por la pandemia causada por coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19). El objetivo de esta comunicación es realizar una reseña de la evolución del banco de germoplasma in vitro de mandioca presente en la FCA-UNNE e IBONE (CONICET-UNNE) y dar a conocer las prácticas de manejo habituales y los procedimientos realizados para preservar con vida el material vegetal protegiendo la salud del personal involucrado antes y durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Docentes, investigadores, alumnos de grado y posgrado llevaron adelante, durante casi 40 años, la conservación in vitro de 56 cultivares de mandioca provenientes de diferentes países. Previamente a marzo del año 2020, el manejo del banco estaba centrado principalmente en la ejecución de actividades científico-tecnológicas para la conservación del material y la búsqueda de parámetros para establecer un orden de subcultivos. Decretado el Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio en Argentina, se continuó con las actividades de conservación aplicando las prácticas usuales y siguiendo las medidas sanitarias de orden político-institucionales implementadas. Para afrontar los nuevos escenarios sanitarios, se deberán ajustar metodologías que sean eficaces para mantener la viabilidad del material vegetal y prolongar el tiempo de conservación

    [Familial papillary carcinoma of the thyroid: biogenetic identification and clinical assessment of 4 families].

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    The Authors report 9 patients who were affected by familial papillary carcinoma of thyroid These patients were members of 4 families and they were selected in a general group of 97 patients affected by papillary cancer of the thyroid who underwent surgery from 1991 to 1998. The 9 patients were 1st degree relatives: two sisters, two sisters, two sisters and three brothers. The clinical course was similar in patients whether familiar or sporadic group, but average age in first was 10 yrs lower than in the latter group. Functional cervical dissection was needed only one time by lymphatic metastasis. Observed survival was 100% (follow up 92-16 months) and no specific complication was reported. Thyreoglobulin value was less than normal in every patients. Ret linkage analysis was always performed and no rearrangement was found; in 4 patients APC gene was detected but it was never seen. Case studies are consistent with an autosomal dominant trait that shows an high penetrance if associated with a permissive codominant trait. The authors believe that are necessary further studies on this occurrence. In papillary thyroid cancer familiarity was observed in 9.6%, than authors propose that relatives of thyroid papillary cancer should be underwent to screening

    [Submandibulectomy in the treatment of pathology of the submandibular gland: our experience 1970-1995].

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    Submandibular gland excision is proposed in the treatment of neoplastic and non neoplastic diseases; this surgical procedure can be performed by transoral or transcervical approach. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that cervical approach must be preferred because it is safer and allows a wider exposition of the surgical field. From 1970 to June 1995, 54 patients (47 with chronic sialadenitis, 7 with benign tumors and 7 with malignant tumors) were submitted to excision of the submaxillary gland. Of the 54 resections performed, 2 were completed with "functional" cervical lymphadenectomy and 1 with Radical Neck Dissection in pts. with malignant neoplasms. There were no postoperative deaths; complications occurred in 1 patient (1/54 = 1.8%) as a iatrogenic permanent lesion of the maxillary branch of the facial nerve (in detail 0/47 patients with benign disease and 1/7 (14.7%) patients with malignant disease). The cervical approach for the resection of the submaxillary gland is preferred to the transoral approach for the lower risk of iatrogenic lesions of the lingual and hypoglossal nerves and the possibility of curative resections in case of malignant neoplasms. A regulated and experimented technique through the cervical approach also lowers the risk of a lesion of the maxillary branch of the facial nerve