49 research outputs found

    Frame (In)equivalence in Quantum Field Theory and Cosmology

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    We revisit the question of frame equivalence in Quantum Field Theory in the presence of gravity, a situation of relevance for theories aiming to describe the early Universe dynamics and Inflation in particular. We show that in those cases, the path integral measure must be carefully defined and that the requirement of diffeomorphism invariance forces it to depend non-trivially on the fields. As a consequence, the measure will transform also non-trivially between different frames and it will induce a new finite contribution to the Quantum Effective Action that we name frame discriminant. This new contribution must be taken into account in order to asses the dynamics and physical consequences of a given theory. We apply our result to scalar-tensor theories described in the Einstein and Jordan frame, where we find that the frame discriminant can be thought as inducing a scale-invariant regularization scheme in the Jordan frame.Comment: 33 pages, minor correction

    Background independent exact renormalisation

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    A geometric formulation of Wilson's exact renormalisation group is presented based on a gauge invariant ultraviolet regularisation scheme without the introduction of a background field. This allows for a manifestly background independent approach to quantum gravity and gauge theories in the continuum. The regularisation is a geometric variant of Slavnov's scheme consisting of a modified action, which suppresses high momentum modes, supplemented by Pauli-Villars determinants in the path integral measure. An exact renormalisation group flow equation for the Wilsonian effective action is derived by requiring that the path integral is invariant under a change in the cutoff scale while preserving quasi-locality. The renormalisation group flow is defined directly on the space of gauge invariant actions without the need to fix the gauge. We show that the one-loop beta function in Yang-Mills and the one-loop divergencies of General Relativity can be calculated without fixing the gauge. As a first non-perturbative application we find the form of the Yang-Mills beta function within a simple truncation of the Wilsonian effective action.Comment: 34 pages, v2: One reference added, minor modifications and typos fixe

    Black holes and asymptotically safe gravity

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    Quantum gravitational corrections to black holes are studied in four and higher dimensions using a renormalisation group improvement of the metric. The quantum effects are worked out in detail for asymptotically safe gravity, where the short distance physics is characterized by a non-trivial fixed point of the gravitational coupling. We find that a weakening of gravity implies a decrease of the event horizon, and the existence of a Planck-size black hole remnant with vanishing temperature and vanishing heat capacity. The absence of curvature singularities is generic and discussed together with the conformal structure and the Penrose diagram of asymptotically safe black holes. The production cross section of mini-black holes in energetic particle collisions, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider, is analysed within low-scale quantum gravity models. Quantum gravity corrections imply that cross sections display a threshold, are suppressed in the Planckian, and reproduce the semi-classical result in the deep trans-Planckian region. Further implications are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, Sec V G added to match published versio

    Essential Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    The non-perturbative renormalisation of quantum gravity is investigated allowing for the metric to be reparameterised along the RG flow such that only the essential couplings constants are renormalised. This allows us to identify a universality class of quantum gravity which is guaranteed to be unitary, since the physical degrees of freedom are those of General Relativity with a vanishing cosmological constant. Considering all diffeomorphism invariant operators with up to four derivatives, only Newton's constant is essential at the Gaussian infrared fixed point associated to perturbative gravity. The other inessential couplings can then be fixed to the values they take at the Gaussian fixed point along the RG flow. In the ultraviolet, the corresponding beta function for Newton's constant vanishes at the interacting Reuter fixed point. The properties of the Reuter fixed point are stable between the Einstein-Hilbert approximation and the approximation including all diffeomorphism invariant four derivative terms in the flow equation. Our results suggest that Newton's constant is the only relevant essential coupling at the Reuter fixed point. Therefore, we conjecture that Quantum Einstein Gravity, the ultraviolet completion of Einstein's theory of General Relativity in the asymptotic safety scenario, has no free parameters and in particular predicts a vanishing cosmological constant