402 research outputs found

    Search for genetic variants in the p66Shc longevity gene by PCR-single strand conformational polymorphism in patients with early-onset cardiovascular disease.

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    Background: Among the possible candidate genes for atherosclerosis experimental data point towards the longevity gene p66(Shc). The p66(Shc) gene determines an increase of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting the rate of oxidative damage to nucleic acids. Knock-out p66(Shc-/-) mice show reduction of systemic oxidative stress, as well as of plasma LDL oxidation, and reduced atherogenic lesions. Thus, p66(Shc) may play a pivotal role in controlling oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction in vivo. Methods: We searched for sequence variations in the p66(Shc) specific region of the Shc gene and its upstream promoter by PCR-SSCP in a selected group of early onset coronary artery disease ( CAD) subjects (n. 78, mean age 48.5 +/- 6 years) and in 93 long-living control subjects ( mean age 89 +/- 6 years). Results: The analysis revealed two variant bands. Sequencing of these variants showed two SNPs: -354T > C in the regulatory region of p66(Shc) locus and 92C > T in the p66 specific region (CH2). Both these variants have never been described before. The first substitution partially modifies the binding consensus sequence of the SpI transcription factor, and was detected only in two heterozygous carriers (1 CAD subjects and 1 control subject). The 92C > T substitution in the CH2 region consists in an amino acid substitution at codon 31 (proline to leucine, P31L), and was detected in heterozygous status only in one CAD subject. No subjects homozygous for the two newly described SNPs were found. Conclusion: Only two sequence variations in the p66(Shc) gene were observed in a total of 171 subjects, and only in heterozygotes. Our observations, in accordance to other studies, suggest that important variations in the p66(Shc) gene may be extremely rare and probably this gene is not involved in the genetic susceptibility to CAD

    Novel mutations in the WFS1 gene are associated with Wolfram syndrome and systemic inflammation

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    Mutations in the WFS1 gene, encoding wolframin (WFS1), cause endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and are associated with a rare autosomal-recessive disorder known as Wolfram syndrome (WS). WS is clinically characterized by childhood-onset diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, deafness, diabetes insipidus and neurological signs. We identified two novel WFS1 mutations in a patient with WS, namely, c.316-1G > A (in intron 3) and c.757A > T (in exon 7). Both mutations, located in the N-terminal region of the protein, were predicted to generate a truncated and inactive form of WFS1. We found that although the WFS1 protein was not expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of the proband, no constitutive ER stress activation could be detected in those cells. In contrast, WS proband's PBMCs produced very high levels of proinflammatory cytokines (i.e. TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in the absence of any stimulus. WFS1 silencing in PBMCs from control subjects by means of small RNA interference also induced a pronounced proinflammatory cytokine profile. The same cytokines were also significantly higher in sera from the WS patient as compared to matched healthy controls. Moreover, the chronic inflammatory state was associated with a dominance of proinflammatory T helper 17 (Th17)-type cells over regulatory T (Treg) lymphocytes in the WS PBMCs. The identification of a state of systemic chronic inflammation associated with WFS1 deficiency may pave the way to innovative and personalized therapeutic interventions in WS

    The risk stratification of adverse neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes (STRONG) study

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    Aims: To assess the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes (GDM) by identifying subgroups of women at higher risk to recognize the characteristics most associated with an excess of risk. Methods: Observational, retrospective, multicenter study involving consecutive women with GDM. To identify distinct and homogeneous subgroups of women at a higher risk, the RECursive Partitioning and AMalgamation (RECPAM) method was used. Overall, 2736 pregnancies complicated by GDM were analyzed. The main outcome measure was the occurrence of adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by GDM. Results: Among study participants (median age 36.8 years, pre-gestational BMI 24.8 kg/m2), six miscarriages, one neonatal death, but no maternal death was recorded. The occurrence of the cumulative adverse outcome (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.59–3.87), large for gestational age (OR 3.99, 95% CI 2.40–6.63), fetal malformation (OR 2.66, 95% CI 1.00–7.18), and respiratory distress (OR 4.33, 95% CI 1.33–14.12) was associated with previous macrosomia. Large for gestational age was also associated with obesity (OR 1.46, 95% CI 1.00–2.15). Small for gestational age was associated with first trimester glucose levels (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.04–3.69). Neonatal hypoglycemia was associated with overweight (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.02–2.27) and obesity (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.04–2.51). The RECPAM analysis identified high-risk subgroups mainly characterized by high pre-pregnancy BMI (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.21–2.33 for obese; OR 1.38 95% CI 1.03–1.87 for overweight). Conclusions: A deep investigation on the factors associated with adverse neonatal outcomes requires a risk stratification. In particular, great attention must be paid to the prevention and treatment of obesity

    Engagement of nuclear coactivator 7 by 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid enhances activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in immunoregulatory dendritic cells

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    Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) catalyzes the first step in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan (Trp) degradation that produces several biologically active Trp metabolites. L-kynurenine (Kyn), the first byproduct by IDO1, promotes immunoregulatory effects via activation of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) in dendritic cells (DCs) and T lymphocytes. We here identified the nuclear coactivator 7 (NCOA7) as a molecular target of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA), a Trp metabolite produced downstream of Kyn along the kynurenine pathway. In cells overexpressing NCOA7 and AhR, the presence of 3-HAA increased the association of the two molecules and enhanced Kyn-driven, AhR-dependent gene transcription. Physiologically, conventional (cDCs) but not plasmacytoid DCs or other immune cells expressed high levels of NCOA7. In cocultures of CD4+ T cells with cDCs, the co-addition of Kyn and 3-HAA significantly increased the induction of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and the production of immunosuppressive transforming growth factor β in an NCOA7-dependent fashion. Thus, the co-presence of NCOA7 and the Trp metabolite 3-HAA can selectively enhance the activation of ubiquitary AhR in cDCs and consequent immunoregulatory effects. Because NCOA7 is often overexpressed and/or mutated in tumor microenvironments, our current data may provide evidence for a new immune check-point mechanism based on Trp metabolism and AhR

    An Observational Cohort Study of the Kynurenine to Tryptophan Ratio in Sepsis: Association with Impaired Immune and Microvascular Function

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    Both endothelial and immune dysfunction contribute to the high mortality rate in human sepsis, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. In response to infection, interferon-γ activates indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) which metabolizes the essential amino acid tryptophan to the toxic metabolite kynurenine. IDO can be expressed in endothelial cells, hepatocytes and mononuclear leukocytes, all of which contribute to sepsis pathophysiology. Increased IDO activity (measured by the kynurenine to tryptophan [KT] ratio in plasma) causes T-cell apoptosis, vasodilation and nitric oxide synthase inhibition. We hypothesized that IDO activity in sepsis would be related to plasma interferon-γ, interleukin-10, T cell lymphopenia and impairment of microvascular reactivity, a measure of endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability. In an observational cohort study of 80 sepsis patients (50 severe and 30 non-severe) and 40 hospital controls, we determined the relationship between IDO activity (plasma KT ratio) and selected plasma cytokines, sepsis severity, nitric oxide-dependent microvascular reactivity and lymphocyte subsets in sepsis. Plasma amino acids were measured by high performance liquid chromatography and microvascular reactivity by peripheral arterial tonometry. The plasma KT ratio was increased in sepsis (median 141 [IQR 64–235]) compared to controls (36 [28–52]); p<0.0001), and correlated with plasma interferon-γ and interleukin-10, and inversely with total lymphocyte count, CD8+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes, systolic blood pressure and microvascular reactivity. In response to treatment of severe sepsis, the median KT ratio decreased from 162 [IQR 100–286] on day 0 to 89 [65–139] by day 7; p = 0.0006) and this decrease in KT ratio correlated with a decrease in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (p<0.0001). IDO-mediated tryptophan catabolism is associated with dysregulated immune responses and impaired microvascular reactivity in sepsis and may link these two fundamental processes in sepsis pathophysiology

    A microbially produced AhR ligand promotes a Tph1-driven tolerogenic program in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the central nervous system. While the significance of the gut microbiome on multiple sclerosis pathogenesis is established, the underlining mechanisms are unknown. We found that serum levels of the microbial postbiotic tryptophan metabolite indole-3-carboxaldehyde (3-IAld) inversely correlated with disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients. Much like the host-derived tryptophan derivative l-Kynurenine, 3-IAld would bind and activate the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR), which, in turn, controls endogenous tryptophan catabolic pathways. As a result, in peripheral lymph nodes, microbial 3-IAld, affected mast-cell tryptophan metabolism, forcing mast cells to produce serotonin via Tph1. We thus propose a protective role for AhR–mast-cell activation driven by the microbiome, whereby natural metabolites or postbiotics will have a physiological role in immune homeostasis and may act as therapeutic targets in autoimmune diseases

    Interferon-γ Regulates the Proliferation and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Activation of Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase (IDO)

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    The kynurenine pathway (KP) of tryptophan metabolism is linked to antimicrobial activity and modulation of immune responses but its role in stem cell biology is unknown. We show that human and mouse mesenchymal and neural stem cells (MSCs and NSCs) express the complete KP, including indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase 1 (IDO) and IDO2, that it is highly regulated by type I (IFN-β) and II interferons (IFN-γ), and that its transcriptional modulation depends on the type of interferon, cell type and species. IFN-γ inhibited proliferation and altered human and mouse MSC neural, adipocytic and osteocytic differentiation via the activation of IDO. A functional KP present in MSCs, NSCs and perhaps other stem cell types offers novel therapeutic opportunities for optimisation of stem cell proliferation and differentiation

    Deficiency of immunoregulatory indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 in juvenile diabetes

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    A defect in indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), which is responsible for immunoregulatory tryptophan catabolism, impairs development of immune tolerance to autoantigens in NOD mice, a model for human autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D). Whether IDO1 function is also defective in T1D is still unknown. We investigated IDO1 function in sera and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from children with T1D and matched controls. These children were further included in a discovery study to identify SNPs in IDO1 that might modify the risk of T1D. T1D in children was characterized by a remarkable defect in IDO1 function. A common haplotype, associated with dysfunctional IDO1, increased the risk of developing T1D in the discovery and also confirmation studies. In T1D patients sharing such a common IDO1 haplotype, incubation of PBMCs in vitro with tocilizumab (TCZ) - an IL-6 receptor blocker - would, however, rescue IDO1 activity. In an experimental setting with diabetic NOD mice, TCZ was found to restore normoglycemia via IDO1-dependent mechanisms. Thus, functional SNPs of IDO1 are associated with defective tryptophan catabolism in human T1D, and maneuvers aimed at restoring IDO1 function would be therapeutically effective in at least a subgroup of T1D pediatric patients.The authors wish to thank patients and subjects who participated in this study, as well as nurses and staff of the Pediatric Clinic of S. Maria della Misericordia Hospital (Perugia), Juvenile Diabetes Center-Anna Meyer Children's Hospital (Florence), Unit of Endocrinology and Diabetes-'Bambino Gesu' Children's Hospital (Rome), Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris), and Diabetes and Metabolism Service-University Hospital Centre of Coimbra (Coimbra). The authors wish also to thank Roberto Gerli for the gift of TCZ, Giovanni Ricci for histologies, and Francisco Carrilho and Eduarda Coutinho for providing and processing, respectively, DNA samples from the Portuguese cohorts. This work was supported by the European Research Council (338954-DIDO to UG) and, in part, by Associazione per l'Aiuto ai Giovani con Diabete Italia e dell'Umbria (to UG) and the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013 to AC) and the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (contracts IF/00735/2014 to AC, and SFRH/BPD/96176/2013 to CC).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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