55 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of V_ub from Ratios of Inclusive B Decay Rates

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    We explore the theoretical feasibility of extracting V_ub from two ratios built from B meson inclusive partial decays, R_1 = Gamma(b-> u cbar s)/3Gamma(b -> c l nu), and R_2 = [Gamma(b -> c X) - Gamma(b -> cbar X)]/Gamma(b -> c ubar d). We discuss contributions to these quantities from perturbative and nonperturbative physics, and show that they can be computed with overall uncertainties at the level of 10%.Comment: 19 pages, 8 embedded EPS figures, uses REVTe

    Observational constraints on an inflation model with a running mass

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    We explore a model of inflation where the inflaton mass-squared is generated at a high scale by gravity-mediated soft supersymmetry breaking, and runs at lower scales to the small value required for slow-roll inflation. The running is supposed to come from the coupling of the inflaton to a non-Abelian gauge field. In contrast with earlier work, we do not constrain the magnitude of the supersymmetry breaking scale, and we find that the model might work even if squark and slepton masses come from gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. With the inflaton and gaugino masses in the expected range, and α=g2/4π\alpha = g^2/4\pi in the range 10210^{-2} to 10310^{-3} (all at the high scale) the model can give the observed cosmic microwave anisotropy, and a spectral index in the observed range. The latter has significant variation with scale, which can confirm or rule out the model in the forseeable future.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, 14 figures, uses epsf.st

    Processing of ultrafine-size particulate metal matrix composites by advanced shear technology

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    Copyright @ 2009 ASM International. This paper was published in Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A 40A(3) and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of ASM International. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplications of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of this paper are prohibited.Lack of efficient mixing technology to achieve a uniform distribution of fine-size reinforcement within the matrix and the high cost of producing components have hindered the widespread adaptation of particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs) for engineering applications. A new rheo-processing method, the melt-conditioning high-pressure die-cast (MC-HPDC) process, has been developed for manufacturing near-net-shape components of high integrity. The MC-HPDC process adapts the well-established high shear dispersive mixing action of a twin-screw mechanism to the task of overcoming the cohesive force of the agglomerates under a high shear rate and high intensity of turbulence. This is followed by direct shaping of the slurry into near-net-shape components using an existing cold-chamber die-casting process. The results indicate that the MC-HPDC samples have a uniform distribution of ultrafine-sized SiC particles throughout the entire sample in the as-cast condition. Compared to those produced by conventional high-pressure die casting (HPDC), MC-HPDC samples have a much improved tensile strength and ductility.EP-SR

    Experimental Tests of Factorization in Charmless Non-Leptonic Two-Body B Decays

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    Using a theoretical framework based on the next-to-leading order QCD-improved effective Hamiltonian and a factorization Ansatz for the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators, we reassess branching fractions in two-body non-leptonic decays BPP,PV,VVB \to PP, PV, VV, involving the lowest lying light pseudoscalar (P)(P) and vector (V)(V) mesons in the standard model. Using the sensitivity of the decay rates on the effective number of colors, NcN_c, as a criterion of theoretical predictivity, we classify all the current-current (tree) and penguin transitions in five different classes. The recently measured charmless two-body BPPB \to PP decays (B+K+η,B0K0η,B0K+π,B+π+K0(B^+ \to K^+ \eta^\prime, B^0 \to K^0 \eta^\prime, B^0 \to K^+\pi^-, B^+ \to \pi^+ K^0 and charge conjugates) are dominated by the NcN_c-stable QCD penguins (class-IV transitions) and their estimates are consistent with data. The measured charmless BPVB \to PV (B+ωK+, B+ωh+)(B^+ \to \omega K^+, ~B^+ \to \omega h^+) and BVVB\to VV transition (BϕK)(B \to \phi K^*), on the other hand, belong to the penguin (class-V) and tree (class-III) transitions. The class-V penguin transitions are in general more difficult to predict. We propose a number of tests of the factorization framework in terms of the ratios of branching ratios for some selected Bh1h2B \to h_1 h_2 decays involving light hadrons h1h_1 and h2h_2, which depend only moderately on the form factors. We also propose a set of measurements to determine the effective coefficients of the current-current and QCD penguin operators. The potential impact of Bh1h2B \to h_1 h_2 decays on the CKM phenomenology is emphasized by analyzing a number of decay rates in the factorization framework.Comment: 64 pages (LaTex) including 13 figures, requires epsfig.sty; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays of Charm and Bottom Hadrons

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    We review the experimental measurements and theoretical descriptions of leptonic and semileptonic decays of particles containing a single heavy quark, either charm or bottom. Measurements of bottom semileptonic decays are used to determine the magnitudes of two fundamental parameters of the standard model, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements VcbV_{cb} and VubV_{ub}. These parameters are connected with the physics of quark flavor and mass, and they have important implications for the breakdown of CP symmetry. To extract precise values of Vcb|V_{cb}| and Vub|V_{ub}| from measurements, however, requires a good understanding of the decay dynamics. Measurements of both charm and bottom decay distributions provide information on the interactions governing these processes. The underlying weak transition in each case is relatively simple, but the strong interactions that bind the quarks into hadrons introduce complications. We also discuss new theoretical approaches, especially heavy-quark effective theory and lattice QCD, which are providing insights and predictions now being tested by experiment. An international effort at many laboratories will rapidly advance knowledge of this physics during the next decade.Comment: This review article will be published in Reviews of Modern Physics in the fall, 1995. This file contains only the abstract and the table of contents. The full 168-page document including 47 figures is available at http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/papers/slrevtex.p

    Semileptonic Meson Decays in the Quark Model: An Update

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    We present the predictions of ISGW2, an update of the ISGW quark model for semileptonic meson decays. The updated model incorporates a number of features which should make it more reliable, including the constraints imposed by Heavy Quark Symmetry, hyperfine distortions of wavefunctions, and form factors with more realistic high recoil behaviors.Comment: All text and tables contained in the ".latex" file and all figures (14) contained in the ".uu" file

    Bd0Bˉd0B^0_d-{\bar B}^0_d mixing in the left-right supersymmetric model

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    We analyze Bd0Bˉd0B^0_d-{\bar B}^0_d mixing in a fully left-right supersymmetric model. We give explicit expressions for all the chargino, gluino, gluino-neutralino and neutralino amplitudes involved in the process. We calculate the mass difference Δmd\Delta m_d and CP asymmetry aJ/ψKsa_{J/\psi K_s} in both the constrained case (where the only flavor violation comes from the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix) and the unconstrained case (including soft supersymmetry breaking terms). The constrained case does not contain any new information beyond the supergravity-inspired MSSM. In the unconstrained case, the main contribution to Bd0Bˉd0B^0_d-{\bar B}^0_d and the CP asymmetry is due to either gluino diagrams, if the dominating flavor mixing arises in the down squark sector, or chargino diagrams, if the dominant flavor mixing comes from the up squark sector. We include numerical results and compare this analysis with the ones performed in other models.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Resistance to phosphine in Sitophilus oryzae in Australia: A national analysis of trends and frequencies over time and geographical spread

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    In Australia, along with many other parts of the world, fumigation with phosphine is a vital component in controlling stored grain insect pests. However, resistance is a factor that may limit the continued efficacy of this fumigant. While strong resistance to phosphine has been identified and characterised, very little information is available on the causes of its development and spread. Data obtained from a unique national resistance monitoring and management program were analysed, using Bayesian hurdle modelling, to determine which factors may be responsible. Fumigation in unsealed storages, combined with a high frequency of weak resistance, were found to be the main criteria that led to the development of strong resistance in Sitophilus oryzae. Independent development, rather than gene flow via migration, appears to be primarily responsible for the geographic incidence of strong resistance to phosphine in S. oryzae. This information can now be utilised to direct resources and education into those areas at high risk and to refine phosphine resistance management strategies