3 research outputs found
Eksistentiel og åndelig omsorg i post-sekulære kontekster: et integrativt review af spørgeskemaer
Forskning på tværs af sundhedsområder har vist, at eksistentiel og åndelig omsorg kan være til stor gavn for patienter. Det kan imidlertid være en udfordring at indarbejde denne omsorg i daglig praksis, ikke mindst i post-sekulære, multikulturelle og pluralistiske kontekster, som eksempelvis den danske. Formålet med dette integrative review var at lokalisere, evaluere og diskutere spørgeskemaer, som fokuserer på eksistentielle og ESR behov. Elleve spørgeskemaer blev inkluderet, evalueret og diskuteret, med fokus på religiøst/spirituelt/eksistentielt ordvalg og formuleringer, lokale kulturelle og pluralistiske kontekster, og i forhold til anvendelighed i et sekulært sundhedsvæsen. Artiklen fokuserer på faktorer, der bør adresseres ved implementeringen af spørgeskemaer om eksistentielle og ESR behov i forskellige kulturelle og sproglige kontekster. Derved bidrager den til den internationale udvikling, udveksling og implementering af viden og erfaringer om bedste praksis indenfor eksistentiel og åndelig omsorg i post-sekulære kontekster
What is spiritual care? Professional perspectives on the concept of spiritual care identified through group concept mapping
Objectives The overall study aim was to synthesise understandings and experiences regarding the concept of spiritual care (SC). More specifically, to identify, organise and prioritise experiences with the way SC is conceived and practised by professionals in research and the clinic.Design Group concept mapping (GCM).Setting The study was conducted within a university setting in Denmark.Participants Researchers, students and clinicians working with SC on a daily basis in the clinic and/or through research participated in brainstorming (n=15), sorting (n=15), rating and validation (n=13).Results Applying GCM, ideas were identified, organised and prioritised online. A total of 192 unique ideas of SC were identified and organised into six clusters. The results were discussed and interpreted at a validation meeting. Based on input from the validation meeting a conceptual model was developed. The model highlights three overall themes: (1) ‘SC as an integral but overlooked aspect of healthcare’ containing the two clusters SC as a part of healthcare and perceived significance; (2) ‘delivering SC’ containing the three clusters quality in attitude and action, relationship and help and support, and finally (3) ‘the role of spirituality’ containing a single cluster.Conclusion Because spirituality is predominantly seen as a fundamental aspect of each individual human being, particularly important during suffering, SC should be an integral aspect of healthcare, although it is challenging to handle. SC involves paying attention to patients’ values and beliefs, requires adequate skills and is realised in a relationship between healthcare professional and patient founded on trust and confidence