42 research outputs found

    Health-promoting properties of artichoke in preventing cardiovascular disease by its lipidic and glycemic-reducing action

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    The artichoke, Cynara scolymus, is one of the most ancient plants grown in the world, and its extracts, obtained from different parts of the plant (leaves, fruits and roots), have been used as medicaments from time immemorial. The pharmacological and therapeutic effects of the artichoke on the liver had already been well known in the 17th century. Modern studies started in the last century confirmed the stimulating properties of artichoke extracts on the liver and gallbladder. The ensuing wave of research was initially focused on the patent liver-stimulating, diuretic and choleretic effects exerted by artichoke preparations on both animals and man, then discovering such other therapeutic properties as the hypolipemizing activity, antioxidant activity and hypoglycemizing activity. This review enumerates the most significant studies that have highlighted these therapeutic properties. Complementary medicine information needs to be incorporated into clinical practice and patient and professional education, in addition to adequate education about proper nutrition. Awareness of the widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine by people with metabolic disorders is crucial for healthcare professionals in order to prevent cardiovascular disease

    Food Pyramid for Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

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    Nutritional problems are an important part of rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. COPD patients often present with malnutrition, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis with possible onset of cachexia, with an inadequate dietary intake and a poor quality of life. Moreover, diet plays a pivotal role in patients with COPD through three mechanisms: regulation of carbon dioxide produced/oxygen consumed, inflammation, and oxidative stress. A narrative review based on 99 eligible studies was performed to evaluate current evidence regarding optimum diet therapy for the management of COPD, and then a food pyramid was built accordingly. The food pyramid proposal will serve to guide energy and dietary intake in order to prevent and treat nutritionally related COPD complications and to manage progression and COPD-related symptoms. The nutrition pyramid described in our narrative review is hypothetical, even in light of several limitations of the present review; the main limitation is the fact that to date there are no randomized controlled trials in the literature clearly showing that improved nutrition, via the regulation of carbon dioxide produced/oxygen consumed, inflammation and oxidative stress, improves symptoms and/or progression of COPD. Even if this nutritional pyramid is hypothetical, we hope that it can serve the valuable purpose of helping researchers focus on the often-ignored possible connections between body composition, nutrition, and COPD

    Where to Find Leucine in Food and How to Feed Elderly With Sarcopenia in Order to Counteract Loss of Muscle Mass: Practical Advice

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    The term sarcopenia refers to the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength that generally occurs during aging. The interventions that have proved most effective in reducing the severity and preventing the worsening of sarcopenia include physical exercise, especially resistance, and the administration of dietary supplements in association with a targeted diet; nutritional intervention is the main therapeutic approach for elderly people, since they are very often sedentary (also due to possible disabilities). Among the various nutrients, high biological value proteins and leucine are of particular interest for their demonstrated effects on the health of skeletal muscle. The intake of food containing proteins and leucine during meals stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Lower blood levels of leucine were associated with lower values of the skeletal muscle index, grip strength and performance. The international guidelines recommended that a leucine intake of 3 g at three main meals together with 25-30 g of protein is the goal to be achieved to counteract loss of lean mass in elderly. Food composition databases rarely show the amounts of leucine contained in foods and therefore it becomes difficult to build a diet that follows these guidelines. A table was therefore created for the first time in the literature to collect all the foods richest in leucine, thanks to the union of the most important Italian food databases. Moreover, in order to implement a diet that follows the right recommendations, another tables shows nutritional composition of breakfast, lunch and dinner (that each provide 3 grams of leucine and 25 grams of protein) for seven days

    Effetti della supplementazione con un alimento a fini medici speciali (composto da proteine del siero del latte, aminoacidi e vitamina D) associato all’attività fisica, sull’incremento della massa magra, della forza e della funzionalità e sulla riduzione dell’infiammazione in soggetti anziani sarcopenici

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    INTRODUZIONE Con l’avanzare dell’età si verificano una serie di cambiamenti della composizione corporea, soprattutto inteso come riduzione della massa magra e conseguente diminuzione della forza muscolare. Questo comporta una perdita della funzionalità e una maggior dipendenza. Il termine “sarcopenia” viene proposto per descrivere la riduzione della massa muscolare scheletrica e della forza muscolare età-relata. Anche la riduzione dell’attività fisica, l’instaurarsi di meccanismi endocrinologici che favoriscono una minor sintesi proteica e uno stato infiammatorio cronico concorrono a favorire lo sviluppo di questa situazione. Un aiuto importante può derivare dalla nutrizione. OBIETTIVO L’ obiettivo primario è quello di dimostrare che un’integrazione adeguata, a base di proteine del siero del latte, aminoacidi e vitamina D associato all’attività fisica, è in grado di favorire un aumento della massa magra e della forza muscolare, riducendo lo stato di infiammazione MATERIALI E METODI È stato realizzato un trial clinico randomizzato, in doppio cieco placebo-controllato, a gruppi paralleli della durata di 12 settimane. Sono stati arruolati 130 pazienti, suddivisi in gruppo placebo e gruppo supplementato. Il gruppo supplementato ha ricevuto un’integrazione di proteine del siero del latte (22 g), aminoacidi essenziali (10,9 g di cui 4 g di leucina) e 100 UI di vitamina D. Tutti i soggetti hanno svolto un’attività fisica controllata durante tutta la durata del progetto. All’inizio e alla fine dello studio sono state analizzate: la massa magra tramite Dexa e la forza muscolare tramite Hangrip. In tutti i soggetti è stato valutato la stato infiammatorio tramite ematochimici. RISULTATI Nel gruppo trattato si è avuto un incremento di massa magra pari a 1,7 Kg rispetto al gruppo placebo, che è risultato essere statisticamente significativo (P< 0,001). Anche la forza muscolare è risultata migliorata (P=0,001) con una diminuzione dell’indice infiammatorio (P= 0,038). CONCLUSIONI Un’integrazione adeguata e completa con un alimento a fini medici speciali (composto da proteine del siero del latte, gli aminoacidi essenziali e la vitamina D) uniti ad una attività fisica, è in grado di favorire un aumento della massa muscolare e della forza muscolare diminuendo inoltre i markers dell’infiammazione

    Update on the role of melatonin in the prevention of cancer tumorigenesis and in the management of cancer correlates, such as sleep-wake and mood disturbances: review and remarks

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    The aim of this article was to perform a systematic review on the role of melatonin in the prevention of cancer tumorigenesis--in vivo and in vitro--as well as in the management of cancer correlates, such as sleep-wake and mood disturbances. The International Agency for Research on Cancer recently classified "shift-work that involves circadian disruption" as "probably carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2A) based on "limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of shift-work that involves night-work", and "sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of light during the daily dark period (biological night)". The clinical implications and the potential uses of melatonin in terms of biologic clock influence (e.g. sleep and mood), immune function, cancer initiation and growth, as well as the correlation between melatonin levels and cancer risk, are hereinafter recorded and summarized. Additionally, this paper includes a description of the newly discovered effects that melatonin has on the management of sleep-wake and mood disturbances as well as with regard to cancer patients' life quality. In cancer patients depression and insomnia are frequent and serious comorbid conditions which definitely require a special attention. The data presented in this review encourage the performance of new clinical trials to investigate the possible use of melatonin in cancer patients suffering from sleep-wake and mood disturbances, also considering that melatonin registered a low toxicity in cancer patients

    Update on nutrients involved in maintaining healthy bone

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    Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly and influences quality of life, as well as life expectancy. Currently, there is a growing interest among the medical scientists in search of specific nutrients and/or bioactive compounds of natural origin for the prevention of disease and maintenance of bone health. Although calcium and vitamin D have been the primary focus of nutritional prevention of osteoporosis, a recent research has clarified the importance of several additional nutrients and food constituents. Based on this review of the literature, supplementation with vitamins B, C, K, and silicon could be recommended for proper maintenance of bone health, although further clinical studies are needed. The results of studies on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium, and strontium are not conclusive, although studies in vitro and in animal models are interesting and promising

    Selenium Fortification of an Italian Rice Cultivar via Foliar Fertilization with Sodium Selenate and Its Effects on Human Serum Selenium Levels and on Erythrocyte Glutathione Peroxidase Activity

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    Selenium food fortification could be a cost-effective strategy to counteract the inadequacy of selenium intake among the Italian population. In this study, the effect of foliar fertilization with sodium selenate of an Italian rice cultivar and the increase of serum selenium and of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity after intake of fortified rice, have been evaluated. The effect of foliar fertilization with sodium selenate (50 g Se/ha) vs. water was studied. Moreover, in a randomized, double-blind study, 10 healthy women supplemented their usual diet with a daily dose of 80 g of Se-enriched-rice and 10 matched-women with 80 g of regular rice. Before, after 5 and 20 days of supplementation, serum Se and GPx-activity were evaluated. The mean selenium content in Se-enriched-rice was 1.64 ± 0.28 μg/g, while in regular rice it was 0.36 ± 0.15 μg/g (p < 0.001). A significant increase of serum Se and GPx-activity was observed only in the intervention group and only after 20 days. The results show that selenium fortification of rice can be achieved with foliar fertilization with sodium selenate and that the 20 days intake of this Se-enriched-rice increases the serum selenium levels and GPx-activity

    Review on microbiota and effectiveness of probiotics use in older

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    The aim of the present systematic review is to summarize the existing knowledge about the human microbiota in the elderly and the effects of probiotics in elderly population. The elderly subjects, compared to adult population, show a reduction in the diversity of the microbiota, characterized by a large interindividual variability, with lower numbers of Firmicutes, Bifidobacteria, Clostridium cluster XIV, Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii, Blautia coccoides-Eubacterium rectal and higher presence of Enterobacteriaceae and Bacteroidetes. These differences of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly may not necessarily be caused by aging, but they could be associated with the decline of the general state of health with malnutrition and with increased need for medication, such as antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, situations that occur frequently in the elderly. Differences have been demonstrated in the composition of the microbiota between healthy elderly subjects and hospitalized or institutionalized elderly subjects. These findings which further indicates that the living conditions, health status, nutrition and drugs have a significant effect on the composition of the microbiota. According to the available knowledge, the use of probiotics is safe and could represent an useful intervention to prevent or treat antibiotic-associated diarrhea, in addition to reducing the severity of symptoms, other than to help the management of constipation

    Key points for maximum effectiveness and safety for cholesterol-lowering properties of plant sterols and use in the treatment of metabolic syndrome

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    According to the American Diabetes Association and the Adult Treatment Panel III, the starting point for treating metabolic syndrome (MS) is a change of lifestyle. In addition, action on the main symptoms of MS by means of dietary supplements, can be helpful in view of the chronic course of the disease. The term 'phytosterols' refers to sterols and stanols composed of lipophilic triterpenes, a family that is widely distributed in the plant kingdom and whose cholesterol-lowering properties have been amply demonstrated. In the light of the recent literature, the key points for maximum effectiveness and safety of sterols are the following. (A) Plant sterols should be taken with meals: clinical trials have shown that when plant sterols are consumed close to mealtimes, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol may decrease by 9.4%, while when they are taken between meals, the reduction is about 6%. (B) The optimal dosage is 2-2.5 g day(-1) in a single dose. More than 3 g day(-1) has not been found to have any additional beneficial effect and increases the risk of side effects. (C) The food matrix used to dissolve the phytosterols should contain a certain amount of fat. A milk-based matrix appears optimal from this point of view