171 research outputs found

    De conventionele RCT voor trauma- en orthopedisch chirurgen: geen heilige graal

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    Abstract: Conventionele RCT’s voor trauma- en orthopaedisch chirurgisch onderzoek zijn moeilijk uitvoerbaar door chirurg- en patiënt gerelateerde redenen. Grote regionale cohortstudies en (quasi-) experimentele designs met vooraf gedefinieerde uitkomst parameters en een fulltime onderzoeker bieden een oplossing. De conventionele RCT kan dan worden ingezet voor specifiek gedefinieerde problemen die voortkomen uit de resultaten van deze studies

    Dilemma of crystalloid resuscitation in non-exsanguinating polytrauma: What is too much?

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    Background: Aggressive crystalloid resuscitation increases morbidity and mortality in exsanguinating patients. Polytrauma patients with severe tissue injury and subsequent inflammatory response without major blood loss also need resuscitation. This study investigated crystalloid and blood product resuscitation in non-exsanguinating polytrauma patients and studied possible adverse outcomes. Methods: A 6.5-year prospective cohort study included consecutive trauma patients admitted to a Level 1 Trauma Center intensive care unit (ICU) who survived 48 hours. Demographics, physiologic and resuscitation parameters in first 24 hours, Denver Multiple Organ Failure scores, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) data and infectious complications were prospectively collected. Patients were divided in 5 L crystalloid volume subgroups (0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and >15 L) to make clinically relevant comparisons. Data are presented as median (IQR); p value 5 L compared with the group 0-5 L. With increasing crystalloid volume, the adjusted odds of MODS, ARDS and infectious complications increased 3-4-fold, although not statistically significant. Mortality increased 6-fold in patients who received >15 L crystalloids (p=0.03). Discussion: Polytrauma patients received large amounts of crystalloids with few FFPs 15 L crystalloids ≤24 hours. Efforts should be made to balance resuscitation with modest crystalloids and sufficient amount of FFPs. Level of evidence: Level 3. Study type: Population-based cohort study

    Surgical airway procedures in emergency surgical patients: Results of what has become a back-up procedure

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    Background: Cricothyroidotomy and surgical tracheostomy are methods to secure airway patency. In emergency surgery, these methods are nowadays mostly reserved for patients unsuited for percutaneous procedures. Detailed description of complications and functional outcomes following both procedures is underreported in current literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate outcomes following cricothyroidotomy and tracheostomy in this presumed complex population. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, adult emergency surgical patients treated with cricothyroidotomy and/or surgical tracheostomy were included. Postoperative complications and functional outcomes in trauma and non-trauma patients were evaluated. Results: Forty-one trauma patients and 11 non-trauma emergency surgical patients (mainly after elective onco-abdominal or vascular surgery) were included. Of 52 patients, seven underwent cricothyroidotomy pre-tracheostomy. Mortality was higher in non-trauma patients (p = 0.04) following both procedures. Over half of patients (56%, n = 29) regained unsupported airway patency with a tendency toward increased tracheostomy removal in trauma patients. Among complications, only pneumonia occurred frequently (60%, n = 31), with no relation to patient type. Other complications included local infection (5.8%, n = 4) and wound dehiscence (1.9%, n = 1). Adverse functional outcomes were frequently observed and were mild and self-limiting. Cervical spinal cord injury reduced overall unsupported airway patency (p = 0.01); with high cervical spinal cord injury related to adverse functional outcomes and increased home ventilation need. Conclusions: No major procedure-related complications or functional adverse events were encountered following cricothyroidotomy and surgical tracheostomy, even though only complex patients were included. Only mild, self-limiting functional problems occurred, especially in trauma patients with cervical injury who underwent early tracheostomy by longitudinal incision. This information can aid clinicians in making tailor-made decisions for individual patients

    Getting it Right the First Time: Frozen Sections for Diagnosing Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate which histopathologic findings are most indicative for necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) in ambivalent cases. Methods: Patients undergoing surgical exploration for suspected NSTIs with obtainment of incisional biopsies for histopathological assessment were included from January 2013 until August 2019. The frozen sections and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples were retrospectively re-assessed. The primary outcome was the discharge diagnosis. Results: Twenty-seven (69%) biopsies of the 39 included samples were from patients with NSTIs. Microscopic bullae (p = 0.043), severe fascial inflammation (p < 0.001) and fascial necrosis (p < 0.001) were significantly more often present in the NSTI group compared to the non-NSTI group. Muscle edema (n = 5), severe muscle inflammation (n = 5), muscle necrosis (n = 8), thrombosis (n = 10) and vasculitis (n = 5) were most frequently only seen in the NSTI group. In thirteen tissues samples, there were some discrepancies between the severity of findings in the frozen section and the FFPE samples. None of these discrepancies resulted in a different diagnosis or treatment strategy. Conclusion: Microscopic bullae, severe fascial or muscle inflammation, fascial or muscle necrosis, muscle edema, thrombosis and vasculitis upon histopathological evaluation all indicate a high probability of a NSTI. At our institution, diagnosing NSTIs is aided by using intra-operative frozen section as part of triple diagnostics in ambivalent cases. Based on the relation between histopathologic findings and final presence of NSTI, we recommend frozen section for diagnosing NSTIs in ambivalent cases

    Attenuation of MODS-related and ARDS-related mortality makes infectious complications a remaining challenge in the severely injured

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    Introduction: The recent decrease in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)-associated and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)-associated mortality could be considered a success of improvements in trauma care. However, the incidence of infections remains high in patients with polytrauma, with high morbidity and hospital resources usage. Infectious complications might be a residual effect of the decrease in MODS-related/ARDS-related mortality. This study investigated the current incidence of infectious complications in polytrauma. Methods: A 5.5-year prospective population-based cohort study included consecutive severely injured patients (age >15) admitted to a (Level-1) trauma center intensive care unit (ICU) who survived >48 hours. Demographics, physiologic and resuscitation parameters, multiple organ failure and ARDS scores, and infectious complications (pneumonia, fracture-related infection, meningitis, infections related to blood, wound, and urinary tract) were prospectively collected. Data are presented as median (IQR), p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: 297 patients (216 (73%) men) were included with median age of 46 (27-60) years, median Injury Severity Score was 29 (22-35), 96% sustained blunt injuries. 44 patients (15%) died. One patient (2%) died of MODS and 1 died of ARDS. 134 patients (45%) developed 201 infectious complications. Pneumonia was the most common complication (50%). There was no difference in physiologic parameters on arrival in emergency department and ICU between patients with and without infectious complications. Patients who later developed infections underwent more often a laparotomy (32% vs 18%, p=0.009), had more often pelvic fractures (38% vs 25%, p=0.02), and received more blood products <8 hours. They had more often MODS (25% vs 13%, p=0.005), stayed longer on the ventilator (10 (5-15) vs 5 (2-8) days, p<0.001), longer in ICU (11 (6-17) vs 6 (3-10) days, p<0.001), and in hospital (30 (20-44) vs 16 (10-24) days, p<0.001). There was however no difference in mortality (12% vs 17%, p=0.41) between both groups. Conclusion: 45% of patients developed infectious complications. These patients had similar mortality rates, but used more hospital resources. With low MODS-related and ARDS-related mortality, infections might be a residual effect, and are one of the remaining challenges in the treatment of patients with polytrauma. Level of evidence: Level 3. Study type: Population-based cohort study

    No role for standard imaging workup of patients with clinically evident necrotizing soft tissue infections: a national retrospective multicenter cohort study

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    PURPOSE: To assess the diagnostic contribution of different imaging studies to diagnose necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) and the time to surgery in relation to imaging with the hypothesis that imaging studies may lead to significant delays without being able to sufficiently dismiss or confirm the diagnosis since a NSTI is a surgical diagnosis. METHODS: A retrospective multicenter cohort study of all NSTI patients between 2010 and 2020 was conducted. The primary outcome was the number of cases in which imaging contributed to or led to change in treatment. The secondary outcomes were time to treatment determined by the time from presentation to surgery and patient outcomes (amputation, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, length of ICU stay, hospital stay, and mortality). RESULTS: A total of 181 eligible NSTI patients were included. The overall mortality was 21% (n = 38). Ninety-eight patients (53%) received imaging in the diagnostic workup. In patients with a clinical suspicion of a NSTI, 81% (n = 85) went directly to the operating room and 19% (n = 20) underwent imaging before surgery; imaging was contributing in only 15% (n = 3) by ruling out or determining underlying causes. In patients without a clinical suspicion of a NSTI, the diagnosis of NSTI was considered in 35% and only after imaging was obtained. CONCLUSION: In patients with clinically evident NSTIs, there is no role for standard imaging workup unless it is used to examine underlying diseases (e.g., diverticulitis, pancreatitis). In atypical presenting NSTIs, CT or MRI scans provided the most useful information. To prevent unnecessary imaging and radiation and not delay treatment, the decision to perform imaging studies in patients with a clinical suspicion of a NSTI must be made extremely careful

    Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections, the Challenge Remains

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    Background: Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections (NSTIs) are uncommon rapidly spreading infection of the soft tissues for which prompt surgical treatment is vital for survival. Currently, even with sufficient awareness and facilities available, ambiguous symptoms frequently result in treatment delay. Objectives: To illustrate the heterogeneity in presentation of NSTIs and the pitfalls entailing from this heterogeneity. Discussion: NSTI symptoms appear on a spectrum with on one side the typical critically ill patient with fast onset and progression of symptoms combined with severe systemic toxicity resulting in severe physical derangement and sepsis. In these cases, the suspicion of a NSTI rises quickly. On the other far side of the spectrum is the less evident type of presentation of the patient with gradual but slow progression of non-specific symptoms over the past couple of days without clear signs of sepsis initially. This side of the spectrum is under represented in current literature and some physicians involved in the care for NSTI patients are still unaware of this heterogeneity in presentation. Conclusion: The presentation of a critically ill patient with evident pain out of proportion, erythema, necrotic skin and bullae is the classical presentation of NSTIs. On the other hand, non-specific symptoms without systemic toxicity at presentation frequently result in a battery of diagnostics tests and imaging before the treatment strategy is determined. This may result in a delay in presentation, delay in diagnosis and delay in definitive treatment. This failure to perform an adequate exploration expeditiously can result in a preventable mortality

    Early correction of base deficit decreases late mortality in polytrauma

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    Introduction: Physiology-driven resuscitation has become the standard of care in severely injured patients. This has resulted in a decrease in acute deaths by hemorrhagic shock. With increased survival from hemorrhage, focus shifts towards death later during hospital stay. This population based cohort study investigated the association of initial physiology derangement correction and (late) mortality. Methods: Consecutive polytrauma patients aged > 15 years with deranged physiology who were admitted to a level-1 trauma center intensive care unit (ICU) from 2015 to 2021, and requiring surgical intervention 7 days (late). Results: Two hundred thirty-five patients were included with a median age of 44 years (70% male), and Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 33. Mortality rate was 16% (71% due to traumatic brain injury (TBI)). Median time to death was 11 (6–17) days; 71% died > 7 days after injury. There was no difference between the single base deficit measurements in the emergency department(ED), operating room (OR), nor ICU between patients who died and those who did not. However, patients who later died were more acidotic at 24 and 48 h after arrival, and had a higher AUC of BD in time. This was independent of time and cause of death. Conclusion: Early physiological restoration based on serial BD measurements in the first 48 h after injury decreases late mortality

    Team- and task-related knowledge in shared mental models in operating room teams: A survey study

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    Objective: The operating room is a highly complex environment, where patient care is delivered by interprofessional teams. Unfortunately, issues with communication and teamwork occur, potentially leading to patient harm. A shared mental model is one prerequisite to function effectively as a team, and consists of task- and team-related knowledge. We aimed to explore potential differences in task- and team-related knowledge between the different professions working in the operating room. The assessed team-related knowledge consisted of knowledge regarding other professions’ training and work activities, and of perceived traits of a high-performing and underperforming colleague. Task-related knowledge was assessed by mapping the perceived allocation of responsibilities for certain tasks, using a Likert-type scale. Design: A single sample cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was performed in three hospitals in the Netherlands, one academic center and two regional teaching hospitals. Participants: 106 health care professionals participated, of four professions. Most respondents (77%) were certified professionals, the others were still in training. Results: Participants generally were well informed about each other's training and work activities and nearly everyone mentioned the importance of adequate communication and teamwork. Discrepancies were also observed. The other professions knew on average the least about the profession of anesthesiologists and most about the profession of surgeons. When assessing the responsibilities regarding tasks we found consensus in well-defined and/or protocolized tasks, but variation in less clearly defined tasks. Conclusions: Team- and task-related knowledge in the operating room team is reasonably well developed, but irregularly, with potentially crucial differences in knowledge related to patient care. Awareness of these discrepancies is the first step in further optimization of team performance
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