8 research outputs found
The result of an investigation is exposed based on the description of significant elements of the Port of Asunción for the conservation of SISTEMA GRUA PORTICO - RIELES to be preserved and revalued in its physical, formal, spatial and aesthetic aspect of heritage value, with emphasis on the technological and construction aspects as a means of recovering the cranes from the port which allows us to appreciate the benefits represented for the City of Asunción by the visualization of the Patrimonial Heritage Furniture, part of the relevant public space. The Historical research was carried out from the origins of the cranes themselves, using manufacturing patents and place of origin, to demonstrate how they arrived at the Port of Asunción, as well as the manufacturing systems, the handling of the raw material, and the relationship between port activity and the railway system. Finally the work was done, not only recovery of cranes and rails, a lighting system was also proposed for the Movable Property, in favor of the Valorization of the Heritage Property, as an integrating view of the urban set and as a contribution to the collective memory of the CitySe expone el resultado de una investigación en base a la descripción de elementos destacados y significativos del Puerto de Asunción Paraguay para la conservación de SISTEMA GRUA PORTICO – RIELES a ser preservado y revalorizado en su aspecto físico, formal, espacial y estético de valor patrimonial, con énfasis en los aspectos tecnológicos y constructivos como medio de recuperación de la Grúas del Puerto, que permita apreciar los beneficios que representa para la Ciudad de Asunción la visualización de los Bienes Muebles de Valor Patrimonial, parte del espacio público relevante. Se realizo una investigación histórica desde los orígenes de las propias grúas, recurriendo a las patentes de fabricación y lugar de origen, para demostrar como llegaron hasta el Puerto de Asunción, así como los sistemas de fabricación, el manejo de la materia prima, y la relación entre la actividad portuaria y el sistema de ferrocarriles. Finalmente se realizó el trabajo, no solo de recuperación de grúas y rieles, también se propuso un sistema de iluminación para el Bien Mueble, en favor de la Puesta en Valor del Bien Patrimonial, como una mirada integradora del conjunto urbano y como aporte a la memoria colectiva de la Ciuda
Effects of spatial and temporal variability of rainfall on urban hydrological models
"The working hypothesis is that as fewer gauges are used to interpolate a rain event there will be more error. Preliminary results indicate that high
rain events produce much more error, around 300% relative error. It is also seen that the bigger the watershed the bigger the errors – this is mainly due to the fact that larger storms are associated with a larger variance and reducing the number of gauges used reduced the information provided to the model. Future work will focus on calibrating the model with field data and developing robust mechanism in order to properly choose which gauges to keep and what type of averaging and interpolating conditions should be used. "CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI
Optimization of an urban rain gauge network utilizing different PCA-Variable identification techniques
"In order to study the effects of urban runoff, through numerical models and the design of waterworks, appropriate rainfall information needs to be gathered and analyzed. With this purpose a 27 rain gauge network has been deployed over the AMA. Here we present a principal component analysis (PCA) on daily rainfall data collected from June 2016 to December 2017 in order
identify the stations that should be kept in place, given the objective of accurately capturing the spatial variability of rainfall over the Metropolitan Area of Asuncion."CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI
Investigaciones en salud mental en el pre y posgrado de las universidades de Lima, Perú período 2016-2021
Bibliographic and meta-analytic study whose purpose was to present a diagnosis of the characteristics of the undergraduate and postgraduate theses that have been carried out in the state and private universities of Lima, Peru, related to the mental health research, emphasizing the most frequently studied psychological indicators between 2016 and 2021. The study included a sample of 22 universities, both state and private, located in Metropolitan Lima, including Psychology, Medicine and Graduate Schools. In order to collect the information, an identification matrix of 43 psychological indicators linked to mental health in the theses reviewed, was prepared. The information was collected from the Institutional Repositories of each university where we got fully access to the degree theses, supported and approved by the graduates. Only theses related to the field of Mental Health were registered. The study also includes the methodological analysis of every these on mental health that has been carried out by undergraduate and postgraduate graduates of chosen universities in Lima-Peru. Considering the 6-year period that we have studied, the results show that the most frequent psychological indicators have been: stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, coping strategies, resilience, emotional intelligence and personal well- being. On the other hand, very little has been studied about important issues that concern the population, such as violence, psychopathy, anger, hostility, among others.Estudio de carácter bibliográfico y meta-analítico, que tuvo como propósito, presentar un diagnóstico de las características de las tesis de pre grado y pos grado que se han realizado en las universidades estatales y particulares de Lima, Perú, en torno al tema de la salud mental, enfatizando en los indicadores psicológicos más frecuentemente estudiados entre los años 2016 al 2021. El estudio abarcó una muestra de 22 universidades ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana, estatales y particulares de las facultades y escuelas de Psicología, Medicina y Escuelas de Pos grado. Para recoger la información se elaboró una matriz de identificación de 43 indicadores psicológicos vinculados con la salud mental en las tesis revisadas. La información se recopiló a través de los Repositorios Institucionales de cada universidad en donde se pudo ubicar íntegramente la tesis de grado sustentada y aprobada por el graduando. Solo se registraron aquellas tesis vinculadas con el campo de la Salud Mental. El estudio comprende además el análisis metodológico de cada una de las investigaciones en torno a la salud mental que han realizado los egresados de pre y pos grado en las distintas universidades de Lima-Perú. Considerando los 6 años que ocupan el período estudiado, los resultados ubican que los indicadores psicológicos más frecuentes han sido: estrés, ansiedad, depresión, burnout, estrategias de afrontamiento, resiliencia, inteligencia emocional y bienestar personal; en cambio, muy poco se han estudiado temas importantes que preocupan a la población, como, por ejemplo, violencia, psicopatía, ira, hostilidad, entre otros. En conclusión, este estudio bibliográfico y meta-analítico proporcionó un panorama detallado de las características de las tesis de pre grado y pos grado relacionadas con la salud mental en universidades estatales y particulares de Lima entre los años 2016 y 2021. Los resultados destacaron los indicadores psicológicos más recurrentes en estas investigaciones, como el estrés, la ansiedad, la depresión, el burnout, las estrategias de afrontamiento, la resiliencia, la inteligencia emocional y el bienestar personal. Sin embargo, se evidenció una falta de atención en temas relevantes para la población, como la violencia, la psicopatía, la ira y la hostilidad. Estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de fomentar una mayor diversidad temática en los trabajos académicos sobre salud mental y promover la investigación en áreas subrepresentadas para abordar integralmente los desafíos emergentes en el campo de la salud mental. Asimismo, este estudio brinda una base sólida para futuras investigaciones y colaboraciones académicas, buscando contribuir al fortalecimiento del conocimiento y la implementación de soluciones basadas en evidencia científica para mejorar la salud mental en la sociedad
Severe Pneumonia Associated with Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Severe pneumonia developed in young adults who had no identifiable risk factors
Do`s and dont`s of installing and maintaining an urban rain gaugenetwork
As an overall lesson, we present a list of Do’s and Don'ts so that future researchers interested in carrying out an urban rainfall collection campaign with rain gauges start out better advised and pay appropriate heed to the most important issues. The list of tips presented is not exhaustive by any means and each urban location surely has specific issues that are intrinsic to them.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI
Mobilization of arsenic and other trace elements of health concern in groundwater from the Sali River Basin, Tucuman Province, Argentina
The Salí River Basin in north-west Argentina (7,000 km2) is composed of a sequence of Tertiary and Quaternary loess deposits, which have been substantially reworked by fluvial and aeolian processes. As with other areas of the Chaco-Pampean Plain, groundwater in the basin suffers a range of chemical quality problems, including arsenic (concentrations in the range of 12.2–1,660 μg L−1), fluoride (50–8,740 μg L−1), boron (34.0–9,550 μg L−1), vanadium (30.7–300 μg L−1) and uranium (0.03–125 μg L−1). Shallow groundwater (depths up to 15 m) has particularly high concentrations of these elements. Exceedances above WHO (2011) guideline values are 100% for As, 35% for B, 21% for U and 17% for F. Concentrations in deep (>200 m) and artesian groundwater in the basin are also often high, though less extreme than at shallow depths. The waters are oxidizing, with often high bicarbonate concentrations (50.0–1,260 mg L−1) and pH (6.28–9.24). The ultimate sources of these trace elements are the volcanic components of the loess deposits, although sorption reactions involving secondary Al and Fe oxides also regulate the distribution and mobility of trace elements in the aquifers. In addition, concentrations of chromium lie in range of 79.4–232 μg L−1 in shallow groundwater, 129–250 μg L−1 in deep groundwater and 110–218 μg L−1 in artesian groundwater. All exceed the WHO guideline value of 50 μg L−1. Their origin is likely to be predominantly geogenic, present as chromate in the ambient oxic and alkaline aquifer conditions