14 research outputs found

    Consecuencias de la introducción de la teoría insider-outsider dentro del modelo de crecimiento cíclico de Goodwin

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    In the Goodwin's model (1967) of cyclical growth is observed that is produced a conflict of interest between the workers employed and the unemployed. Since the theory insider-outsider referred to the labour market analyses the consequences of this conflict and, furthermore, it seems to represent adequately the salary negotiation process that takes place in the European countries, we incorporate within Goodwin's model the postulates of this theory. This modification alters the qualitative characteristics of the original model that, though continues being stable, abandons his characteristic movement of closed orbits about the equilibrium due to the presence of histeresis in the labour market.En el modelo de crecimiento cíclico de Goodwin (1967) se observa que se produce un conflicto de intereses entre los trabajadores empleados y los desempleados. Dado que la teoría insider-outsider referida al mercado de trabajo analiza las consecuencias de dicho conflicto y, además, parece representar adecuadamente el proceso de negociación salarial que tiene lugar en los países europeos, incorporamos dentro del modelo de Goodwin los postulados de dicha teoría. Esta modificación altera las características cualitativas del modelo original que, aunque sigue siendo estable, abandona su característico movimiento de órbitas cerradas alrededor del equilibrio debido a la presencia de histéresis

    Análisis de una generalización del modelo de crecimiento cíclico de Goodwin

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    Gomblowski y Krüger (1986) introducen varias generalizaciones en el modelo de crecimiento cíclico de Goodwin (1967), obteniendo interesantes resultados sobre la estabilidad y el período del ciclo económico. El objetivo de nuestro artículo es el de mejorar la aportación de Gomblowski y Krüger introduciendo nuevas funciones de inversión y de negociación de los salarios nominales que parecen más adecuadas a la realidad económica. Con estas modificaciones se obtienen ciclos de 12-13 años y se observa que la consideración del efecto de la histéresis en el proceso de negociación de los salarios nominales así como la existencia de ilusión monetaria tienen un efecto estabilizador sobre el sistema económico.Gomblowski and Krüger (1986) introduce several generalizations in the Goodwin's model of cyclical growth (1967), obtaining interesting results on the stability and the period of the economic cycle. The objective of our article is improve the contribution of Gomblowski and Krüger introducing new investment function and money wage bargaining equation that seem more adequate to the economic reality. With these modifications are obtained cycles from 12-13 years and is observed that the consideration of the effect of hysteresis in the bargaining of the money wage as well as the money illusion existence have a stabilizing effect on the economic system

    Bacterial community composition and diversity uncovered in experimental sludge treatment reed bed systems with different swine slurry hydraulic loadings

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    P. 175-184Nowadays swine slurry management is a very important environmental issue. Sludge treatment reed bed systems are sludge treatment systems based on constructed wetlands. The present study characterizes via 16S rRNA gene high-throughput the bacterial communities contained in untreated swine slurry and treated swine slurry by means of mesocosm-scale sludge treatment reed beds receiving different slurry loadings. The bacterial community composition varied between the treated and untreated slurry, with a notable slurry loading influence also observed. Richness, diversity and ordination measurements of the studied communities evidenced profound differences between the untreated and treated swine slurry bacterial communities; and only slight differences among the treated swine slurry communities. Interestingly, the slurry loading allowed to define two groups: mesocosm communities residing in the highest hydraulic slurry loadings and other mesocosm communities. The pH value emerged as an important community composition, diversity and ordination predictor. The functional bacterial community composition was predicted through the in silico approach. Results confirmed that the main nitrogen cycle metabolic pathways were present in the mesocosm communities with ammonification and assimilatory nitrate reduction as the most commonly detected nitrogen pathways in treated swine slurry.S

    Greenhouse effect gases emission implications on sustainability of the Campus of Vegazana, University of León

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio de emisiones de CO2, uno de los gases más importantes de efecto invernadero, debido a la actividad desarrollada en el Campus de Vegazana de la Universidad de León, para el año 2006. El estudio se enmarca en un proyecto más amplio de cálculo del indicador Huella Ecológica (HE), desarrollado para conocer en qué medida se alcanzan los objetivos de sostenibilidad establecidos para el Campus, así como para el desarrollo de propuestas encaminadas a la reducción de las emisiones de CO2. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan como el área de superficie biológicamente productiva necesaria para absorber las emisiones del Campus constituyen cerca del 99% del área total de HE. La mayor parte de estas emisiones proceden del gasto energético para electricidad (38%) y uso térmico (24%), seguido del transporte (19%) y la construcción del propio complejo universitario (16%), el cual hace referencia únicamente al año 2006, considerando una vida útil de 27 años para los edificios e instalaciones del Campus, inaugurado en 1979. Una vez analizadas cualitativa y cuantitativamente las emisiones producidas, se ha buscado conocer el total de superficie forestal necesaria para absorber dichas emisiones, considerando los datos del Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional (2003) sobre cobertura de las masas forestales para el territorio nacional, y los aportados por Bravo (2007) en relación a las tasas de fijación del gas por parte de éstas. Como conclusión, puede estimarse que del total de la superficie forestal de la provincia de León, un 0.46% es necesaria como depósito y sumidero del CO2 emitido por el Campus de Vegazana (8.470.168 toneladas). Esta estimación se ha realizado considerando que las masas forestales son las únicas depositarias de CO2, tarea compartida en la naturaleza, no obstante, con el suelo, el agua y los cultivos[EN] In this work, we present the results obtained about the CO2 emissions, one of the most important greenhouse gases, due to the normal activity developed in the Campus of Vegazana of the University of León for the year 2006. This study is all part of a wider project for evaluating the Fingerprint ecological indicator (HE), initially developed for assessing if the sustainability objectives established by the University policies for the Campus of Vegazana have been achieved, as well as the development of proposals and ideas directed towards the reduction of the emissions of CO2. Results obtained showed that the biologically productive area necessary for absorbing all emissions are close to the 99% of the total value of HE. The majority of these emissions come from the energy consumed for producing electricity (38%) and heating (24%), followed by the transport (19%) and the constructions of the buildings and infrastructures of the University (16%), which related just for the year 2006, considering a living period of 27 years as it was inaugurated in 1979. Once analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively the emissions produced, it was developed a method for estimating the total area covered necessary for absorbing them by considering data available from the Third National Forestry Inventory of Spain (2003), related with the forest cover of the territory, and data provided by Bravo (2007), about the absorption rate of the tree species. As a conclusion, we estimated that form the total area covered by forests of the Province of León, a 0.46% is necessary as sink of the CO2 produced in the Campus of Vegazana (8.470.168 ton). This assessment has been achieved considering that forests are the only warehouse of CO2, when actually soil, water and crops are in natureN

    Treparriscos – Tichodroma muraria (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Aves - Orden Passeriformes - Familia Tichodromadidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 25-06-2014A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Movilidad transfronteriza de trabajadores entre Galicia y el norte de Portugal

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    In this paper we deal with cross-border flows of people within the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal, paying particular attention to those led by workers. Based on data for daily mobility between the places of residence and work (commuters), it can be defined, within this territory, the so-called Polycentric Urban Regions (PUR) of Vigo and Porto. These regions should constitute significant referents of cross-border mobility, whose importance we begin to realize by estimating the movement of passengers across border crossings linking the south of Galicia and the north of Portugal. In this context, given the non-existence of official statistics, the reports prepared by the Eures Galicia/Região Norte office provide relevant information about the flow of cross-border workers in the area, which we have complemented by conducting two surveys directed, respectively, to involved workers and companies, and data from a recent study on labour mobility in the Euroregion. The evidence demonstrates the quantitative importance achieved in the territory analyzed by this interesting phenomenon of cross-border work and allows a description of its characteristics that shows the difficulties faced by the process of construction of a European labor market.En este trabajo, nos ocupamos de los flujos transfronterizos de personas en el seno de la eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal. En este marco, se prestará especial atención a aquellos protagonizados por trabajadores. Dentro del territorio analizado, se pueden definir —a partir de los datos relativos a la movilidad diaria casa-trabajo (commuters)— las denominadas regiones urbanas policéntricas (RUP) de Vigo y Porto. Estas deberían constituir referentes significativos de una movilidad transfronteriza, cuya importancia empezamos a calibrar estimando el movimiento de pasajeros en los pasos fronterizos que unen el sur de Galicia y el norte de Portugal. En este contexto, dada la inexistencia de estadísticas oficiales, los informes elaborados por la oficina Eures Galicia/Região Norte proporcionan información relevante sobre el flujo de trabajadores transfronterizos en la zona. Ello lo hemos complementado mediante dos elementos: la realización de sendas encuestas dirigidas respectivamente a trabajadores y empresas implicadas, y los datos proporcionados por un reciente estudio sobre la movilidad laboral en la eurorregión. La evidencia obtenida demuestra la importancia cuantitativa alcanzada en el territorio analizado por este interesante fenómeno del trabajo transfronterizo. Además, esta permite realizar una caracterización del mismo, que pone de manifiesto algunas dificultades a las que se enfrenta el proceso de construcción de un mercado de trabajo europeo

    Cross-border mobility of workers between Galicia and north of Portugal

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    In this paper we deal with cross-border flows of people within the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal, paying particular attention to those led by workers. Based on data for daily mobility between the places of residence and work (commuters), it can be defined, within this territory, the so-called Polycentric Urban Regions (PUR) of Vigo and Porto. These regions should constitute significant referents of cross-border mobility, whose importance we begin to realize by estimating the movement of passengers across border crossings linking the south of Galicia and the north of Portugal. In this context, given the non-existence of official statistics, the reports prepared by the Eures Galicia/Região Norte office provide relevant information about the flow of cross-border workers in the area, which we have complemented by conducting two surveys directed, respectively, to involved workers and companies, and data from a recent study on labour mobility in the Euroregion. The evidence demonstrates the quantitative importance achieved in the territory analyzed by this interesting phenomenon of cross-border work and allows a description of its characteristics that shows the difficulties faced by the process of construction of a European labor market

    Una aplicación del modelo de Goodwin-Vercelli a las economías de la OCDE

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    Goodwin's growth model was partially modified by Vercelli to study the behaviour of the economic cycle during the post-war in different capitalist economies. The aim of our analysis is to verify whether the economic cycles which have taken place in the OECD countries between 1970 and 1997 fit the behaviour described in the Goodwin- Vercelli model.El modelo de crecimiento de Goodwin (1967) fue parcialmente modificado por Vercelli (1977) para estudiar el comportamiento del ciclo económico durante la posguerra en diferentes economías capitalistas. El objetivo de nuestro análisis consiste en contrastar si los ciclos económicos que han tenido lugar en los países de la OCDE entre 1970 y 1997 se ajustan al comportamiento descrito por el modelo de Goodwin- Vercelli

    Le Corbusier: dignidad de la persona y vivienda ideal

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