12 research outputs found

    Path entanglement of surface plasmons

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    Metals can sustain traveling electromagnetic waves at their surfaces supported by the collective oscillations of their free electrons in unison. Remarkably, classical electromagnetism captures the essential physics of these 'surface plasma' waves using simple models with only macroscopic features, accounting for microscopic electron–electron and electron–phonon interactions with a single, semi-empirical damping parameter. Nevertheless, in quantum theory these microscopic interactions could be important, as any substantial environmental interactions could decohere quantum superpositions of surface plasmons, the quanta of these waves. Here we report a measurement of path entanglement between surface plasmons with 95% contrast, confirming that a path-entangled state can indeed survive without measurable decoherence. Our measurement suggests that elastic scattering mechanisms of the type that might cause pure dephasing in plasmonic systems must be weak enough not to significantly perturb the state of the metal under the experimental conditions we investigated

    Quantum Coherence Preservation in Extremely Dispersive Plasmonic Media

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    Quantum plasmonics experiments have on multiple occasions resulted in the observation of quantum coherence of discrete plasmons, which exhibit remarkable preservation of quantum interference visibility, a seemingly surprising feature for systems mixing light and matter with high Ohmic losses during propagation. However, most experiments to date used essentially weakly confined plasmons, which experience limited light-matter hybridization, thus limiting the potential for decoherence. In this paper, we investigate experimentally the robustness of coherence preservation in a plasmonic system: our setup is based on a hole-array chip supporting plasmons near the surface plasma frequency, where plasmonic dispersion and confinement are much stronger than in previous experiments, making the plasmons much more susceptible for decoherence processes. We, however, report preservation of quantum coherence even in these extreme conditions. We generate polarization-entangled pairs of photons using type-I spontaneous parametric down-conversion and transmit one of the photons through a plasmonic hole array that is numerically designed to convert incident single photons into highly dispersive single surface-plasmon polaritons. Our results show that the quality of photon entanglement after the plasmonic channel is unperturbed by the introduction of a highly dispersive plasmonic element. Our findings provide a lower bound of 100 fs for the pure dephasing time for dispersive plasmons in gold, and show that even in a highly dispersive regime surface plasmons preserve quantum mechanical correlations, making possible harnessing of the power of extreme light confinement for integrated quantum photonics

    Two-plasmon quantum interference

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    Surface plasma waves on metals arise from the collective oscillation of many free electrons in unison. These waves are usually quantized by direct analogy to electromagnetic fields in free space, with the surface plasmon, the quantum of the surface plasma wave, playing the same role as the photon. It follows that surface plasmons should exhibit all the same quantum phenomena that photons do. Here, we report a plasmonic version of the Hong–Ou–Mandel experiment, in which we observe unambiguous two-photon quantum interference between plasmons, confirming that surface plasmons faithfully reproduce this effect with the same visibility and mutual coherence time, to within measurement error, as in the photonic case. These properties are important if plasmonic devices are to be employed in quantum information applications, which typically require indistinguishable particles

    Epitaxial Growth of DNA-Assembled Nanoparticle Superlattices on Patterned Substrates

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    DNA-functionalized nanoparticles, including plasmonic nanoparticles, can be assembled into a wide range of crystalline arrays via synthetically programmable DNA hybridization interactions. Here we demonstrate that such assemblies can be grown epitaxially on lithographically patterned templates, eliminating grain boundaries and enabling fine control over orientation and size of assemblies up to thousands of square micrometers. We also demonstrate that this epitaxial growth allows for orientational control, systematic introduction of strain, and designed defects, which extend the range of structures that can be made using superlattice assembly. Ultimately, this will open the door to integrating self-assembled plasmonic nanoparticle materials into on-chip optical or optoelectronic platforms

    Path entanglement of surface plasmons

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    Quantum interference of highly-dispersive surface plasmons

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    Previous experiments have shown that surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) preserve their entangled state and do not cause measurable decoherence. However, essentially all of them were done using SPPs whose dispersion was in the linear “photon-like” regime. We report in this presentation on experiments showing how transition to “true-plasmon” non-linear dispersion regime, which occurs near SPP resonance frequency, will affect quantum coherent properties of light. To generate a polarization-entangled state we utilize type-I parametric down-conversion, occurring in a pair of non-linear crystals (BiBO), glued together and rotated by 90 degrees with respect to each other. For state projection measurements, we use a pair of polarizers and single-photon avalanche diode coincidence count detectors. We interpose a plasmonic hole array in the path of down-converted light before the polarizer. Without the hole array, we measure visibility V=99-100% and Bell’s number S=2.81±0.03. To study geometrical effects we fabricated plasmonic hole arrays (gold on optically polished glass) with elliptical holes (axes are 190nm and 240nm) using focused ion beam. When we put this sample in our system we measured the reduction of visibility V=86±5% using entangled light. However, measurement using classical light gave exactly the same visibility; hence, this reduction is caused only by the difference in transmission coefficients of different polarizations. As samples with non-linear dispersion we fabricated two-layer (a-Si - Au) and three-layer (a-Si – Au – a-Si) structures on optically polished glass with different pitches and circular holes. The results of measurements with these samples will be discussed along with the theoretical investigations

    Quantum interference of highly-dispersive surface plasmons

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    Previous experiments have shown that surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) preserve their entangled state and do not cause measurable decoherence. However, essentially all of them were done using SPPs whose dispersion was in the linear “photon-like” regime. We report in this presentation on experiments showing how transition to “true-plasmon” non-linear dispersion regime, which occurs near SPP resonance frequency, will affect quantum coherent properties of light. To generate a polarization-entangled state we utilize type-I parametric down-conversion, occurring in a pair of non-linear crystals (BiBO), glued together and rotated by 90 degrees with respect to each other. For state projection measurements, we use a pair of polarizers and single-photon avalanche diode coincidence count detectors. We interpose a plasmonic hole array in the path of down-converted light before the polarizer. Without the hole array, we measure visibility V=99-100% and Bell’s number S=2.81±0.03. To study geometrical effects we fabricated plasmonic hole arrays (gold on optically polished glass) with elliptical holes (axes are 190nm and 240nm) using focused ion beam. When we put this sample in our system we measured the reduction of visibility V=86±5% using entangled light. However, measurement using classical light gave exactly the same visibility; hence, this reduction is caused only by the difference in transmission coefficients of different polarizations. As samples with non-linear dispersion we fabricated two-layer (a-Si - Au) and three-layer (a-Si – Au – a-Si) structures on optically polished glass with different pitches and circular holes. The results of measurements with these samples will be discussed along with the theoretical investigations

    Metal–Polymer–Metal Split-Dipole Nanoantennas

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    The conjugated polymer semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene), (P3HT), is integrated directly into the slot region of resonant plasmonic split-dipole nanoantennas. The P3HT radiative emission rate is enhanced by a factor of up to 29, in experiment, and 550 for the ideal case, due to the large local density of optical states in the nanoantenna slot region. Additionally, the theoretical modified luminescence quantum efficiency is shown to increase from 1% to 45% for optimized nanoantenna parameters