107 research outputs found
Deterrence, Rational Choice, and White-Collar Crime: Occupational Health and Safety in Bangladesh RMG Sector
The objective of this research is, firstly to investigate the managerial perception of administering
occupational health and safety (OHS) provisions to reduce workplace accidents and, secondly, to
explore the managerial interpretation of the idea of white-collar crime in relation to the avoidance of,
or negligence in administering, the OHS provisions. This research particularly focuses on the
readymade garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh. It is qualitative in nature and follows an
interpretivist and constructivist philosophical paradigm. Data were collected from two deviant cases
(e.g. Tazreen Fashions Limited and Rana Plaza) and from the questionnaire responses of 24
participants from 12 RMG factories (6 outsourced and 6 subcontracted) located in Dhaka. All of the
participants were top-level, male, full-time executives at the RMG factories (i.e. owners and
manages). Despite its limitations, the research finds that all of the factory owners believe in the
appropriateness of the OHS provisions for reducing workplace accidents effectively. It also discovers
that the application of OHS as a deterrent factor to accidents exists among the outsourced factory
owners and but is absent from the subcontracted factory owners. The research also unfolds the
different interpretations of white-collar crime between the outsourced and subcontracted factory
owners. Based on the further analysis of the empirical evidence, however, it is suggested that the
evasion of OHS practices can be labelled white-collar crime
Pendekatan Sistem Jasser Auda Terhadap Hukum Islam: Ke Arah Fiqh Post-postmodernisme
Persoalan utama yang dihadapi dunia Islam dewasa ini adalah kegagalan dalam proses demokratisasi politik, sistem ekonomi dan pendidikan, berkembangnya ancaman ekstrimis religius (fundamentalis), serta upaya pemupukan pluralisme dan pemahaman modern atas toleransi yang didasarkan pada sikap saling memahami. Realitas dunia Islam seperti itu telah menggelitik Jasser Auda untuk mempertanyakan kembali posisi syariat Islam- dimanakah syariat Islam? Bagaimana syariat Islam dapat berperan positif dalam mensikapi krisis yang dihadapi dunia Islam? Apakah ada masalah dalam syariat Islam? Tulisan ini menelusuri gagasan pembaharuan Jasser Auda dalam bidang hukum Islam yang menawarkan pendekatan sistemik terhadap hukum Islam. Menurut Auda, sebagai suatu sistem, hukum Islam harus dijabarkan melalui enam kategori-teoritis, yaitu: sifat kognitif (cognitive nature), saling keterkaitan (interrelated), keutuhan (wholeness), keterbukaan (openess), multi-dimensionalitas (multi-dimentionality) dan kebermaknaan (purposefulness). Di sini Auda menawarkan rekonstruksi teori maqa>s}id sekaligus, pada saat yang sama, mengkritik teori maqa>s}id klasik yang cenderung hirarkis dan sempit. Menurutnya, suatu ijtihad hukum Islam hanya akan efektif manakala ia mencerminkan maqa>s}id (tujuan) di Balik teks sebagaimana yang diinginkan oleh sya>ri\u27
Analysis Effect of Loading on the DGA Results of the UAT 2A Transformer PLTU Paiton 1&2 for Optimizing Self-Use
In this study, the analysis of the effect of loading on the DGA results of the Paiton UAT 2A transformer units 1 and 2 was carried out using the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test tool with the X-DGA kelman tool to determine the gas content contained in oil or oil. The UAT 2A transformer is a type of oil-cooled distribution transformer that uses the Nytro Libra oil type. The oil in the UAT 2A transformer is useful for insulating and cooling media so that the UAT 2A transformer does not get hot. In the oil content there is a gas content that causes transformer failure. Gas failure is called gas fault which results in thermal and electrical failure. The results of the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test analysis show that loading greatly influences the DGA test results because there are contents that are indicated to experience Low Energy Electrical Discharge, Hight Energy Electrical Discharge and Thermal Fault, namely H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H2, CO, CO2, and H2O continue to increase due to Thermal FaultIn this study, the analysis of the effect of loading on the DGA results of the Paiton UAT 2A transformer units 1 and 2 was carried out using the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test tool with the X-DGA kelman tool to determine the gas content contained in oil or oil. The UAT 2A transformer is a type of oil-cooled distribution transformer that uses the Nytro Libra oil type. The oil in the UAT 2A transformer is useful for insulating and cooling media so that the UAT 2A transformer does not get hot. In the oil content there is a gas content that causes transformer failure. Gas failure is called gas fault which results in thermal and electrical failure. The results of the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) test analysis show that loading greatly influences the DGA test results because there are contents that are indicated to experience Low Energy Electrical Discharge, Hight Energy Electrical Discharge and Thermal Fault, namely H2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C2H2, CO, CO2, and H2O continue to increase due to Thermal Faul
Keberhasilan dalam belajar tidak lepas dari model model pembelajaran Yang efektif dan menyenangkan. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang menyenangkan yaitu model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT). Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana penerapan pendidikan agama islam melalui penerapan metode Numbered Head Together (NHT) untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Akidah Akhlak kelas V di MI. Miftahul Ulum Balung Jember. Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian bahwa Kepala Madrasah harus selalu memberi dukungan terhadap model pembelajaran yang bisa menyenangkan. semua guru hendaknya semangat untuk memberi pelajaran dengan model pembelajaran yang siswa tidak bosan, siswa khususnya siswa MI Miftahul Ulum antusias ketika pelajaran berlangsung
Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Numbered Head Together, Aktivitas Belaja
Pengaruh Mobile Lagend (Game Online) Terhadap Minat Belajar
Kemajuan teknologi saat ini membuat semua pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh manusia menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat. Manusia dituntut untuk ikut berkembang dalam kemajuan teknologi tersebut. Kemajuan teknologi saat ini dapat ditemui pada segala kegiatan manusia termasuk dalam kegiatan bermain. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ada tidaknya pengaruh mobile lagend (game online) teradap minat belajar siswa kelas VI di MIMA 01 KH.Shiddiq Jember. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah : metode interview, metode observasi, dokumenter dan angket. Analisis data nya menggunakan Uji Normalitas, Uji Homogenitas, dan Uji T-test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari pengunaan Mobile Lagend Game Online) terhadap minat belajar siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil Uji Hipotesis dimana dan . Dengan membandingan kedua nilai tersebut diperoleh(). Hal ini berati hipotesis alternatif diterima maka terdapat pengaruh negatif mobile lagend (game online) terhadap minat belajar siswa kelas VI di MIMA 01 KH.Shiddiq.
Kata Kunci: Mobile Lagand, Game Online, Minat Belajar Sisw
This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the value of the author's creativity in a literary work of poetry entitled Aku, by Chairil Anwar. The data source for this research is the content of the poem Aku, by Chairil Anwar. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. This method is used on the basis of consideration and suitability of research forms and research objectives. While the data collection techniques in this study used documentation study techniques and data observation. The results of this research can be concluded that Charil Anwar, in creating his poem entitled Aku, tries to describe deep emotional expressions, such as loneliness and anxiety. This poem also reflects the rebellion against social conditions and the author's perceived oppression. Chairil Anwar uses imagery and symbolism to express feelings of limitations and the desire for individual freedomPenlitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kreativitas pengarang pada karya sastra puisi yang berjudul Aku, karya Chairil Anwar. Sember data penelitian ini adalah isi puisi Aku, karya Chairil Anwar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dekskriptif. Metode ini digunakan atas dasar pertimbangan dan kesesuaian bentuk penelitian dan tujuan penelitian. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik studi dokumentasi dan observasi data. Hasil dari penlitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Charil Anwar, dalam menciptakan karya puisinya yang berjudul Aku, berusaha menggambarkan ekspresi emosi yang mendalam, seperti kesepian dan kegelisahan. Puisi ini juga mencerminkan pemberontakan terhadap kondisi sosial serta penindasan yang dirasakan penulis. Chairil Anwar menggunakan imagery dan simbolisme untuk mengungkapkan perasaan keterbatasan dan keinginan akan kebebasan individual
Persoalan utama yang dihadapi dunia Islam dewasa ini adalah kegagalan dalam proses demokratisasi politik, sistem ekonomi dan pendidikan, berkembangnya ancaman ekstrimis religius (fundamentalis), serta upaya pemupukan pluralisme dan pemahaman modern atas toleransi yang didasarkan pada sikap saling memahami. Realitas dunia Islam seperti itu telah menggelitik Jasser Auda untuk mempertanyakan kembali posisi syariat Islam- dimanakah syariat Islam? Bagaimana syariat Islam dapat berperan positif dalam mensikapi krisis yang dihadapi dunia Islam? Apakah ada masalah dalam syariat Islam? Tulisan ini menelusuri gagasan pembaharuan Jasser Auda dalam bidang hukum Islam yang menawarkan pendekatan sistemik terhadap hukum Islam. Menurut Auda, sebagai suatu sistem, hukum Islam harus dijabarkan melalui enam kategori-teoritis, yaitu: sifat kognitif (cognitive nature), saling keterkaitan (interrelated), keutuhan (wholeness), keterbukaan (openess), multi-dimensionalitas (multi-dimentionality) dan kebermaknaan (purposefulness). Di sini Auda menawarkan rekonstruksi teori maqa>s}id sekaligus, pada saat yang sama, mengkritik teori maqa>s}id klasik yang cenderung hirarkis dan sempit. Menurutnya, suatu ijtihad hukum Islam hanya akan efektif manakala ia mencerminkan maqa>s}id (tujuan) di balik teks sebagaimana yang diinginkan oleh sya>ri’
It is undeniable that the dynamics of social and Islamic law are intertwined in forming a change. On the one hand, the dynamics and social change occur because of the influence of Islamic law, and in one side the social change affects the development and change of Islamic law. The inscription shows that the Islamic law brought by the prophet Muhammad SAW. has clearly changed the social community order at the time. Social conditions based on poor customs and habits have turned into a society based on Islamic law. Therefore, it can not be denied the change of law because of social change as affirmed in the rule of fiqh. This also demonstrates the nature of Islamic law that always matches the development of the times
Aspek Tinjauan Hukum Peranan Bank Indonesia Dalam Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum Nasabah Kartu Kredit Terhadap Debt Collector
The advance in technology and trade has brought a change in people's need for a payment system that can meet the speed, accuracy, and security in every electronic transaction. The use of credit card as the payment instrument offer various easiness and advantages, such as more practical, safe, comfortable, and can utilize the credit facility given. In addition, it also reflects particular social status for the holders. Credit card developsrapidly, but it is in contrary with the enormous complaints from people who use the bank services including in Bank of Indonesia starting from the banking products until the services. One of the prominent complaints frequently exposed in mass media is about the credit collection to the use of credit card. Credit card holders are always in weak position to several harmful threats of risks to them. Here, the role of BI (Bank of Indonesia), as the authorized institution in payment system, is required in supervising the rapid growth of credit card with all their authority in the field of regulating, licensing, and supervising, to the implementation of credit card. The aspects that get attention from BI are the aspects of prudential, customer's legal protection, and risk management of lending described in PBI (Peraturan Bank Indonesia) and SEBI (Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia)as the rules and legal review to the implementation of APMK (Alat Pembayaran Menggunakan Kartu). In addition, the sinergy of parties from customers, issuers, and organizers of APMK having good will understand the requirements determined and their obediences to the rules applied. If they can create it, the development of credit card will be healthy and accelerate the national economic growth. The aims of this research are to find out how the updated BI regulations in the supervising function tighten credit card issuance, the position and Legal Rules of Debt Collectors in Positive Law Perspective in Indonesia, the roles of BI in providing legal protection to credit card holder against debt collectors, and the regulations development in PBI and SEBI on APMK and Debt Collector. Theapproach method applied in this research was the legal approach method of normative juridical with the specification of analytical descripstive. The samples were taken by non-random purposive sampling. The data collected in the research consisted of primary data from the research in the field and secondary data as the theoretical basis. The results were analyzed using qualitative approach, that is , by composing the data obtained systematically, then the conclusion was drawn to answer the problems examined. On the basis of the research, BI has the role in controlling credit card issuance, licensing, reporting, impositioning sanctions to APMK administrators, and strengthening customer's protection by providing the dispute resolution mechanism of non performing loan through Banking Mediation, Customer's Complaints, the transparancy of Information and The Use of Customer's Personal Data, until tightening the license of debtcollectors and the regulation of collecting ethics in which PBI and SEBI as the legal basis
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