571 research outputs found

    Unified Octonionic Representation of the 10-13 Dimensional Clifford Algebra

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    We give a one dimensional octonionic representation of the different Clifford algebra Cliff(5,5)\sim Cliff(9,1), Cliff(6,6)\sim Cliff(10,2) and lastly Cliff(7,6)\sim Cliff(10,3) which can be given by (8x8) real matrices taking into account some suitable manipulation rules.Comment: RevTex file, 19 pages, to be published in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Properties of the Scalar Universal Equations

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    The variational properties of the scalar so--called ``Universal'' equations are reviewed and generalised. In particular, we note that contrary to earlier claims, each member of the Euler hierarchy may have an explicit field dependence. The Euler hierarchy itself is given a new interpretation in terms of the formal complex of variational calculus, and is shown to be related to the algebra of distinguished symmetries of the first source form.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX articl

    The Moyal bracket and the dispersionless limit of the KP hierarchy

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    A new Lax equation is introduced for the KP hierarchy which avoids the use of pseudo-differential operators, as used in the Sato approach. This Lax equation is closer to that used in the study of the dispersionless KP hierarchy, and is obtained by replacing the Poisson bracket with the Moyal bracket. The dispersionless limit, underwhich the Moyal bracket collapses to the Poisson bracket, is particularly simple.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Orthogonal Decomposition of Some Affine Lie Algebras in Terms of their Heisenberg Subalgebras

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    In the present note we suggest an affinization of a theorem by Kostrikin et.al. about the decomposition of some complex simple Lie algebras G{\cal G} into the algebraic sum of pairwise orthogonal Cartan subalgebras. We point out that the untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebras of types Apm1A_{p^m-1} (pp prime, m1m\geq 1), Br,C2m,Dr,G2,E7,E8B_r, \, C_{2^m}, D_r,\, G_2,\, E_7,\, E_8 can be decomposed into the algebraic sum of pairwise or\-tho\-go\-nal Heisenberg subalgebras. The Apm1A_{p^m-1} and G2G_2 cases are discussed in great detail. Some possible applications of such decompositions are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalism on a Quantum Plane

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    We examine the problem of defining Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics for a particle moving on a quantum plane Qq,pQ_{q,p}. For Lagrangian mechanics, we first define a tangent quantum plane TQq,pTQ_{q,p} spanned by noncommuting particle coordinates and velocities. Using techniques similar to those of Wess and Zumino, we construct two different differential calculi on TQq,pTQ_{q,p}. These two differential calculi can in principle give rise to two different particle dynamics, starting from a single Lagrangian. For Hamiltonian mechanics, we define a phase space TQq,pT^*Q_{q,p} spanned by noncommuting particle coordinates and momenta. The commutation relations for the momenta can be determined only after knowing their functional dependence on coordinates and velocities. Thus these commutation relations, as well as the differential calculus on TQq,pT^*Q_{q,p}, depend on the initial choice of Lagrangian. We obtain the deformed Hamilton's equations of motion and the deformed Poisson brackets, and their definitions also depend on our initial choice of Lagrangian. We illustrate these ideas for two sample Lagrangians. The first system we examine corresponds to that of a nonrelativistic particle in a scalar potential. The other Lagrangian we consider is first order in time derivative

    Sylvester-t' Hooft generators of sl(n) and sl(n|n), and relations between them

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    Among the simple finite dimensional Lie algebras, only sl(n) possesses two automorphisms of finite order which have no common nonzero eigenvector with eigenvalue one. It turns out that these automorphisms are inner and form a pair of generators that allow one to generate all of sl(n) under bracketing. It seems that Sylvester was the first to mention these generators, but he used them as generators of the associative algebra of all n times n matrices Mat(n). These generators appear in the description of elliptic solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation, orthogonal decompositions of Lie algebras, 't Hooft's work on confinement operators in QCD, and various other instances. Here I give an algorithm which both generates sl(n) and explicitly describes a set of defining relations. For simple (up to center) Lie superalgebras, analogs of Sylvester generators exist only for sl(n|n). The relations for this case are also computed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Effective theoretical approach of Gauge-Higgs unification model and its phenomenological applications

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    We derive the low energy effective theory of Gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) models in the usual four dimensional framework. We find that the theories are described by only the zero-modes with a particular renormalization condition in which essential informations about GHU models are included. We call this condition ``Gauge-Higgs condition'' in this letter. In other wards, we can describe the low energy theory as the SM with this condition if GHU is a model as the UV completion of the Standard Model. This approach will be a powerful tool to construct realistic models for GHU and to investigate their low energy phenomena.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; Two paragraphs discussing the applicable scope of this approach are adde

    Symmetry breaking from Scherk-Schwarz compactification

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    We analyze the classical stable configurations of an extra-dimensional gauge theory, in which the extra dimensions are compactified on a torus. Depending on the particular choice of gauge group and the number of extra dimensions, the classical vacua compatible with four-dimensional Poincar\'e invariance and zero instanton number may have zero energy. For SU(N) on a two-dimensional torus, we find and catalogue all possible degenerate zero-energy stable configurations in terms of continuous or discrete parameters, for the case of trivial or non-trivial 't Hooft non-abelian flux, respectively. We then describe the residual symmetries of each vacua.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, Section 4 modifie

    Explicit Lie-Poisson integration and the Euler equations

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    We give a wide class of Lie-Poisson systems for which explicit, Lie-Poisson integrators, preserving all Casimirs, can be constructed. The integrators are extremely simple. Examples are the rigid body, a moment truncation, and a new, fast algorithm for the sine-bracket truncation of the 2D Euler equations.Comment: 7 pages, compile with AMSTEX; 2 figures available from autho

    U*(1,1) Noncommutative Gauge Theory As The Foundation of 2T-Physics in Field Theory

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    A very simple field theory in noncommutative phase space X^{M},P^{M} in d+2 dimensions, with a gauge symmetry based on noncommutative u*(1,1), furnishes the foundation for the field theoretic formulation of Two-Time Physics. This leads to a remarkable unification of several gauge principles in d dimensions, including Maxwell, Einstein and high spin gauge principles, packaged together into one of the simplest fundamental gauge symmetries in noncommutative quantum phase space in d+2 dimensions. A gauge invariant action is constructed and its nonlinear equations of motion are analyzed. Besides elegantly reproducing the first quantized worldline theory with all background fields, the field theory prescribes unique interactions among the gauge fields. A matrix version of the theory, with a large N limit, is also outlinedComment: 24 pages, LaTe