1,394 research outputs found

    Finite-size corrections vs. relaxation after a sudden quench

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    We consider the time evolution after sudden quenches of global parameters in translational invariant Hamiltonians and study the time average expectation values and entanglement entropies in finite chains. We show that in noninteracting models the time average of spin correlation functions is asymptotically equal to the infinite time limit in the infinite chain, which is known to be described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble. The equivalence breaks down considering nonlocal operators, and we establish that this can be traced back to the existence of conservation laws common to the Hamiltonian before and after the quench. We develop a method to compute the leading finite-size correction for time average correlation functions and entanglement entropies. We find that large corrections are generally associated to observables with slow relaxation dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; V2: minor changes and reference adde

    New insights into the entanglement of disjoint blocks

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    We study the entanglement of two disjoint blocks in spin-1/2 chains obtained by merging solvable models, such as XX and quantum Ising models. We focus on the universal quantities that can be extracted from the R\'enyi entropies S_\alpha. The most important information is encoded in some functions denoted by F_\alpha. We compute F_2 and we show that F_\alpha-1 and F_{v.N.}, corresponding to the von Neumann entropy, can be negative, in contrast to what observed in all models examined so far. An exact relation between the entanglement of disjoint subsystems in the XX model and that in a chain embodying two quantum Ising models is a by-product of our investigations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revised version accepted for publication in EP

    Local conservation laws in spin-1/2 XY chains with open boundary conditions

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    We revisit the conserved quantities of the spin-1/2 XY model with open boundary conditions. In the absence of a transverse field, we find new families of local charges and show that half of the seeming conservation laws are conserved only if the number of sites is odd. In even chains the set of noninteracting charges is abelian, like in the periodic case when the number of sites is odd. In odd chains the set is doubled and becomes non-abelian, like in even periodic chains. The dependence of the charges on the parity of the chain's size undermines the common belief that the thermodynamic limit of diagonal ensembles exists. We consider also the transverse-field Ising chain, where the situation is more ordinary. The generalization to the XY model in a transverse field is not straightforward and we propose a general framework to carry out similar calculations. We conjecture the form of the bulk part of the local charges and discuss the emergence of quasilocal conserved quantities. We provide evidence that in a region of the parameter space there is a reduction of the number of quasilocal conservation laws invariant under chain inversion. As a by-product, we study a class of block-Toeplitz-plus-Hankel operators and identify the conditions that their symbols satisfy in order to commute with a given block-Toeplitz.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; published versio

    Conservation laws for a class of generic Hamiltonians

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    Within a strong coupling expansion, we construct local quasi-conserved operators for a class of Hamiltonians that includes both integrable and non-integrable models. We explicitly show that at the lowest orders of perturbation theory the structure of the operators is independent of the system details. Higher order contributions are investigated numerically by means of an ab initio method for computing the time evolution of local operators in the Heisenberg picture. The numerical analysis suggests that the quasi-conserved operators could be approximations of a quasi-local conservation law, even if the model is non-integrable.Comment: 5+2 pages, 2+1 figure

    Higher-Order Hydrodynamics in 1D: a Promising Direction and a Null Result

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    We derive a Moyal dynamical equation that describes exact time evolution in generic (inhomogeneous) noninteracting spin-chain models. Assuming quasistationarity, we develop a hydrodynamic theory. The question at hand is whether some large-time corrections are captured by higher-order hydrodynamics. We consider in particular the dynamics after that two chains, prepared in different conditions, are joined together. In these situations a light cone, separating regions with macroscopically different properties, emerges from the junction. In free fermionic systems some observables close to the light cone follow a universal behavior, known as Tracy-Widom scaling. Universality means weak dependence on the system's details, so this is the perfect setting where hydrodynamics could emerge. For the transverse-field Ising chain and the XX model, we show that hydrodynamics captures the scaling behavior close to the light cone. On the other hand, our numerical analysis suggests that hydrodynamics fails in more general models, whenever a condition is not satisfied.Comment: 7+2 pages, 1+2 figure

    Dynamical Phase Transitions as Properties of the Stationary State: Analytic Results after Quantum Quenches in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain

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    The (Loschmidt) overlap between the state at different times after a quantum quench is attracting increasing interest, as it was recently shown that in the thermodynamic limit its logarithm per unit of length has a non-analytic behavior if a Hamiltonian parameter is quenched across a critical point. This phenomenon was called a "dynamical phase transition" in analogy with the behavior of the canonical partition function at an equilibrium phase transition. We distinguish between local and nonlocal contributions to the aforementioned quantity and derive an analytic expression for the time evolution of the local part after quantum quenches in the XXZ spin-1/2 chain. The state that describes the stationary properties of (local) observables can be represented by a Gibbs ensemble of a generalized Hamiltonian; we reveal a deep connection between the appearance of singularities and the excitation energies of the generalized Hamiltonian.Comment: 5+2 pages, 1+1 figures. In Version 2 an error in the discussion of noninteracting models is fixed and the quantity under investigation is revisite

    On Conservation Laws, Relaxation and Pre-relaxation after a Quantum Quench

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    We consider the time evolution following a quantum quench in spin-1/2 chains. It is well known that local conservation laws constrain the dynamics and, eventually, the stationary behavior of local observables. We show that some widely studied models, like the quantum XY model, possess extra families of local conservation laws in addition to the translation invariant ones. As a consequence, the additional charges must be included in the generalized Gibbs ensemble that describes the stationary properties. The effects go well beyond a simple redefinition of the stationary state. The time evolution of a non-translation invariant state under a (translation invariant) Hamiltonian with a perturbation that weakly breaks the hidden symmetries underlying the extra conservation laws exhibits pre-relaxation. In addition, in the limit of small perturbation, the time evolution following pre-relaxation can be described by means of a time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensemble.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor changes, a few references adde

    Prethermalization at Low Temperature: the Scent of Long-Range Order

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    Non-equilibrium time evolution in isolated many-body quantum systems generally results in thermalization. However, the relaxation process can be very slow, and quasi-stationary non-thermal plateaux are often observed at intermediate times. The paradigmatic example is a quantum quench in an integrable model with weak integrability breaking; for a long time, the state can not escape the constraints imposed by the approximate integrability. We unveil a new mechanism of prethermalization, based on the presence of a symmetry of the pre-quench Hamiltonian, which is spontaneously broken at zero temperature and is explicitly broken by the post-quench Hamiltonian. The typical time scale of the phenomenon is proportional to the thermal correlation length of the initial state, which diverges as the temperature is lowered. We show that the prethermal quasi-stationary state can be approximated by a mixed state that violates cluster decomposition property. We consider two examples: the transverse-field Ising chain, where the full time evolution is computed analytically, and the (non integrable) ANNNI model, which is investigated numerically.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Pre-relaxation in weakly interacting models

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    We consider time evolution in models close to integrable points with hidden symmetries that generate infinitely many local conservation laws that do not commute with one another. The system is expected to (locally) relax to a thermal ensemble if integrability is broken, or to a so-called generalised Gibbs ensemble if unbroken. In some circumstances expectation values exhibit quasi-stationary behaviour long before their typical relaxation time. For integrability-breaking perturbations, these are also called pre-thermalisation plateaux, and emerge e.g. in the strong coupling limit of the Bose-Hubbard model. As a result of the hidden symmetries, quasi-stationarity appears also in integrable models, for example in the Ising limit of the XXZ model. We investigate a weak coupling limit, identify a time window in which the effects of the perturbations become significant and solve the time evolution through a mean-field mapping. As an explicit example we study the XYZ spin-12\frac{1}{2} chain with additional perturbations that break integrability. One of the most intriguing results of the analysis is the appearance of persistent oscillatory behaviour. To unravel its origin, we study in detail a toy model: the transverse-field Ising chain with an additional nonlocal interaction proportional to the square of the transverse spin per unit length [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 197203 (2013)]. Despite being nonlocal, this belongs to a class of models that emerge as intermediate steps of the mean-field mapping and shares many dynamical properties with the weakly interacting models under consideration.Comment: 69 pages, 17 figures, improved exposition, figures 1 and 13 added, some typos correcte