780 research outputs found

    Double Beta Decay, Nuclear Structure and Physics beyond the Standard Model

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    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) is presently the only known experiment to distinguisch between Dirac neutrinos, different from their antiparticles, and Majorana neutrinos, identical with their antiparticles. In addition 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta allows to determine the absolute scale of the neutrino masses. This is not possible with neutrino oscillations. To determine the neutrino masses one must assume, that the light Majorana neutrino exchange is the leading mechanism for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta and that the matrix element of this transition can ba calculated reliably. The experimental 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta transition amplitude in this mechanism is a product of the light left handed effective Majorana neutrino mass and of this transition matrix element. The different methods, Quasi-particle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA), Shell Model (SM), Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (PHFB) and Interacting Boson Model (IBM2) used in the literature and the reliability of the matrix elements in these approaches are reviewed. In the second part it is investigated how one can determine the leading mechanism or mechanisms from the data of the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay in different nuclei. Explicite expressions are given for the transition matrix elements. is shown, that possible interference terms allow to test CP (Charge and Parity conjugation) violation.Comment: Contribution to the EPS conference in Eilath: "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 5." April 3rd to 8th. 201

    Nucleon Properties in the Perturbative Chiral Quark Model

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    We apply the perturbative chiral quark model (PCQM) to analyse low-energy nucleon properties: electromagnetic form factors, meson-nucleon sigma-terms and pion-nucleon scattering. Baryons are described as bound states of valence quarks surrounded by a cloud of Goldstone bosons (pi, K, eta) as required by chiral symmetry. The model is based on the following guide lines: chiral symmetry constraints, fulfilment of low-energy theorems and proper treatment of sea-quarks, that is meson cloud contributions. Analytic expressions for nucleon observables are obtained in terms of fundamental parameters of low-energy pion-nucleon physics (weak pion decay constant, axial nucleon coupling constant, strong pion-nucleon form factor) and of only one model parameter (radius of the nucleonic three-quark core). Our results are in good agreement with experimental data and results of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 8 pages. Invited talk given at Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons "NSTAR2001", Mainz, Germany, March 7-10, 200

    Once more on electromagnetic form factors of nucleons in extended vector meson dominance model

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    Extended vector meson dominance model, that allows to describe the electromagnetic form factors of nucleons obeying the asymptotic quark counting rule prescriptions and contains the minimal number of free parameters, is presented. We get a reasonable fit of form factors over experimentally available space-like region of momentum transfer and get also reasonable results in the time-like region.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Charge-exchange reaction cross sections and the Gamow-Teller strength for double beta decay

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    The proportionality between single charge-exchange reaction cross sections in the forward direction as found, for example from (p,n)(p,n) and (3(^3He,t)t) and from (n,p)(n,p) and (d,2(d,^2He) reactions, and the Gamow-Teller (GT) strength into the same final nuclear states has been studied and/or assumed often in the past. Using the most physically justified theory we have at our disposal and for the specific example of the 76{}^{76}Ge-76{}^{76}Se system that may undergo double beta-decay, we demonstrate that the proportionality is a relative good assumption for reactions changing a neutron into a proton, i.e. 76{}^{76}Ge(p,n)76(p,n){}^{76}As. In this channel, the main contribution to the GT strengths comes from the removal of a neutron from an occupied single-particle (SP) state and putting a proton into an unoccupied SP state having either the same state quantum numbers or those of the spin-orbit partner. In contrast to this, in the second leg of the double beta decay a single proton must be taken from an occupied SP state and a neutron placed in an unoccupied one. This second process often is Pauli forbidden in medium-heavy nuclei and only can be effected if the Fermi surface is smeared out. Such is the case for 76{}^{76}Se(n,p)76(n,p){}^{76}As. Our results suggest that one may not always assume a proportionality between the forward-angle cross sections of the charge-exchange reactions and the GT strength in any such medium-heavy nuclei. The discrepancy originates from a pronounced effect of the radial dependence of the nucleon-nucleon (NNNN) interaction in connection with the Pauli principle on the cross sections in the (n,p)(n,p) reaction channel. Such a radial dependence is completely absent in the GT transition operator.Comment: 14 p., 7 fig

    Magnetic moments of S-shell pentaquarks in the constituent quark model

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    We discuss the magnetic moments of the recently discovered exotic baryons Theta(+) and Xi(--) and their multiplet partners in the framework of a naive additive quark model. These baryons are set up as pentaquark states where four quarks and a single antiquark are located in their ground state orbit. The pentaquark states are classified as members of the flavor SU(3) octet and antidecuplet with spin-parity J^P = (1/2)^- and (3/2)^-, where we determine the magnetic moments of these pentaquark states.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, elsart; publication version, 8 pages, 1 figure, ptptex; upload miss correcte
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