159 research outputs found

    Analisis Perhitungan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan Perorangan pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan sebagaimana jenis pajak lainnya merupakan salah satu sumber penerimaan negara yang sangat penting artinya dalam menunjang kelancaran pembangunan nasional.Penulis melakukan penelitian pada Unit Pelayanan Teknis Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Dinas Pendaptan Daerah Kabupaten Bengkalis, dengan maksud dan tujuan ingin mengetahui Perhitungan Pajak Bumi Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan Perorangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan kualitatif.Metode deskriftif merupakan suatu bentuk pengumpulan data yang bertujuan menggambarkan, memaparkan suatu keadaanatau suatu masalah yang ada diperusahaan, dimana data yang diambil dianalisiskebenarannya dalam hal ini adalah Unit Pelayanan Teknis Pelayanan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan.Metode kualitatif yaitu metode yang berdasarkan riset yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan pada dasarnya Perhitungan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan Dan Perkotaan pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Bengkalis sesuai yang tercantum dalam Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009  Tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah. Hal ini bisa dilihat pertama pada dasar pengenaan PBB yaitu NJOP, Penetapan NJOP telah ditetapkan oleh Bupati sesuai dengan Perda Nomor 02 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan. Perhitungan PBB juga telah sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2009  Tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah. Hal ini bisa selanjutnya bisa dilihat pada penetapan tarif yang ditetapkan dalam Perda Nomor 02 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Abu Terbang (Fly Ash) Batu Bara sebagai Bahan Campuran Beton Geopolimer

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    Fly ash can be used in the manufacture of concrete geopolimer. The replacement of the use of cement with fly ash can reduce the cost of manufacture of concrete and can reduce global warming posed from the production of cement. This research aims to know the influence of the use of fly ash, variations in concentrations of KOH and Na2SiO3/KOH ratio relationships against the concrete compressive strength of concrete geopolimer and test the level of immobilisasi of heavy metals contained in concrete geopolimer. Geopolimer synthesized from fly ash using a mixed solution of KOH and Na2SiO3. The solution is prepared the day before use. Initially prepared a solution of KOH with concentrations of 8 M, 10 M, 12 M, 15 M and Na2SiO3/KOH ratio 0.8; 1.2; 1.6; 2.0. These materials are mixed while stirring and inserted into the mold cylinder diameter 4 cm height 8 cm. Batter the already hardened issued and in the dry at a temperature of 80оC for 24 hours, then the samples were dried at room temperature for 21 days, then performed a test of strong press, porosity and heavy metal content. Test result showed a strong increase with added press Molarity KOH and Na2SiO3/KOH ratio, strongly press the highest 30.26 MPa produced on the molar ratio of 14 m and Na2SiO3 KOH/KOH 2.0. Instead, the porosity obtained decreased with increasing molar NaOH and KOH Na2SiO3/ratio. The lowest porosity 6.49% obtained in Molarity KOH 14 and Na2SiO3/KOH ratio is 2.0. Concrete geopolimer able to immobilize heavy metals found in the fly ash with either. Metal Pb reduced from 8,954 mg/L be 0.66 mg/L, the metal Cr reduced from 6,978 mg/L be 2.096 mg/L, Cu Metal reduced from 12.355 mg/L be 7.350 mg/l. so as to meet the Government Regulation Number 101 by 2014

    Konversi Kitin Menjadi Kitosan dari Limbah Industri Ebi

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    Chitin can be transformed into chitosan by deacetylation process using chemical methods. Chitosan many applied in various fields especially in the field of biomaterials. The purpose of this research to study the effect of the mass ratio of chitin and NaOH volume of the reaction time in the process of deacetylation. Shrimp shells in the puree with a size of 50 mesh. Chitin in shrimp shell powder are in isolation with process deproteination and demineralization. Chitin which has been synthesized and then transformed into chitosan by deacetylation process operating conditions with a temperature of 120oC, stirring speed of 150 rpm, the mass ratio of chitin and NaOH 50% volume 1:15, 1:20, 1:25 (w/v) and time reaction of 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5 and 3 hours. The results showed that increasing the value of the mass ratio of chitin and NaOH volume of the reaction time resulting in increased degree of deacetylation and depreciation ash content and yield of chitosan, while the water content does not have a significant effect. On the addition of NaOH volume 15 , 20 and 25 ml , and the reaction time of 0.5 ; 1; 1.5; 2; 2,5; 3 hours have the value of yield, moisture content, ash content, degree of deacetylation and molecular weight respectively ranged from 86.6-63.5%, 1.21-1.00 %, 1.93-1.06 %, 67.52-86.09 % and 2,699 x109-2,9334 x109 g/mol

    Penggunaan Multimedia untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    Di sekolah Madrasah Aliyah NW Sanggeng dalam proses belajar mengajar ditemukan masalah dilapangan, diantaranya, setelah melakukan observasi dan analisis masalah bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran multimedia dalam proses pembelajaran memberikan suasana yang berbeda disaat proses pembelajaran berlagsung. Gejala positif telah ditunjukkan melalui sikap siswa dalam pelaksananan proses belajar. Sebelum siswa menggunakan pembelajaran multimedia, mereka hanya menghafal teori, pemahaman siswa tentang isi materi hanya sebatas pemahaman secara teoritis, sehingga tidak ada perkembangan yang signifikan pada siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah NW Sanggeng baik dalam pemahaman secara teori dan terlebih lagi motivasi belajar. Pada siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah NW Sanggeng telah menunjukkan Perubahan yang signifikan, siswa yang telah mendapatkan sistem pembelajaran multimedia cenderung motivasinya lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa yang belum mendapatkan sistem pembelajaran multimedia. Akan tetapi, disisi lain ada siswa yang tidak mengalami Perubahan meski sudah diberikan sistem pembelajaran multimedia. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah Ingin mengetahui apakah ada Pengaruh Penggunaan Multimedia Pembelajaran Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X Di Madrasah Aliyah NW Sanggeng?. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode angket, dokumentasi .Sedangkan tehnik analisis data menggunakan tehnik analisis statistik dengan menggunakan rumus Chi Kwadrat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa derajat kebebasannya adalah (dk) = 9 dan taraf kesalahan yang ditetapkan 5% maka chi kwadrat tabel = 16,919, sedangkan chi kwadrat hitung = 17,19 maka dari itu dapat disimpulkan chi kwadrat hitung lebih besar dari pada chi kwadrat tabel ( 17,19 > 16,919 ). Sesuai ketentuan kalau chi kwadrat hitung lebih besar dari chi kwdrat tabel maka, hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif diterima. Jadi kesimpulannya adalah hasilnya signifikan dan hipotesis alternatif yang di ajukan ada Pengaruh Penggunaan Multimedia Pembelajaran Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X Di Madrasah Aliyah NW Sanggeng

    Pembuatan Microcarrier Berbahan Baku Hidroksiapatit Menggunakan Metode Protein Foaming-Starch Consolidation

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    Macroporoous microcarrier is one of tissue engineering technology that consist of support matrix and can be used as a cell culture medium in bioreactor. Protein foaming-starch consolidation method is choosed for manufacturing porous hydroxyapatite with egg yolk as a pore-forming agent. The purpose of this study was to determined the effect of yolk addition, sintering temperature, and drying temperature on the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of porous hydroxyapatite made by protein foaming-starch consolidation method. This research was begun with mixing the hydroxyapatite powder, starch, Darvan 821A and yolk. S;urry was stirred mechanically in speed of 150 rpm for 3 hours. Slurry was poured in mold and heated in oven with the temperature of 180ºC for an hour. Then sample was released from mold and burnt at 600ºC ended by sintering at 1250ºC for an hour. The experimental resulted porous hydroxyapatite with average pore size differs from 13.7-17.9 μm, degree of porosity 59.3-63.6 % and compressive strength 5.17-8.2 MPa

    Pembuatan Batubata dengan Penambahan Campuran Fly Ash dan Semen tanpa Proses Pembakaran

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    Brick is one of material construction which have many application in making material building. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of fly ash addition and hardening time on mechanic characteristic of brick produced. Brick is formed by mixing cement, clay, water and fly ash with adding 0;0,3;0,6;0,9;1,2 kg weight. Brick formed let under room temperature for 7, 14 and 21 day long. The brick quality was measured from its compressive strength, porosity and it's leached value . The compressive strength test showed that 0,6 kg fly ash addition that dry for 21 day was the the strongest where it's value was 9,375 N/mm2. It was also found that porosity value getting higher for fly ash addition up to 0,6 kg weight. The highest porosity was 21,34 % found in 1,2 fly ash addition. The result of TCLP test shows that for Pb, Cu, Cr content is still below the quality standards based on PP No.85 TH 1999 and is still considered harmless. leachate value for Pb was 3,10 mg/L, 1,213 mg/L for Cr and 4,374 mg/L for Cu

    Kaji Eksperimental Sistem Penyimpanan Biogas Dengan Metodepengkompresian Dan Pendinginan Pada Tabung Gas Sebagai Bahan Bakar Pengganti Gas Lpg

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    The potential of biogas from cattle dung in Lampung province is big enough that 227 792 kg / day based on the number of cattle and buffalo tails as much as 742.8. During this shelter biogas only placed in plain tubes which are then piped into the pipeline for use as lighting and gas stove. This study intends to outline the principles of storage technology in LPG cylinder biogas, biogas and testing by cooling and compressing. Based on the results of testing at constant pressure 6 bar with the lowest temperature variation 7 ° C the amount of mass is 36.4 grams stored while based on calculations using the ideal gas law mass quantities stored at a temperature of 7 ° C is 36.7 grams. And the highest temperature of 10 ° C the amount of stored mass of 34 grams, while based on the calculation of the amount of mass stored at a temperature of 10 ° C for 36 grams. This is an effective way to increase the density of the biogas. And a beginning reference for researchers who want to conduct research on biogas biogas ÙÎ÷Sõanging to a liquid phase
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