90 research outputs found
Comment la Révolution abolit la dignité de maréchal de France
En 1793 fut aboli le titre de maréchal de France. S’il survécut quatre ans aux profondes transformations de la société et de l’armée sous la Révolution, c’est parce que, au temps de la monarchie constitutionnelle, l’Assemblée tenta de réformer cet éminent titre pour en faire le plus haut grade militaire. En s’inspirant des critiques portées à l’encontre du maréchalat et du commandement des armées en général, et en agissant parfois selon les circonstances, les députés essayèrent de redonner à ce titre prestigieux un crédit qui paraissait avoir été entamé par les abus de la monarchie d’Ancien Régime. L’échec des maréchaux de Rochambeau et de Luckner mit un terme à ces entreprises. La dignité « rétablie » en 1804 n’était pas exactement similaire, bien que reprenant certaines traditions d’Ancien Régime en même temps que certaines réformes révolutionnaires.In 1793, the title of marechal de France was abolished. If it had survived four years of profound transformations in society and within the army itself under the Revolution, it was because the Constituent Assembly tried to reserve this distinguished title for the highest military rank. Influenced by the criticisms of the marechalat and the command of armies in general, and at times acting according to changing circumstances, the deputies endeavored to restore to this prestigious title a credibility tarnished by the abuses of the Old Regime Monarchy. The failure of the marechaux of Rochambeau and Luckner ended these efforts. The dignity “restablished” in 1804 was not exactly the same, even though it revived certain traditions of the Old Regime as well as maintained some reforms from the Revolutionary period
Stéphane Pannekoucke, Des princes en Bourgogne. Les Condé gouverneurs au xviiie siècle
Ce livre de Stéphane Pannekoucke, issu d’une thèse soutenue en 2007 à l’Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne sous la direction de Claude Michaud, est à replacer dans le sillage de l’intérêt pour l’histoire des gouvernements de province, qui avait marqué alors le Centre d’études d’histoire moderne de cette université (CRHM). D’une certaine manière, il ne peut être entièrement appréhendé si l’on méconnaît l’ouvrage de Guillaume Lasconjarias, Un air de majesté, également publié aux éditions du C..
Napoléon et Guibert : un rapport paradoxal ?
Traditionnellement, on présente Napoléon comme l’héritier direct de Guibert et de ses théories. Une œuvre comme Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène ne met pas en doute ce lien entre le penseur militaire des Lumières et le grand tacticien, bien la lecture d’autres témoignages « héléniens » tempèrent nettement ce rapport. Durant ses dernières années, l’Empereur émit plusieurs critiques à l’encontre des écrits de Guibert et de « modèles militaires » comme Frédéric II. Plus qu’une simple critique des actions et réflexions de ces deux hommes, qu’on associe souvent à cause de la question de l’ordre oblique, il s’agissait pour Napoléon de mettre en valeur sa contribution à l’évolution de la pensée militaire, transcendant celle de ses prédécesseurs.Napoleon and Guibert: a paradoxical relationship?  Traditionally, Napoleon is presented as the direct heir of Guibert and his theories. A work like Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène does not question the link between the military thinker of the Enlightenment and the great tactician, though reading other Helenian testimonials clearly raises questions about this relationship. During his last years, the emperor issued several criticisms of the writings of Guibert and "military models" such as Frederick II. More than a mere criticism of the actions and thoughts of these two men, that are often associated because of the question of the oblique order, it was necessary for Napoleon to showcase the value of his contribution to the evolution of military thought, transcending that of his predecessors
Stéphane Pannekoucke, Des princes en Bourgogne. Les Condé gouverneurs au xviiie siècle
Ce livre de Stéphane Pannekoucke, issu d’une thèse soutenue en 2007 à l’Université Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne sous la direction de Claude Michaud, est à replacer dans le sillage de l’intérêt pour l’histoire des gouvernements de province, qui avait marqué alors le Centre d’études d’histoire moderne de cette université (CRHM). D’une certaine manière, il ne peut être entièrement appréhendé si l’on méconnaît l’ouvrage de Guillaume Lasconjarias, Un air de majesté, également publié aux éditions du C..
Construction delay of a penstock
Uncertainties are not always quantifiable and particularly those that result from a poor management. This is the case of the construction of a penstock of a hydroelectric project. The penstock is an assembly of imbricated cylindrical blocks. The steel blocks deformed during transportation and storage. Plastic deformations and buckling are undesired effects or the blocks have to be replaced. A back analysis was made considering many different transport and storage cases. The case where the blocks were laid on a rigid ground without prevention or protection is examined with an analytic model. This is followed by an analysis of the state of stresses and a validation of the model
L'éducation à la santé : analyse comparative des manuels scolaires de biologie de 3 pays méditerranéens
International audienceCe travail présente une analyse comparative de manuels scolaires de trois pays méditerranéens (France, Liban et Maroc) en utilisant la même grille spécifique d'analyse. Nous travaillons principalement dans le domaine de la biologie et de la santé. Notre point de vue est résolument didactique, c'est à dire que nos analyses (et donc nos instruments) sont centrés sur des contenus et objectifs relatifs à un enseignement disciplinaire et à un thème précis au sein de cette discipline, celui de l'éducation à la santé et de la prévention. Quelle est la nature des images pour l'éducation à la santé ? Quel modèle d'éducation à la santé et de prévention est privilégié dans ces manuels? Quels sont les styles pédagogiques utilisés ? Telles sont les trois questions qui sont au centre des enjeux de la promotion et de l'éducation à la santé à l'école et auxquelles nos analyses essaient d'apporter une réponse
Importance of the traffic model in the reliability estimation of highway bridges
Road bridges are exposed to stochastic traffic loadings that are not simply determined. The international codes for the design and assessment of highway bridges provide some standard trucks that can be used in the design process. Knowing that the traffic can vary considerably from one bridge to another, standard trucks may lead to poorly estimate the reliability in the assessment process. So, the sensitivity of the reliability indices to the load models will be discussed, on one hand by considering the standard truck given by the French Fascicule 61 and on the other hand by adopting real vehicle data from existing weigh-in-motion station. A set of reinforced concrete bridges will be used for the application
Numerical analysis of twin tunnels lining under different seismic conditions
The last seismic events showed that tunnel lining may suffer extensive damage. Employing numerical modeling has a great importance in predicting the seismic performance of tunnels. This paper tests the tunnel lining of the Zaouit Ait Mellal (ZAM) twin tunnels located between the cities of Marrakesh and Agadir in Morocco. Dynamic analysis was adopted by FLAC 2D software using the finite-difference elements. Four soil cross-sections were chosen, with different support devices installed along the twin tunnels, such as rock bolts and steel ribs. The seismic signals introduced as input were obtained from three different earthquakes: Al Hoceima 2004 in Morocco, EL Centro 1940 in the USA, and Kobe 1995 in Japan. The numerical results show that the deformation of the tunnel lining is more noteworthy in the sections using steel ribs compared to those using rock bolts, which is observed by the large values of relative displacement, reaching 1020 (mm) and 2.29 Ă— 105 (N.m/m) of maximum bending moment. The analysis indicates that these sections present higher vulnerability during an earthquake, which should be considered when looking at the overall safety of the tunnel
In search of a health education model: teachers’ conceptions in four Mediterranean countries
School programs are defined to promote the health of the pupils and to develop their competencies so that they can adopt behaviors favorable to their health. With the European project FP6 Biohead-Citizen (2004–2007), we analyzed the conceptions of teachers as regards health education, in France, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, in reference to the biomedical model and the social health model. These four countries were selected because their school curricula represented different models of health education. Lebanon and Tunisia addressed health education with the biomedical model. In Morocco, the curriculum was also primarily based on the biomedical model and enclosed a few instructions issued from the social health model. In France, the health education curriculum declared an approach based on the health promotion model. Our study was based on multivariate statistical analyses of questionnaires filled out by 2537 in-service and pre-service teachers. Our analysis showed that the conceptions of the teachers concerning health education were not structured and related to a specific model. We also found that the dominating factors of influence on the choices expressed with regards to health education were, among different sociocultural variables, the religion, the home country, and, to a lesser extent, the level of training. Thus, the conceptions of the teachers were not integrated into comprehensive approaches but related to individual characteristics. Consequently health education implementation would require thorough training for pre-service and in-service teachers and should also explicitly take into account their conceptions and values.CIEC – FCT Research Unit 317.European project FP6 “BIOHEAD-CITIZEN” CIT2-CT-2004-506015CIE
Water Deficit-Responsive QTLs for Cell Wall Degradability and Composition in Maize at Silage Stage
The use of lignocellulosic biomass for animal feed or biorefinery requires the optimization of its degradability. Moreover, biomass crops need to be better adapted to the changing climate and in particular to periods of drought. Although the negative impact of water deficit on biomass yield has often been mentioned, its impact on biomass quality has only been recently reported in a few species. In the present study, we combined the mapping power of a maize recombinant inbred line population with robust near infrared spectroscopy predictive equations to track the response to water deficit of traits associated with biomass quality. The population was cultivated under two contrasted water regimes over 3 consecutive years in the south of France and harvested at silage stage. We showed that cell wall degradability and β-O-4-linked H lignin subunits were increased in response to water deficit, while lignin and p-coumaric acid contents were reduced. A mixed linear model was fitted to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for agronomical and cell wall-related traits. These QTLs were categorized as “constitutive” (QTL with an effect whatever the irrigation condition) or “responsive” (QTL involved in the response to water deficit) QTLs. Fifteen clusters of QTLs encompassed more than two third of the 213 constitutive QTLs and 13 clusters encompassed more than 60% of the 149 responsive QTLs. Interestingly, we showed that only half of the responsive QTLs co-localized with constitutive and yield QTLs, suggesting that specific genetic factors support biomass quality response to water deficit. Overall, our results demonstrate that water deficit favors cell wall degradability and that breeding of varieties that reconcile improved drought-tolerance and biomass degradability is possible
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