1,195 research outputs found

    Superselection rules induced by infrared divergence

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    Superselection rules induced by the interaction with a mass zero Boson field are investigated for a class of exactly soluble Hamiltonian models. The calculations apply as well to discrete as to continuous superselection rules. The initial state (reference state) of the Boson field is either a normal state or a KMS state. The superselection sectors emerge if and only if the Boson field is infrared divergent, i. e. the bare photon number diverges and the ground state of the Boson field disappears in the continuum. The time scale of the decoherence depends on the strength of the infrared contributions of the interaction and on properties of the initial state of the Boson system. These results are first derived for a Hamiltonian with conservation laws. But in the most general case the Hamiltonian includes an additional scattering potential, and the only conserved quantity is the energy of the total system. The superselection sectors remain stable against the perturbation by the scattering processes.Comment: One reference added; minor corrections in App. B

    Exactly soluble models of decoherence

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    Superselection rules induced by the interaction with the environment are a basis to understand the emergence of classical observables within quantum theory. The aim of this article is to investigate the decoherence effects, which lead to superselection sectors, with the help of exactly soluble Hamiltonian models. Starting from the examples of Araki and of Zurek more general models with scattering are presented for which the projection operators onto the induced superselection sectors do no longer commute with the Hamiltonian. The example of an environment given by a free quantum field indicates that infrared divergence plays an essential role for the emergence of induced superselection sectors. For all models the induced superselection sectors are uniquely determined by the Hamiltonian, whereas the time scale of the decoherence depends crucially on the initial state of the total system.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Singularities in cascade models of the Euler equation

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    The formation of singularities in the three-dimensional Euler equation is investigated. This is done by restricting the number of Fourier modes to a set which allows only for local interactions in wave number space. Starting from an initial large-scale energy distribution, the energy rushes towards smaller scales, forming a universal front independent of initial conditions. The front results in a singularity of the vorticity in finite time, and has scaling form as function of the time difference from the singularity. Using a simplified model, we compute the values of the exponents and the shape of the front analytically. The results are in good agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 33 pages (REVTeX) including eps-figures, Stylefile here.st

    Quantitative study of laterally inhomogeneous wetting films

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    Based on a microscopic density functional theory we calculate the internal structure of the three-phase contact line between liquid, vapor, and a confining wall as well as the morphology of liquid wetting films on a substrate exhibiting a chemical step. We present a refined numerical analysis of the nonlocal density functional which describes the interface morphologies and the corresponding line tensions. These results are compared with those predicted by a more simple phenomenological interface displacement model. Except for the case that the interface exhibits large curvatures, we find that the interface displacement model provides a quantitatively reliable description of the interfacial structures.Comment: 31 pages, RevTeX, 13 figure

    Testing the left-handedness of the b \to c transition

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    We analyse the spin structure of inclusive semileptonic b \to c transitions and the effects of non-standard model couplings on the rates and the spectra. The calculation includes the {\cal O} (\alpha_s) corrections as well as the leading non-perturbative ones.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    From Loop Space Mechanics to Nonabelian Strings

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    Lifting supersymmetric quantum mechanics to loop space yields the superstring. A particle charged under a fiber bundle thereby turns into a string charged under a 2-bundle, or gerbe. This stringification is nothing but categorification. We look at supersymmetric quantum mechanics on loop space and demonstrate how deformations here give rise to superstring background fields and boundary states, and, when generalized, to local nonabelian connections on loop space. In order to get a global description of these connections we introduce and study categorified global holonomy in the form of 2-bundles with 2-holonomy. We show how these relate to nonabelian gerbes and go beyond by obtaining global nonabelian surface holonomy, thus providing a class of action functionals for nonabelian strings. The examination of the differential formulation, which is adapted to the study of nonabelian p-form gauge theories, gives rise to generalized nonabelian Deligne hypercohomology. The (possible) relation of this to strings in Kalb-Ramond backgrounds, to M2/M5-brane systems, to spinning strings and to the derived category description of D-branes is discussed. In particular, there is a 2-group related to the String-group which should be the right structure 2-group for the global description of spinning strings.Comment: PhD thesi
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