38 research outputs found

    Observational Learning in Low-Functioning Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Behavioral and Neuroimaging Study

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    New skills may be learned from the outcomes of their own internally generated actions (experiential learning) or from the observation of the consequences of externally generated actions (observational learning). Observational learning requires the coordination of cognitive functions and the processing of social information. Due to the “social” abilities underlying observational learning, the study of this process in individuals with limited social abilities such as those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is worthy of being investigated. We asked a group of 16 low-functioning young children with ASD and group of 16 sex- and mental age-matched typically developing (TD) children to build a house with a set of bricks after a video-demonstration showing an actor who built the house (observational task – OBS task) and then to build by trial and error another house (experiential task – EXP task). For ASD group, performances in learning tasks were correlated with measures of cortical thickness of specific Regions of Interest (ROI) and volume of deep gray matter structures known to be related with such kinds of learning. According to our a priori hypothesis, for OBS task we selected the following ROI: frontal lobe (pars opercularis, pars triangularis, and premotor area), parietal lobe (inferior parietal gyrus), temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus), cerebellar hemispheres. For EXP task, we selected the following ROI: precentral frontal gyrus and superior frontal gyrus, cerebellar hemispheres, basal ganglia, thalamus. Although performances of ASD and TD children improved in both OBS and EXP tasks, children with ASD obtained lower scores of goal achievement than TD children in both learning tasks. Only in ASD group, goal achievement scores positively correlated with hyperimitations indicating that children with ASD tended to have a “copy-all” approach that facilitated the goal achievement. Moreover, the marked hyperimitative tendencies of children with ASD were positively associated with the thickness of left pars opercularis, left premotor area, and right superior temporal gyrus, areas belonging to mirror neuron system, and with the volume of both cerebellar hemispheres. These findings suggest that in children with ASD the hyperimitation can represent a learning strategy that might be related to the mirror neuron system

    Design of Evaporation Ponds for the Fractionated Crystallization of Minerals from Desalination Brines

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    The evaporative crystallization of minerals in saltworks is one of the oldest industrial processes still in operation and has the potential to achieve high solar energy conversion efficiencies. While salt production from seawater has been extensively studied, the circular economy of brines exploitation is opening new fields of investigation. This article focuses on the design and simulation of a process for selective precipitation and mineral recovery from reverse osmosis brines. The process involves a two-step evaporative system followed by reactive crystallization of magnesium hydroxide. Laboratory tests and simulations using PHREEQC (pH-REdox-Equilibrium C-program) were conducted to validate the thermodynamics of the process and forecast the optimal operative conditions

    Demographic, clinical, and service-use characteristics related to the clinician’s recommendation to transition from child to adult mental health services

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    Purpose: The service configuration with distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) may be a barrier to continuity of care. Because of a lack of transition policy, CAMHS clinicians have to decide whether and when a young person should transition to AMHS. This study describes which characteristics are associated with the clinicians’ advice to continue treatment at AMHS. Methods: Demographic, family, clinical, treatment, and service-use characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort of 763 young people from 39 CAMHS in Europe were assessed using multi-informant and standardized assessment tools. Logistic mixed models were fitted to assess the relationship between these characteristics and clinicians’ transition recommendations. Results: Young people with higher clinician-rated severity of psychopathology scores, with self- and parent-reported need for ongoing treatment, with lower everyday functional skills and without self-reported psychotic experiences were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment. Among those who had been recommended to continue treatment, young people who used psychotropic medication, who had been in CAMHS for more than a year, and for whom appropriate AMHS were available were more likely to be recommended to continue treatment at AMHS. Young people whose parents indicated a need for ongoing treatment were more likely to be recommended to stay in CAMHS. Conclusion: Although the decision regarding continuity of treatment was mostly determined by a small set of clinical characteristics, the recommendation to continue treatment at AMHS was mostly affected by service-use related characteristics, such as the availability of appropriate services

    Cohort profile : demographic and clinical characteristics of the MILESTONE longitudinal cohort of young people approaching the upper age limit of their child mental health care service in Europe

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    Purpose: The presence of distinct child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS) impacts continuity of mental health treatment for young people. However, we do not know the extent of discontinuity of care in Europe nor the effects of discontinuity on the mental health of young people. Current research is limited, as the majority of existing studies are retrospective, based on small samples or used non-standardised information from medical records. The MILESTONE prospective cohort study aims to examine associations between service use, mental health and other outcomes over 24 months, using information from self, parent and clinician reports. Participants: Seven hundred sixty-three young people from 39 CAMHS in 8 European countries, their parents and CAMHS clinicians who completed interviews and online questionnaires and were followed up for 2 years after reaching the upper age limit of the CAMHS they receive treatment at. Findings to date: This cohort profile describes the baseline characteristics of the MILESTONE cohort. The mental health of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS varied greatly in type and severity: 32.8% of young people reported clinical levels of self-reported problems and 18.6% were rated to be ‘markedly ill’, ‘severely ill’ or ‘among the most extremely ill’ by their clinician. Fifty-seven per cent of young people reported psychotropic medication use in the previous half year. Future plans: Analysis of longitudinal data from the MILESTONE cohort will be used to assess relationships between the demographic and clinical characteristics of young people reaching the upper age limit of their CAMHS and the type of care the young person uses over the next 2 years, such as whether the young person transitions to AMHS. At 2 years follow-up, the mental health outcomes of young people following different care pathways will be compared. Trial registration number: NCT03013595

    Effect of mode of operation, substrate and final electron acceptor on single-chamber membraneless microbial fuel cell operating with a mixed community

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    Waste minimization and circular thinking are to be achieved in order to cope with the limited amount of resources of our planet. In this perspective, bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) can contribute to the global balance with their ability to extract chemical residual energy from wastewater and transform it directly into electrical current. BESs development has been limited by the cost connected to reactor design, in which membranes and cathode catalyst constituted a major drawback. In this paper we report the optimization process of a simple reactor without membranes or precious catalyst that produced 47.1 mW mĂą2, which is more than what achieved with configurations including membranes, operating in similar conditions (glycerol as substrate and hydraulic retention times of 3 days). In opposition to what is usually reported for conventional divided microbial fuel cells (MFCs), we have found that in this kind of reactor fermenting substrates (mainly glycerol) can give higher current density than non-fermentable ones (acetate). Feeding modality and proper electrode orientation were confirmed to have a dramatic impact on power output. Finally, a possible niche for the exploitation of our single chamber membraneless MFC was pointed out to exist in bio-refinery industry

    Development of a membrane-less microfluidic thermally regenerative ammonia battery

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    Thermally regenerative ammonia battery is a promising approach to make use of waste heat and generate electrical energy. However, according to literature, the price of the energy obtained by this device is much higher than alternative renewable technologies (such as wind, solar, geothermal, etc.). To make the process more viable for applicative purposes, it would be necessary to reduce dramatically the cost of the membrane or to avoid it. Hence, the aim of the present work is to increase the economic figures of thermally regenerative ammonia battery avoiding the use of membranes. It was concluded that this result can be obtained by developing the process in a microfluidic flow cell with laminar flow conditions. In particular, it has been demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to obtain quite high power densities in the absence of a membrane in a micro cell. By operating the process at proper flow rates and inter-electrode distances, the membrane-less microfluidic thermally regenerative ammonia battery allowed to achieve even higher power densities than conventional TRAB operated under batch mode and similar operating conditions. In addition, it was shown that the process can be improved using copper deposited on carbon electrodes and moderate temperatures. In fact, at 50 degrees C a power density of 73.4 W m(-2) was obtained. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved