8 research outputs found

    Organised VAT fraud: features, magnitude, policy perspectives

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    The European Union’s VAT system has become vulnerable to organised fraud schemes. In recent years, these schemes, undergoing a change in structure, have affected services and imports of goods from third countries and may also have shifted trade in goods among EU countries. Within the EU-27, organised VAT fraud is estimated to amount to between €20 billion and €35 billion a year. The EU institutions and Member States have put forward several measures to tackle this problem, although some of these have placed a disproportionate burden on businesses. The article shows that need to maximise the effectiveness of anti-VAT-fraud strategy cannot be separated from a broad view of the problem and of the functioning of the VAT system as a whole. A drastic change in the VAT system might provide a robust defence against fraud but produce uncertain effects. Enhancing risk management and exchange of good practices is essential. Technology-based solutions appear to be a pragmatic and politically feasible approach to new challenges, with good prospects of success.VAT, tax evasion, fraud

    The performance of the Italian housing market and its effects on the financial system

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    Developments in the real-estate sector are of crucial importance for the business cycle and financial stability. This study analyses developments in the Italian housing market on the basis of both real and financial variables. Following the sharp contraction of the market during the financial crisis and the more general fall in economic activity, a few signals suggests that the recession in the housing market is easing somewhat. However, the degree of uncertainty remains considerable. In recent months the ratio between the flow of bad debts to total outstanding loans to households and construction firms has reached the highest levels since the beginning of the decade. The paper also investigates three issues of a more structural nature. First, it examines the performance and the regulatory framework of real-estate investment funds in Italy. Second, it analyses the main characteristics of the taxation of residential housing, with reference to ownership, rentals and transactions. Finally, the paper estimates the impact on residential house prices of the growing demand for housing services by immigrants.housing market cycle, transactions, rentals, residential house prices, mortgages, real-estate investment funds, taxation of residential housing

    Digital VAT carousel fraud: a new boundary for criminality?

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    The paper analyses the first Value Added Tax (VAT) fraud on Voice over Internet Protocol, the Phuncards-Broker operation, which took place in Italy in 2005-2007. The scheme consists of a chain of frauds on e-services that represents an important evolution of the "classic" models of carousel fraud, showing the increasing vulnerabilities of the VAT systems. The authors explore the policy implications for tax authorities, looking at how changes in their strategies may tackle the incentives to participate in the fraud. We argue that, in the short term, information technology (IT) solutions might offer some of the best answers when effectively combined with reverse-charge, while, in the longer-term, an extension of the One-Stop-Shop system may represent a new hypothesis of VAT reform in an anti-fraud perspective

    Hyperglycemia at hospital admission is associated with severity of the prognosis in patients hospitalized for COVID-19: The pisa COVID-19 study

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    OBJECTIVE To explore whether at-admission hyperglycemia is associated with worse outcomes in patients hospitalized for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Hospitalized COVID-19 patients (N 5 271) were subdivided based on at-admission glycemic status: 1) glucose levels <7.78 mmol/L (NG) (N 5 149 [55.0%]; median glucose5.99mmol/L[range5.38–6.72]),2)known diabetesmellitus (DM)(N5 56[20.7%]; 9.18 mmol/L [7.67–12.71]), and 3) no diabetes and glucose levels ≥7.78 mmol/L (HG) (N 5 66 [24.3%]; 8.57 mmol/L [8.18–10.47]). RESULTS Neutrophils were higher and lymphocytes and PaO2/FiO2 lower in HG than in DM and NG patients.DMandHG patients hadhigherD-dimer andworseinflammatoryprofile. Mortality was greater in HG (39.4% vs. 16.8%; unadjusted hazard ratio [HR] 2.20, 95% CI1.27–3.81,P50.005)thaninNG(16.8%)andmarginallysoinDM(28.6%;1.73,0.92– 3.25, P 5 0.086) patients. Upon multiple adjustments, only HG remained an independent predictor (HR 1.80, 95% CI 1.03–3.15, P 5 0.04). After stratification by quintile of glucose levels, mortality was higher in quintile 4 (Q4) (3.57, 1.46–8.76, P 5 0.005) and marginally in Q5 (29.6%) (2.32, 0.91–5.96, P 5 0.079) vs. Q1. CONCLUSIONS Hyperglycemia is an independent factor associated with severe prognosis in people hospitalized for COVID-19

    Predictors of hospital-acquired bacterial and fungal superinfections in COVID-19: a prospective observational study

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    Background: Bacterial and fungal superinfections may complicate the course of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Objectives: To identify predictors of superinfections in COVID-19. Methods: Prospective, observational study including patients with COVID-19 consecutively admitted to the University Hospital of Pisa, Italy, between 4 March and 30 April 2020. Clinical data and outcomes were registered. Superinfection was defined as a bacterial or fungal infection that occurred 48 h after hospital admission. Amultivariate analysis was performed to identify factors independently associated with superinfections. Results: Overall, 315 patients with COVID-19 were hospitalized and 109 episodes of superinfections were documented in 69 (21.9%) patients. The median time from admission to superinfection was 19 days (range 11–29.75). Superinfections were caused by Enterobacterales (44.9%), non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli (15.6%), Gram-positive bacteria (15.6%) and fungi (5.5%). Polymicrobial infections accounted for 18.3%. Predictors of superinfections were: intestinal colonization by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (OR 16.03, 95% CI 6.5–39.5, P < 0.001); invasive mechanical ventilation (OR 5.6, 95% CI 2.4–13.1, P < 0.001); immunomodulatory agents (tocilizumab/baricitinib) (OR 5.09, 95% CI 2.2–11.8, P < 0.001); C-reactive protein on admission >7 mg/dl (OR 3.59, 95% CI 1.7–7.7, P = 0.001); and previous treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam (OR 2.85, 95% CI 1.1–7.2, P = 0.028). Length of hospital stay was longer in patients who developed superinfections ompared with those who did not (30 versus 11 days, P < 0.001), while mortality rates were similar (18.8% versus 23.2%, P = 0.445). Conclusions: The risk of bacterial and fungal superinfections in COVID-19 is consistent. Patients who need empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics and immunomodulant drugs should be carefully selected. Infection control rules must be reinforced