86 research outputs found

    Les technologies de l'information et de la communication :Vecteurs de diversification des pratiques culturelles ?

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    L'actualité illustre souvent la fragilité des modèles économiques sur les réseaux numériques, et en particulier, toute la difficulté à viabiliser la distribution numérique des biens culturels. Evaluer cette viabilité économique nécessite de prendre en compte non seulement des données techniques, stratégiques et juridiques, mais également de considérer la demande potentielle pour ces services. L'objectif de ce papier consiste à apporter quelques éléments d'appréciation de cette demande en identifiant des groupes de consommateurs par le croisement de leurs pratiques de consommation culturelle, leur équipement en TIC et les utilisations qu'ils en font. Pour cela, nous combinons deux méthodes de classification (CAH et CCM) et un modèle logit pour tester les déterminants d'appartenance aux profils croisés identifiés, à savoir des variables démographiques, de localisation et, de manière inédite, d'interactions sociales. Nous identifions cinq profils distincts allant des "univores" (des non-utilisateurs de TIC dont la pratique culturelle dominante est la télévision) aux "multi-omnivores" (des utilisateurs intensifs de TIC ayant des pratiques diversifiées de consommation culturelle). Les variables d'interaction sociale ainsi que les effets générationnels expliquent relativement bien ces différents profils. Nous concluons sur quelques remarques sur le déploiement des modèles économiques de distribution numérique de biens culturels.profils de consommateurs, pratiques culturelles, utilisation des TIC, omnivorité, modèle logit, classification ascendante hiérarchique, classification par les centres mobiles

    Do privacy laws affect the location decisions of internet firms? evidence for privacy havens

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    This paper empirically studies the location decisions of internet firms when they face high legal standards of privacy protection. Many factors might influence them: technological spillovers, lower taxation, and so on. Internet firms can also arbitrate national differences and many of them actually locate their activity in order to escape from national laws they consider over-stringent. In the current stage of development of the internet – the so-called Web 2.0 – the ease of access to personal data proved to be strategic input. So the more a jurisdiction makes collecting and using these data easy, the more attractive the country is, if all other things remain constant. One way for a firm to avoid such legal restrictions is to locate or to expand its business in less privacy protective countries. Our empirical results support this 'no-privacy haven' hypothesis. In particular, we highlight a new privacy paradox according to which the more stringent certain online privacy laws are, the more they induce firms to locate their business in less stringent countries, and finally the weaker actual privacy protection on the internet is

    The Incentives for Contributing Digital Contents Over P2P Networks: An Empirical Investigation

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    In this paper, we examine the determinants of sharing behaviour by envisaging two types of behaviour, namely contribution against free riding. In doing so, we evaluate the theoretical predictions about reciprocity and altruism in the presence of non-rival goods and anonymity. We use a probit model and primary data from a survey that collects information about P2P sharing behaviour of more than 2000 individuals. Our econometric results suggest that the motivations for contributing are poorly determined by rational self-interested behaviour. We then envisage policy implications in terms of copyright enforcement and business

    The Incentives for Contributing Digital Contents Over P2P Networks: An Empirical Investigation

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    In this paper, we examine the determinants of sharing behaviour by envisaging two types of behaviour, namely contribution against free riding. In doing so, we evaluate the theoretical predictions about reciprocity and altruism in the presence of non-rival goods and anonymity. We use a probit model and primary data from a survey that collects information about P2P sharing behaviour of more than 2000 individuals. Our econometric results suggest that the motivations for contributing are poorly determined by rational self-interested behaviour. We then envisage policy implications in terms of copyright enforcement and business

    Business models, diffusion of innovation and imitation: The case of online press

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    A body of literature shows the destabilizing role of ICT and change from analogue to digital in the cultural industries in general, and in press industry in particular. This literature demonstrates that constant experimentation and innovation in the area of organizational arrangements and business models (BM) has become a key competitive advantage. As a result, traditional BMs, which were dominant and stable in different cultural industries (such as media, film, music, publishing etc), have given rise to a multiplicity of arrangements in business management and the emergence of disruptive and innovative business models, which often successfully coexist in the same market segment. According to this view point, strategic and structural change is necessarily driven by competition or the need for efficiency. However alternative theories predicts that in depending on the industry structural characteristic, only early adopters of innovation may be driven by a desire to improve performance, whereas as an innovation spreads and organizational field becomes more established, there may be a push towards homogenization. The case of the French press is quite symptomatic of that standpoint. From the empirical analysis of 100 press websites observed over the period from 2004 to 2014, the paper substantiates the convergence process towards three dominant clusters of online BMs: “A minima Digital”, “Freebie Plus” and “Exploring Leaders”. Using a Random Effects Probit econometric model the paper puts forward that this isomorphic process is mainly due to the fact that mimetic behavior over-weights search for performance in French press

    La mise en œuvre collective des droits d'auteur: Une évaluation en France et en Europe

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    Économie des données personnelles et de la vie privée

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    L'age du copieur : quels enjeux économiques ?

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    L'age du copieur : quels enjeux économiques ?

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    La mise en œuvre collective des droits d'auteur

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