3 research outputs found

    MRI in Late-Onset Rasmussen Encephalitis: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study

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    Late-onset Rasmussen encephalitis (LoRE) is a rare unihemispheric progressive inflammatory disorder causing neurological deficits and epilepsy. The long-term radiological evolution has never been fully described. We retrospectively analyzed the MR images of 13 LoRE patients from a total of 136 studies, and searched for focal areas of volume loss or signal intensity abnormality in grey matter or white matter. Each subject had a median of nine MRI studies (IQR 7–13). Frontal and temporal lobes were the most affected regions (13/13 and 8/13, respectively) and showed the greatest worsening over time in terms of atrophic changes (9/13 and 5/8, respectively). A milder cortical atrophy was found in the insular and parietal lobes. The caudate nucleus was affected in seven patients. Hyperintensities of grey matter and white matter on T2-WI and FLAIR images were observed in all patients, and transiently in eight patients. In two cases out of the latter patients, these transient alterations evolved into atrophy of the same region. Disease duration was significantly associated with signal abnormalities in the grey matter at last follow-up. LoRE MRI alterations are milder, and their progression is markedly slower compared to radiological findings described in the childhood form

    Interhemispheric Pediatric Meningioma, YAP1 Fusion-Positive

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    Meningiomas are uncommon in children and usually arise in the context of tumor-predisposing syndromes. Recently, YAP1-fusions have been identified for the first time as potential NF2-independent oncogenic drivers in the development of meningiomas in pediatric patients. We report a case of a YAP1-fusion-positive atypical meningioma in a young child and compare it with the previous ones reported. Extending the clinico-pathological features of YAP1-fused meningiomas, we suggest additional clues for diagnosis and emphasize the urgent need for an integrated multilayered diagnostic approach, combining data from histological and molecular analyses, neuroradiology, and clinical findings