27 research outputs found

    Classifying A-field and B-field configurations in the presence of D-branes - Part II: Stacks of D-branes

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    In the paper arXiv:0810.4291 we have shown, in the context of type II superstring theory, the classification of the allowed B-field and A-field configurations in the presence of anomaly-free D-branes, the mathematical framework being provided by the geometry of gerbes. Here we complete the discussion considering in detail the case of a stack of D-branes, carrying a non-abelian gauge theory, which was just sketched in the previous paper. In this case we have to mix the geometry of abelian gerbes, describing the B-field, with the one of higher-rank bundles, ordinary or twisted. We describe in detail the various cases that arise according to such a classification, as we did for a single D-brane, showing under which hypoteses the A-field turns out to be a connection on a canonical gauge bundle. We also generalize to the non-abelian setting the discussion about "gauge bundles with non integral Chern classes", relating them to twisted bundles with connection. Finally, we analyze the geometrical nature of the Wilson loop for each kind of gauge theory on a D-brane or stack of D-branes.Comment: 29 page

    Topics on topology and superstring theory

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    In this thesis we discuss some topics about topology and superstring backgrounds with D-branes. We start with a mathematical review about generalized homology and cohomology theories and the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, in order to provide an explicit link between such a spectral sequence and the Gysin map. Then we review the basic facts about line bundles and gerbes with connection. In the second part of the thesis we apply the previous material to study the geometry of type II superstring backgrounds. We first present the cohomological discussion about D-brane charges in analogy with classical electromagnetism, then we use the geometry of gerbes to discuss the nature of A- field and B-fi eld as follows from Freed-Witten anomaly, fi nally we discuss the K-theoretical approaches to classify D-brane charges. In the last part we discuss some topics about spinors and pinors with particular attention to non-orientable manifolds