18 research outputs found
Recent results of the OPERA experiment
The OPERA experiment aims at the direct confirmation of the leading
oscillation mechanism in the atmospheric sector looking for the appearance of
in an almost pure beam (the CERN CNGS beam). In five
years of physics run the experiment collected p.o.t. The
detection of s produced in CC interactions and of their
decays is accomplished exploiting the high spatial resolution of nuclear
emulsions. Furthermore OPERA has good capabilities in detecting electron
neutrino interactions, setting limits on the
oscillation channel. In this talk the status of the analysis will be presented
together with updated results on both oscillation channels.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the 14th ICATPP Conference, 23-27
September 2013, Villa Olmo - Como (Italy
Search for \nu_{\tau} interactions with the nuclear emulsion films of the OPERA experiment
The OPERA experiment aims at measuring the \nu_{\mu} -> \nu_{\tau}
oscillation through the \nu_{\tau} appearance in an almost pure \nu_{\mu} beam
(CNGS). For the direct identification of the short-lived {\tau} lepton,
produced in \nu_{\tau} CC interactions, a micrometric detection resolution is
needed. Therefore the OPERA detector makes use of nuclear emulsion films, the
highest spatial resolution tracking device, combined with lead plates in an
emulsion cloud chamber (ECC) structure called 'brick'. In this paper the
nuclear emulsion analysis chain is reported; the strategy and the algorithms
set up will be described together with their performances.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the 15th Lomonosov Conference on
Elementary Particle Physics, 18-24 August 2011, Moscow (Russia
The ERC ENUBET Project: high precision neutrino flux measurements in conventional neutrino beams
The challenges of precision neutrino physics require measurements of absolute neutrino cross sections at the GeV scale with exquisite (1%) precision. This precision is presently limited by the uncertainties on neutrino flux at the source; their reduction by one order of magnitude can be achieved monitoring the positron production in the decay tunnel originating from the decays of charged kaons in a sign and momentum selected narrow band beam. This novel technique enables the measurement of the most relevant cross sections for CP violation ( and ) with a precision of 1% and requires a special instrumented beam-line. Such non-conventional beam-line will be developed in the framework of the ENUBET Horizon-2020 Consolidator Grant, recently approved by the European Research Council. The project, the first experimental results on ultra-compact calorimeters that can be embedded in the instrumented decay tunnel and the advances on the simulation of the beamline are presented. We also discuss the detector and accelerator activities that are planned in 2016-2021
A New Generation of Neutrino Cross Section Experiments: Challenges and Opportunities
International audienceOur knowledge of neutrino cross sections at the GeV scale, instrumental to test CP symmetry violation in the leptonic sector, has grown substantially in the last two decades. Still, their precision and understanding are far from the standard needed in contemporary neutrino physics. Nowadays, the knowledge of the neutrino cross section at O(10%) causes the main systematic uncertainty in oscillation experiments and jeopardizes their physics reach. In this paper, we envision the opportunities for a new generation of cross section experiments to be run in parallel with DUNE and HyperKamiokande. We identify the most prominent physics goals by looking at the theory and experimental limitations of the previous generation of experiments. We highlight the priorities in the theoretical understanding of GeV cross sections and the experimental challenges of this new generation of facilities
The ENUBET Multi Momentum Secondary Beamline Design
The aim of neutrino physics for the next decades is to detect effects due to CP violation, mass hierarchy, and search for effects beyond the Standard Model predictions. Future experiments need precise measurements of the neutrino interaction cross-sections at the ~GeV/c regime, currently limited by the exact knowledge of the initial neutrino flux on a ~10-20% uncertainty level. The ENUBET project is proposing a novel facility, capable of constraining the neutrino flux normalization through the precise monitoring of the Ke3 (K±>e+pi0nu) decay products in an instrumented decay tunnel. ENUBET can also monitor muons from the two body kaon and pion decays (nu flux) and measure the neutrino energy with a 10% precision without relying on the event reconstruction at the neutrino detector. We present here a novel design based on a broad (4-8.5 GeV/c) momentum range secondary beamline, that widen the cross-section energy range that can be explored by ENUBET. In this poster, we discuss the target optimization studies and we show the early results on the new line’s optics and the layout design. We discuss the expected performance of this line and the forthcoming activities
EUCHEME, EUropean CHemists for Energy, Materials and Environment. Intensive Programme (IP) Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus
The main objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive and balanced overview of the most important aspects of different subjects (energy and materials production, fine chemicals, environment) related to organometallic chemistry, catalysis, advanced materials, green and environmental chemistry, bridging the gap between the need of advanced training and the actual offer in this fields
EUCHEME, EUropean CHemists for Energy, Materials and Environment. Intensive Programme 2nd edition (IP) Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus
The main objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive and balanced overview of the most important aspects of different subjects (energy and materials production, fine chemicals, environment) related to organometallic chemistry, catalysis, advanced materials, green and environmental chemistry, bridging the gap between the need of advanced training and the actual offer in this field
ENUBET: A monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements
International audienceThe main source of systematic uncertainty on neutrino cross section measurements at the GeV scale is represented by the poor knowledge of the initial flux. The goal of cutting down this uncertainty to 1% can be achieved through the monitoring of charged leptons produced in association with neutrinos, by properly instrumenting the decay region of a conventional narrow-band neutrino beam. Large angle muons and positrons from kaons are measured by a sampling calorimeter on the decay tunnel walls (tagger), while muon stations after the hadron dump can be used to monitor the neutrino component from pion decays. This instrumentation can provide a full control on both the muon and electron neutrino fluxes at all energies. Furthermore, the narrow momentum width (<10%) of the beam provides a O(10%) measurement of the neutrino energy on an event by event basis, thanks to its correlation with the radial position of the interaction at the neutrino detector. The ENUBET project has been funded by the ERC in 2016 to prove the feasibility of such a monitored neutrino beam and is cast in the framework of the CERN neutrino platform (NP06) and the Physics Beyond Colliders initiative. In our contribution, we summarize the ENUBET design, physics performance and opportunities for its implementation in a timescale comparable with next long baseline neutrino experiments