43 research outputs found

    An error indicator-based adaptive reduced order model for nonlinear structural mechanics -- application to high-pressure turbine blades

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    The industrial application motivating this work is the fatigue computation of aircraft engines' high-pressure turbine blades. The material model involves nonlinear elastoviscoplastic behavior laws, for which the parameters depend on the temperature. For this application, the temperature loading is not accurately known and can reach values relatively close to the creep temperature: important nonlinear effects occur and the solution strongly depends on the used thermal loading. We consider a nonlinear reduced order model able to compute, in the exploitation phase, the behavior of the blade for a new temperature field loading. The sensitivity of the solution to the temperature makes {the classical unenriched proper orthogonal decomposition method} fail. In this work, we propose a new error indicator, quantifying the error made by the reduced order model in computational complexity independent of the size of the high-fidelity reference model. In our framework, when the {error indicator} becomes larger than a given tolerance, the reduced order model is updated using one time step solution of the high-fidelity reference model. The approach is illustrated on a series of academic test cases and applied on a setting of industrial complexity involving 5 million degrees of freedom, where the whole procedure is computed in parallel with distributed memory

    A nonintrusive Reduced Basis Method applied to aeroacoustic simulations

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    The Reduced Basis Method can be exploited in an efficient way only if the so-called affine dependence assumption on the operator and right-hand side of the considered problem with respect to the parameters is satisfied. When it is not, the Empirical Interpolation Method is usually used to recover this assumption approximately. In both cases, the Reduced Basis Method requires to access and modify the assembly routines of the corresponding computational code, leading to an intrusive procedure. In this work, we derive variants of the EIM algorithm and explain how they can be used to turn the Reduced Basis Method into a nonintrusive procedure. We present examples of aeroacoustic problems solved by integral equations and show how our algorithms can benefit from the linear algebra tools available in the considered code.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Variants of the Empirical Interpolation Method: symmetric formulation, choice of norms and rectangular extension

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    The Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM) is a greedy procedure that constructs approximate representations of two-variable functions in separated form. In its classical presentation, the two variables play a non-symmetric role. In this work, we give an equivalent definition of the EIM approximation, in which the two variables play symmetric roles. Then, we give a proof for the existence of this approximation, and extend it up to the convergence of the EIM, and for any norm chosen to compute the error in the greedy step. Finally, we introduce a way to compute a separated representation in the case where the number of selected values is different for each variable. In the case of a physical field measured by sensors, this is useful to discard a broken sensor while keeping the information provided by the associated selected field.Comment: 7 page

    Accurate and efficient evaluation of the a posteriori error estimator in the reduced basis method

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    The reduced basis method is a model reduction technique yielding substantial savings of computational time when a solution to a parametrized equation has to be computed for many values of the parameter. Certification of the approximation is possible by means of an a posteriori error bound. Under appropriate assumptions, this error bound is computed with an algorithm of complexity independent of the size of the full problem. In practice, the evaluation of the error bound can become very sensitive to round-off errors. We propose herein an explanation of this fact. A first remedy has been proposed in [F. Casenave, Accurate \textit{a posteriori} error evaluation in the reduced basis method. \textit{C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris} \textbf{350} (2012) 539--542.]. Herein, we improve this remedy by proposing a new approximation of the error bound using the Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM). This method achieves higher levels of accuracy and requires potentially less precomputations than the usual formula. A version of the EIM stabilized with respect to round-off errors is also derived. The method is illustrated on a simple one-dimensional diffusion problem and a three-dimensional acoustic scattering problem solved by a boundary element method.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 201

    A nonintrusive method to approximate linear systems with nonlinear parameter dependence

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    We consider a family of linear systems Aμα=CA_\mu \alpha=C with system matrix AμA_\mu depending on a parameter μ\mu and for simplicity parameter-independent right-hand side CC. These linear systems typically result from the finite-dimensional approximation of a parameter-dependent boundary-value problem. We derive a procedure based on the Empirical Interpolation Method to obtain a separated representation of the system matrix in the form Aμmβm(μ)AμmA_\mu\approx\sum_{m}\beta_m(\mu)A_{\mu_m} for some selected values of the parameter. Such a separated representation is in particular useful in the Reduced Basis Method. The procedure is called nonintrusive since it only requires to access the matrices AμmA_{\mu_m}. As such, it offers a crucial advantage over existing approaches that instead derive separated representations requiring to enter the code at the level of assembly. Numerical examples illustrate the performance of our new procedure on a simple one-dimensional boundary-value problem and on three-dimensional acoustic scattering problems solved by a boundary element method.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Nonintrusive approximation of parametrized limits of matrix power algorithms -- application to matrix inverses and log-determinants

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    We consider in this work quantities that can be obtained as limits of powers of parametrized matrices, for instance the inverse matrix or the logarithm of the determinant. Under the assumption of affine dependence in the parameters, we use the Empirical Interpolation Method (EIM) to derive an approximation for powers of these matrices, from which we derive a nonintrusive approximation for the aforementioned limits. We derive upper bounds of the error made by the obtained formula. Finally, numerical comparisons with classical intrusive and nonintrusive approximation techniques are provided: in the considered test-cases, our algorithm performs well compared to the nonintrusive ones

    MMGP: a Mesh Morphing Gaussian Process-based machine learning method for regression of physical problems under non-parameterized geometrical variability

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    When learning simulations for modeling physical phenomena in industrial designs, geometrical variabilities are of prime interest. While classical regression techniques prove effective for parameterized geometries, practical scenarios often involve the absence of shape parametrization during the inference stage, leaving us with only mesh discretizations as available data. Learning simulations from such mesh-based representations poses significant challenges, with recent advances relying heavily on deep graph neural networks to overcome the limitations of conventional machine learning approaches. Despite their promising results, graph neural networks exhibit certain drawbacks, including their dependency on extensive datasets and limitations in providing built-in predictive uncertainties or handling large meshes. In this work, we propose a machine learning method that do not rely on graph neural networks. Complex geometrical shapes and variations with fixed topology are dealt with using well-known mesh morphing onto a common support, combined with classical dimensionality reduction techniques and Gaussian processes. The proposed methodology can easily deal with large meshes without the need for explicit shape parameterization and provides crucial predictive uncertainties, which are essential for informed decision-making. In the considered numerical experiments, the proposed method is competitive with respect to existing graph neural networks, regarding training efficiency and accuracy of the predictions

    A multiscale problem in thermal science

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    International audienceWe consider a multiscale heat problem in civil aviation: determine the temperature field in a plane in flying conditions, with air conditioning. Ventilated electronic components in the bay bring a heat source, introducing a second scale in the problem. First, we present three levels of modelling for the physical phenomena, which are applied to the two sub-problems: the plane and the electronic component. Then, having reduced the complexity of the problem to a linear non-symmetric coercive PDE, we will use the reduced basis method for the electronic component problem

    Boundary Element and Finite Element Coupling for Aeroacoustics Simulations

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    We consider the scattering of acoustic perturbations in a presence of a flow. We suppose that the space can be split into a zone where the flow is uniform and a zone where the flow is potential. In the first zone, we apply a Prandtl-Glauert transformation to recover the Helmholtz equation. The well-known setting of boundary element method for the Helmholtz equation is available. In the second zone, the flow quantities are space dependent, we have to consider a local resolution, namely the finite element method. Herein, we carry out the coupling of these two methods and present various applications and validation test cases. The source term is given through the decomposition of an incident acoustic field on a section of the computational domain's boundary.Comment: 25 page