20 research outputs found

    Dermal regeneration with MilliGraft® kit of nanofat: the micrograft of adipose tissue. A clinical assessment study

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    The simple filtration by means of the MilliGraft® Kit of a disaggregated lipoaspirate allows to extract the class of cells defined as progentors with characteristics of adult stem cells present in the nanofat exclusively on the basis of their dimensions. It also allows the elimination of the fibrous branches and cell membranes destroyed by the emulsion phase and obtain a population of cells deprived of the inflammatory component. This method was used in regenerative and aeshetic medicine treatments with excellent and lasting clinical results in the follow-up phase

    Natural Products for the Prevention, Treatment and Progression of Breast Cancer

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    In this review, we summarize the most used natural products as useful adjuvants in BC by clarifying how these products may play a critical role in the prevention, treatment and progression of this disease. BC is the leading cancer, in terms of incidence, that affects women. The epidemiology and pathophysiology of BC were widely reported. Inflammation and cancer are known to influence each other in several tumors. In the case of BC, the inflammatory component precedes the development of the neoplasm through a slowly increasing and prolonged inflammation that also favors its growth. BC therapy involves a multidisciplinary approach comprising surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. There are numerous observations that showed that the effects of some natural substances, which, in integration with the classic protocols, can be used not only for prevention or integration in order to prevent recurrences and induce a state of chemoquiescence but also as chemo- and radiosensitizers during classic therapy

    CGRP Antagonism and Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Migraine

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    The study of migraine is based on the complexity of the pathology, both at the pathophysiological and epidemiological levels. Although it affects more than a billion people worldwide, it is often underestimated and underreported by patients. Migraine must not be confused with a simple headache; it is a serious and disabling disease that causes considerable limitations in the daily life of afflicted people, including social, work, and emotional effects. Therefore, it causes a daily state of suffering and discomfort. It is important to point out that this pathology not only has a decisive impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it but also on their families and, more generally, on society as a whole. The clinical picture of migraine is complex, with debilitating unilateral or bilateral head pain, and is often associated with characteristic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. Hormonal, environmental, psychological, dietary, or other factors can trigger it. The present review focuses on the analysis of the physiopathological and pharmacological aspects of migraine, up to the correct dietary approach, with specific nutritional interventions aimed at modulating the symptoms. Based on the symptoms that the patient experiences, targeted and specific therapy is chosen to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Specifically, the role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the pathogenesis of migraine is analyzed, along with the drugs that effectively target the corresponding receptor. Particularly, CGRP receptor antagonists (gepants) are very effective drugs in the treatment of migraine, given their high diffusion in the brain. Moreover, following a ketogenic diet for only one or two months has been demonstrated to reduce migraine attacks. In this review, we highlight the diverse facets of migraine, from its physiopathological and pharmacological aspects to prevention and therapy

    A protocol of a new regenerative treatment of chrono-aging and photo-aging with progenitors cells from adipose Micrograft obtained from MilliGraft® Kit

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    During chrono and photo-aging, in tissues MSCa undergo a decrease due to the stress to which cells go. In aesthetic and regenerative medicine, the supplementation of autologous MSCa from adipose tissue extracted can be a valid alternative to counteract the effects of aging for tissue rejuvenation. An innovative method for extracting MSCa from adipose tissue, in its simplicity, allows the aesthetic doctor to have available a new highly effective approach for his patients. For this clinical study we were inspired by the principle of cellular extraction in cytometry. In this method the tissues are disaggregated by appropriate devices and filtered according to the necessary measures. The cytometry showed that in each differentiated tissue there is a population of progenitors which is smaller than the differentiated cells. These cells have greater cytoplasmic complexity and greater expression of stem markers. Collection, processing, selection and infusion of progenitors with stem markers of adipose tissue it was done with MilliGraft®, the CE surgical procedural kit done of purpose

    Correction of defects in the flaws of bone tissue facial, through the use of tricalcium phosphate or calcium hydroxyapatite with plasma gel. A clinical assessment study

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    Il processo di invecchiamento cosi come viene percepito dai pazienti inizia dopo il primo terzo della vita e coinvolge tutti i tessuti, anche per il depauperarsi delle cellule staminali adulte deputate al reintegro dei tessuti persi. L’epidermide ed il derma si assottigliano, il tessuto adiposo perde di consistenza ed i tessuti ossei si modificano. L’impoverimento dello strato dei tessuti porta alle tipiche rughe e pieghe osservabili sul viso, in genere già verso i 40 anni. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare clinicamente l’aumento volumetrico in prossimità dell’osso zigomatico e malare effettuato mediante l’ausilio della polvere di fosfato tricalcico o di idrossiapatite di calcio uniti ad un gel derivato dal plasma autologo al fine di contribuire all’attenuazione dell’inestetismo delle ipovolumetrie ossee. L’ipotesi di lavoro scientifico era quella che depositando con metodo esclusivamente iniettivo un composto di plasma unito ad idrossiapatite di calcio o fosfato tricalcico a livello zigomatico, malare e mascellare, avendo cura di scalfire il periostio con la punta dell’ago e permettendo all’osso di integrare quanto depositato attraverso l’iniezione, si potesse avere una durata maggiore nel tempo e tridimensionalmente della correzione estetica unitamente ad una integrazione con l’osso stesso, diversamente da quanto accade con i filler riassorbibili oggi in uso. Le pazienti sono state fotografate a tempo 0, immediatamente dopo il trattamento e dopo quattro mesi dimostrando la perfetta integrazione del materiale iniettato in assenza di risposte infiammatorie patologiche. Lo studio ha permesso di dimostrare la perfetta integrazione delle ceramiche con i tessutiThe aging process as it is observed by all patients begins after the first third of life and involves all the tissues, even for the depletion of adult stem cells responsible for the reintegration of lost tissues. The epidermis and dermis tend to thin, fatty tissue loses consistency, and bone tissue changes. The impoverishment of the tissue layer leads to typical wrinkles and folds that can be observed on the face, typically as early as 40 years. The purpose of this study was to clinically evaluate the volume increase near zygomatic and maxillary bone by using tricalcium phosphate powder or calcium hydroxyapatite combined with a gel derived from autologous plasma in order to contribute to the attenuation of the anesthetics of bone hypovolumetry. The hypothesis of scientific work was that by depositing exclusively injecting a plasma compound with calcium hydroxyapatite or tricalcium phosphate at the zygomatic, malar and maxillary levels, taking care to scratch the periosteum with the tip of the needle, bone to supplement what deposited through the injection, it could have a longer duration and three-dimensional effect of aesthetic correction together with an integration with the bone itself, unlike what happens with absorbable fillers now in use.All volunteer patients have been studied after obtaining regular informed consent. Patients were photographed at 0, immediately after treatment and after four months demonstrating the perfect integration of injected material in the absence of pathological inflammatory responses. This study, launched in November 2011, showed that tricalcium phosphate and calcium hydroxyapatite combined with an autologous gel derived from platelets is perfectly tolerated as biomaterial in the volumetric integration of bone tissue

    Autologous plasma in aesthetic & regenerative medicine and the role of PRP and PPP. Regeneration, fibrosis or only matrix? A retrospective study

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    Background: PRP is used in aesthetic medicine due to the high concentration of platelets and their content of growth factors. A comparative study of results has never been conducted between the single PRP fraction and the rest of the plasma available in the test tube. Objective: Review the standard protocols, avoiding the elimination of the smaller portions of PRP that are poor of platelets, due to the high probability that they possesses traits that assist with responses in the modulation and transduction of signals that are induced by growth factors. Methods: This study was carried-out on 424 patients who underwent biostimulation treatments via autologous plasma. The patients were randomly divided into two equal groups of 212. The first group was treated with biostimulation through PRP, while the other group was subjected to biostimulation with autologous Plasma, without the exclusion of the plasma poor of platelets (PPP). Results: This retrospective evaluation has allowed us to consider that the treatment method performed with all the autologous plasma it is more effective than the exclusive use of the platelet-rich plasma portion. Conclusions: We observed a greater therapeutic response with the entire autologous plasma. We obtained a greater response from the younger patients in both groups, due to the greater presence of stimulated adult stem cells

    Autologus Micrograft fat injection: microfiltration technique of disaggregated adipose tissue and skin regeneration. A clinical assessment study

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    The filtration through predetermined measures allows to separate the Side Population of adipose tissue from fibrous shoots and cellular debris in a microfat or nanofat obtained by emulsion. Using an adipose microfiltrate we have the possibility to combine the regenerative properties of MSCs with the elimination of the potentially inflammatory components typical of adipose disaggregated called microfat and nanofat . We have used this method for the treatment of dermis and epidermis regeneration with excellent clinical results

    Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

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    Ageing and the habitual and physiological contraction of the facial musculature causes wrinkles, small creases, excess skin, and skin relaxation that can take on unsightly characteristics. The removal of these imperfections can be carried out with devices using high-frequency energy (RF), which develop heat between 400°C and 600°C and rapidly vaporise intra- and extracellular fluids with consequent drying of the skin. In order to avoid this physico-chemical phenomenon, it is possible to emit an electric arc that acts without contact to the tissue, without any electrical passage between the handpiece and the skin, and without the influence of the electrical resistance of the skin. The use of the electric arc as an instrument of intervention on the excess skin has been reported in the literature for many years. Our results show that this technique is also applicable to the upper eyelids in the presence of a dermatochalasis; it can be carried out with laser devices, emitting RF devices as well as devices emitting plasmaenergy. Through a micro-arc we obtained an effective surface action without warming the deep tissues and maintaining the integrity of the dermal papilla

    Variazione anatomica della III branca trigeminale: correlazioni diagnostico-radiologiche, case reports e analisi della letteratura

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    "Il dolore" è uno dei meccanismi di difesa del corpo e fondamentale per il supporto alla vita. Tuttavia, il dolore orofacciale della nevralgia trigeminale non svolge alcun ruolo nei meccanismi di difesa del corpo e richiede un intervento terapeutico. Nel nostro studio abbiamo analizzato come le variazioni anatomiche della III branca trigeminale debbano essere considerate in caso di persistenza della sintomatologia dolorosa dopo trattamenti di chirurgia maxillofacciale ed odontoiatrica . Nei nostri case report abbiamo dimostrato come una attenta anamnesi ed una approfondita tecnica radiologica possano evidenziare le variazioni anatomiche della III branca trigeminal

    Trattamento con fattori di crescita derivati dal plasma ricco in piastrine o biostimolazione con fattori di crescita autogeni

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    La biostimolazione del viso con i fattori di crescita derivati dalle piastrine permette di ottimizzare la neocollagenogenesi ed indirizzarla verso la formazione di collagene reticolare , il tipo III . Durante l'invecchiamento vi è una progressiva perdita di collagene di tipo III . Lo scopo di questo articolo è di far conoscere le potenzialità della medicina rigenerativa attraverso l'utilizzo di un centrifugato di plasma da venopunzion