5 research outputs found

    Interactions of the extracellular matrix proteoglycans decorin and biglycan with C1q and collectins

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    Decorin and biglycan are closely related abundant extracellular matrix proteoglycans that have been shown to bind to C1q. Given the overall structural similarities between C1q and mannose-binding lectin (MBL), the two key recognition molecules of the classical and the lectin complement pathways, respectively, we have examined functional consequences of the interaction of C1q and MBL with decorin and biglycan. Recombinant forms of human decorin and biglycan bound C1q via both collagen and globular domains and inhibited the classical pathway. Decorin also bound C1 without activating complement. Furthermore, decorin and biglycan bound efficiently to MBL, but only biglycan could inhibit activation of the lectin pathway. Other members of the collectin family, including human surfactant protein D, bovine collectin-43, and conglutinin also showed binding to decorin and biglycan. Decorin and biglycan strongly inhibited C1q binding to human endothelial cells and U937 cells, and biglycan suppressed C1q-induced MCP-1 and IL-8 production by human endothelial cells. In conclusion, decorin and biglycan act as inhibitors of activation of the complement cascade, cellular interactions, and proinflammatory cytokine production mediated by C1q. These two proteoglycans are likely to down-regulate proinflammatory effects mediated by C1q, and possibly also the collectins, at the tissue level

    Functional characterization of the lectin pathway of complement in human serum

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    Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is a major initiator of the lectin pathway (LP) of complement. Polymorphisms in exon 1 of the MBL gene are associated with impaired MBL function and infections. Functional assays to assess the activity of the classical pathway (CP) and the alternative pathway (AP) of complement in serum are broadly used in patient diagnostics. We have now developed a functional LP assay that enables the specific quantification of autologous MBL-dependent complement activation in human serum. Complement activation was assessed by ELISA using coated mannan to assess the LP and coated IgM to assess the CP. Normal human serum (NHS) contains IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against mannan, as shown by ELISA. These antibodies are likely to induce CP activation. Using C1q-blocking and MBL-blocking mAb, it was confirmed that both the LP and the CP contribute to complement activation by mannan. In order to quantify LP activity without interference of the CP, LP activity was measured in serum in the presence of C1q-blocking Ab. Activation of serum on coated IgM via the CP resulted in a dose-dependent deposition of C1q, C4, C3, and C5b-9. This activation and subsequent complement deposition was completely inhibited by the C1q-blocking mAb 2204 and by polyclonal Fab anti-C1q Ab. Evaluation of the LP in the presence of mAb 2204 showed a strong dose-dependent deposition of C4, C3, and C5b-9 using serum from MBL-wildtype (AA) but not MBL-mutant donors (AB or BB genotype), indicating that complement activation under these conditions is MBL-dependent and C1q-independent. Donors with different MBL genotypes were identified using a newly developed oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) for detection of MBL exon 1 polymorphisms. We describe a novel functional assay that enables quantification of autologous complement activation via the LP in full human serum up to the formation of the membrane attack complex. This assay offers novel possibilities for patient diagnostics as well as for the study of disease association with the L

    Antibody-mediated activation of the classical pathway of complement may compensate for mannose-binding lectin deficiency

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    Deficiency of mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a recognition molecule of the lectin pathway of complement, is associated with increased susceptibility to infections. The high frequency of MBL deficiency suggests that defective MBL-mediated innate immunity can be compensated by alternative defense strategies. To examine this hypothesis, complement activation by MBL-binding ligands was studied. The results show that the prototypic MBL ligand mannan can induce complement activation via both the lectin pathway and the classical pathway. Furthermore, antibody binding to mannan restored complement activation in MBL-deficient serum in a C1q-dependent manner. Cooperation between the classical pathway and the lectin pathway was also observed for complement activation by protein 60 from Listeria monocytogenes. MBL pathway analysis at the levels of C4 and C5b-9 in the presence of classical pathway inhibition revealed a large variation of MBL pathway activity, depending on mbl2 gene polymorphisms. MBL pathway dysfunction in variant allele carriers is associated with reduced MBL ligand binding and a relative increase of low-molecular-mass MBL. These findings indicate that antibody-mediated classical pathway activation can compensate for impaired target opsonization via the MBL pathway in MBL-deficient individuals, and imply that MBL deficiency may become clinically relevant in absence of a concomitant adaptive immune respons