135 research outputs found

    Transformative learning in the era of post-reflexivity

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    This article collects over 20 years of studies, encounters, and conversations around Transformative Theory and reflective practices, which have characterized my identity as a scholar and the Italian Transformative Learning Network’s identity. I am going to trace the main challenges that, starting from practice-based studies and situated learning theory, have established the foundation for our research group's discussion on Transformative Learning. I am going to venture into open dialectical arenas with new perspectives that have amazed and questioned me. The posthuman, sociomateriality, and post-qualitative inquiry interrogate some of the foundations of Transformative Theory and urge us to create a creative space to share challenging epistemic constructions

    Il genitore riflessivo. La costruzione narrativa del sapere e delle pratiche genitoriali

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    Il saggio muove dalla premessa secondo cui la cultura familiare include saperi impliciti ed espliciti che si trasformano e si sviluppano tramite l’esperienza. Gli apprendimenti genitoriali si traducono in prospettive determinate, che rimangono per lo più inconsce e dunque possono contenere elementi di distorsione. Il riconoscimento di tale processo consente l’adozione di un approccio riflessivo alla genitorialità capace di rendere i genitori costruttori attivi delle proprie conoscenze e competenze e interpreti consapevoli delle proprie esperienze. Nell’attuale contesto di disorientamento della famiglia, per sostenere i genitori in questo impegno può essere utile una formazione specifica finalizzata a sviluppare un adeguato pensiero critico

    Competenze trasversali, innovazione didattica e presidi organizzativi (Cap. 4.)

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    Gli odierni scenari lavorativi, le nuove professioni, con i relativi bisogni di conoscenza, hanno enfatizzato le criticità e le contraddizioni di approcci didattici troppo spesso ancorati a logiche teorico-disciplinari e offerte formative costruite su criteri autoreferenziali. • Le Università progettano centri, curriculum e percorsi di apprendimento capaci di promuovere l’acquisizione di competenze pratiche utili per i futuri professionisti. • Necessità di promuovere esperienze concrete (Teaching and Learning Center) che attivino offerte formative in grado di intercettare bisogni di apprendimento emergenti e sfidanti rispetto agli attuali scenari lavorativi, e di dialogare con gli stakeholder. • Costruire una rete nazionale dei Teaching and Learning Center dei diversi Atenei italiani al fine di condividere esperienze di didattica innovativa e di supportare lo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali degli studenti e dei docenti

    Coltivare sguardi pluriversali. Esperienze didattiche in corso

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    A partire da ancoraggi metodologici e concettuali afferenti agli studi sull’apprendimento trasformativo e alla prospettiva decoloniale, l’articolo intende descrive alcune modalità di applicazione di dispositivi didattici di tipo conversazionale e dialettico, finalizzati a supportare studentesse e studenti universitari nel riflettere criticamente sulle pluralità e differenze che caratterizzano i contesti lavorativi educativi contemporanei. Si ripercorreranno alcune azioni didattiche implementate all’interno di due insegnamenti erogati nell’anno accademico 2023-2024, e afferenti a Corsi di Laurea L-19 e LM-85, volte a facilitare la costruzione di una cultura professionale senza distorsioni epistemologiche, sociolinguistiche e psicologiche ancorate a visioni etnocentriche

    Education professionals’ training in relation to learning objectives and learning outcomes. Sharing tests

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    La formazione dei professionisti dell'educazione tra obiettivi formativi e learning outcomes. Prove di condivision

    Innovation as socially shared practice: the contribution of the Teaching and Learning Center

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    The contribution describes a study on the organizational devices and the professional development programs carried out at the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) of the University of Siena and at the Teaching and Learning Lab (TLL) of the University of Macerata. The focus is on systemic actions capable to elicit innovation at an organizational level, starting from the work of the institutional centers for research, professional training, and digital enhanced learning embedded in the university. In the final paragraph, future developmental trajectories for constituting an inter-universities network of TLCs are discussed

    At the beginning was the decree. Towards a shared design process between insiders and outsiders

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    The article describes the collaborative research carried out for the co-design of the Program for professional socio-pedagogical educator. Starting from the analysis of the laws and regulations defining normative parameters, using the results of the TECO-D project, the work reconstructs the elements of the research conducted with educators working in the professional sectors interested by the Program. The collaborative methodology implemented has made possible identifying four core contents: situated theories, methodologies of investigation, verification of the effectiveness of the educational action, conflicts between colleagues. In principio era il decreto. Verso una progettazione condivisa tra insider e outsiderIl contributo descrive la ricerca collaborativa condotta per la co-progettazione del Corso intensivo di formazione per la qualifica di educatore professionale socio-pedagogico. Partendo dall’analisi della traiettoria legislativa che ne ha definito normativamente i parametri, utilizzando il lavoro di ricerca svolto nel progetto TECO-D, si arriva a ricostruire gli elementi della ricerca condotta insieme ad educatori e coordinatori dei servizi che operano nei settori professionali interessati dal corso di formazione. La metodologia collaborativa attuata ha permesso di individuare quattro contenuti ritenuti centrali dai partecipanti alla ricerca: Teorie situate, metodologie d’indagine, verifica dell’efficacia dell’azione educativa, conflitti tra colleghi

    Factors associated with work ability among employees of an Italian university hospital

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    Background: A growing body of evidence clearly documents the benefits of integrated systems approaches to protecting and promoting the safety, health and well-being of workers. The purpose of this study is to provide a holistic view of the work ability of employees of an Italian University Hospital measuring their resources in relation to job demands. In particular, it examines socio-demographics, family and organizational antecedents of health professionals' work ability. Methods: A survey was conducted to assess the work ability of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses and administrative staff, working at the University Hospital of Modena (Italy). The data collection allows us to get a sample of 443 workers, who correspond to 11% of the target population. The data were analyzed using preliminary statistics on the main characteristics of the sample in terms of work ability, socio-demographic variables, family and organizational characteristics. In addition, logit models of the likelihood of having high work ability were estimated using SPSS version 25. Results: Work ability decreases with increasing age, comorbidity, high body mass index, having at least one child under 5 and/or a dependent adult, having a poor work-life balance, and doing more than 20 h of housework. Specific job resources can significantly promote work ability, including relationship-oriented leadership, autonomy in decision making and individuals' skill match. The nursing profession is associated with a low work ability. Finally, a significant gender gap has been documented. Women find it more difficult to reconcile life and work, especially when they have children of preschool age and work in professions with greater responsibilities, as in the case of women doctors, who experience lower work capacity. Conclusions: Our results suggest that it is necessary to consider other factors, in addition to age, that are equally relevant in influencing work ability. Consequently, organisational interventions could be implemented to improve the work ability of all workers. In addition, we propose targeted interventions for groups at risk of reduced work capacity, in particular older workers (45 years and over), nurses, women with children of preschool age and in the position of physician
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