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12 research outputs found
Transient groundwater impacts on the development of paleoclimatic lake records in semi-arid environments
Bowler JM
Bowler JM
+14Â more
Corbet TF
Corbet TF
Corbet TF
Corbet TF
Evans WR
Filby S
Gelhar LW
Harrison SP
Leaney FW
Page K
Watermark Numerical Computing
Winter TC
Winter TC
Wood WW
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Extraction and Analysis of Plant Water for Deuterium Isotope Measurement and Application to Field Experiments
BR Whelan
FW Leaney
+17Â more
G Lin
GR Walker
I Abbott
JR Ehleringer
JR Ehleringer
JV Turner
JV Turner
JW White
K Revesz
ML Coleman
P. Farrington
PJ Thorburn
PJ Thorburn
PJ Thorburn
TE Dawson
TE Dawson
U Zimmerman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Plant Tissues
BN Smith
C Bokhoven
+20Â more
CB Osmond
CB Osmond
CB Osmond
EW Washburn
FW Leaney
H Ziegler
H Ziegler
J Bricout
KA Bonhoeffer
L Quandt
LO Sternberg
LO Sternberg
M Altendorfer
MF Estep
PW Hattersley
PW Rundel
SR Szarek
TB Ray
W Dansgaard
W-G Schiegl
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios in Plant Cellulose: Mechanisms and Applications
A Ferhi
BN Smith
+32Â more
C Lesaint
FW Leaney
G Zundel
H Craig
H Ziegler
IP Ting
IP Ting
JA Berry
JA Bunce
JE Keeley
JE Keeley
JWC White
K Winter
L Sternberg
L Sternberg
L Sternberg
L Sternberg
LM Libby
LO Sternberg
LSL Sternberg
LSL Sternberg
LSL Sternberg
LSL Sternberg
LSL Sternberg
MJ DeNiro
MJ DeNiro
RL Burk
RL Wershaw
RVS Krishnamurthy
S Epstein
S Epstein
WE Schiegl
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Sulfadimethoxine transport in soil columns in relation to sorbable and non-sorbable tracers
A Białk-Bielińska
Bernd Huwe
+36Â more
BS Levy
C Bogner
C Fesch
C Strauss
CD Brown
FW Leaney
GC Carlyle
H FlĂĽhler
H Ketelsen
H Vereecken
HM Anawar
I Forrer
I Forrer
J Cheng
J Germán-Heins
J Maszkowska
J Mon
J Vanderborght
Jong Yol Park
K Fent
KM Doretto
MH Nielsen
MJ GarcĂa-Galán
P Aeby
P Srivastava
R Kasteel
RA Figueroa-Diva
S Goldberg
S Koch
SM Sanders
V Polyakov
W Hartley
Y Luo
YL Zhang
Z Fan
Z Li
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Radon concentration in drinking water and soil after the September 24, 2019, Mw 5.8 earthquake, Mirpur, Azad Jammu, and Kashmir: an evaluation for potential risk
A Barkat
A El-Taher
+42Â more
A Kumar
A Riaz
A Ruano-Ravina
AL Marques
C Di Carlo
D Pant
E Vitz
F Khan
FB Masok
FW Leaney
G Cinelli
G Kendall
G Prasad
GM Kendall
H Alonso
I Kaur
J-M Lee
K Somlai
L Martins
M Akram
M Tzortzis
N Ahmad
N Ali
N Khattak
N Khattak
P Nandakumaran
P Raste
R Sivakumar
R Sivakumar
R Somashekar
R Ullah
S Muhammad
S Selvasekarapandian
S Sharma
SM Abdallah
V Duggal
V Jobbágy
W Zhuo
X Li
Y-Y Wu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Controlos hidrogeológicos em maciços rochosos fracturados e saprólitos na interacção águas subterrâneas-águas superficiais: Um modelo conceptual (Austrália)
Adrian D. Werner
AH Haria
+44Â more
AH Manning
AJ Peck
AM Shapiro
Andrew J. Love
BR Scanlon
Craig T. Simmons
CW Fetter
D Schulze-Makuch
D Skinner
DE Elrick
DJ Chittleborough
DL Poulsen
DP Genereux
DR Williamson
E Busenberg
Edward W. Banks
Erick A. Bestland
FW Leaney
GB Allison
GF Pinder
ID Clark
JJ McDonnell
K Kahn
KE Schilling
KRJ Smettem
LD McKay
M Kirkby
Martin Wood
MG Sklash
P Shand
P Shand
PG Cook
PG Cook
PG Cook
RA Socki
Roger Cranswick
S Krause
SJ Hoven Van der
T Chapman
Tania Wilson
TB Coplen
U Beyerle
V Bagarello
Z Szabo
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Impacts of agricultural irrigation on groundwater salinity
A Baghvand
A Guendouz
+55Â more
A Kass
A Pulido-Bosch
A Szynkiewicz
A Vallejos
A. Pulido-Bosch
A. Vallejos
AJ Callejon
AMO Mohamed
B Remini
BC Richter
BR Scanlon
BR Scanlon
BR Scanlon
BR Scanlon
BR Scanlon
CC Faunt
D Han
D Kurtzman
D Merchan
DL Suarez
E Milnes
EV Maas
F Ghassemi
F. Sola
FW Leaney
I Cartwright
I Garcia-Garizabal
J Miguel
J. C. Ceron
J. M. Andreu
J. P. Rigol-Sanchez
JC Ceron
JE Northey
JK Bohlke
JM Andreu
L Daniele
L Molina
L Shi
L. Molina-Sanchez
LF Konikow
LK Smedema
M Lorite-Herrera
M Rodell
MA Walvoord
O Oren
PB McMahon
PM Barlow
R Aragues
RA Duncan
RA Freeze
SSD Foster
T Rodriguez-Estrella
TY Stigter
Y Wada
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The hydrological function of a large chain-of-ponds: a wetland system with intermittent surface flows
A Schmidt
AJK Calhoun
+60Â more
AJP Gore
ARM Young
ARM Young
B Mactaggart
B Mactaggart
B Seth
C Zierholz
CE Hughes
CG Tuckfield
CJ von der Heyden
CS Nash
CW Fetter
D Hazell
DA Shaw
DO Rosenberry
E Kerstel
EF Wood
FW Leaney
G Ali
G Lis
G van der Kamp
GA Botha
GJ Brierley
I Cartwright
I Cartwright
ID Jolly
IP Prosser
IP Prosser
JM Ferone
K Fryirs
K Fryirs
KA Fryirs
KL Cowley
KW Butzer
LD Cecil
LE Polvi
M Sophocleous
M-F Cattin
MC Uys
MP Taylor
N Shah
NM Schmidt
OD Thomas
P Johnston
P Rustomji
P Wegener
PG Cook
R Mäckel
RJ Eyles
RJ Wasson
RT Williams
RW Tiner
S Jasechko
S Mould
ST Nelson
TC Winter
TC Winter
TJ Ralph
TM Doody
WD Erskine
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds
A Cardona
A Dowling
+108Â more
A Goho
A Nel
A Tsezou
AB Khan
AJ Peck
AJM Loon van
AK Mohanty
AR Tricker
BA Mueller
CG Daughton
CT McMurray
CV Howard
CW Lam
D Weisenburger
DB Warheit
DB Warheit
DH Yaalon
DR Livingstone
E Farber
E Oberdorster
ED Kimbrough
EL Thunqvist
FM Eaton
FW Leaney
FX Han
G Oberdörster
G Shaw
GS Toor
H Sharpley
I Brigger
I Dror
I Hertz-Picciotto
IS Cole
J Causape
J Hern
J Panyam
J Raloff
J Reiman
J Vaze
JE Maskall
JH Barrett
JM Beltran
JM Burkholder
JM Maanen van
JM Maanen van
JN Stannard
JO Nariagu
JP Thouez
JT Nurmi
JT Sims
K Mengel
K Nagaveni
K Steindorf
KAD Guzman
KM Hannam
KP Cantor
KP Kuhn
KP Panayiotopoulos
L Brus
L Gordon
L Jarup
L Jarup
L Pelkmans
LC McKenzie
M Eicholzer
M Green
M Spoor
MC Manna
ME Ergil
MG Bethune
MH Ward
MH Ward
MM Dorsch
MM Sherif
MN Moore
MN Moore
MP Waalkes
MP Waalkes
MP Waalkes
OM Jensen
P Bogovski
PF Pratt
PHM Hote
PJ Weyer
PN Magee
R Fernandez-Urrusuno
R Owen
RB Hayes
RB Salama
RK Scragg
RL Dehaan
S Funakawa
S Odashima
S Satarug
SZ Kang
TE Arbuckle
THS Kotb
TS Galloway
VA Cramer
VL Colvin
W Lijinsky
W Seffner
WL Lindsay
WP James
Y Kolodny
Y Wang
YG Zhu
ZH Cao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text