3 research outputs found

    Regional Characteristics in the Use of Forest Resources in Traditional Matsuage Festivals

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    Study on Agricultural Restoration Planning Methods Incorporated Visualization Technology in the Tsunami Disaster Areas

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    研究成果の概要(和文):津波被災地において、農地集積など社会経済面の復興計画づくりにビジュアライズ技術を組み込んだ被災農家参加型ワークショップを設計し、その効果を宮城県七ヶ浜町で検証したところ、以下が明らかとなった。①被災地では担い手農家への農地集積が急速に進んだが、耕地分散、農業水路の維持管理の負担増が、経営効率化の障害になっている。②数理計画法により地域農業所得を最大化する農地集積の最適解を求めると、現実の合意水準(納得解)とは大きな乖離がれる。③最適解と納得解をGISに搭載し、ビジュアライズしながら話し合うワークショップを実施したところ、被災農家間に認識が共有され、共同学習が促される効果が観察された研究成果の概要(英文): We designed a participatory workshop that is incorporated visualization technology to create agricultural restoration planning in the tsunami disaster areas of theGreat East Japan Earthquake. The effects of our workshop methods were demonstrated at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi prefecture. The following three points have been clarified in this research. ① In the disaster areas , agricultural land is rapidly gathering in the certified farmers, but due to the dispersion of farmlands and the maintenance burden of agricultural waterways, it is becoming a hindrance to further efficiency improvement. ②When we sought the optimal solution of regional agricultural income by the mathematical programming, there is still a large gap between the actually formed consensus solution and the optimal solution. ③We carried out workshops incorporating visualization technology and we were able to confirm the effect of promoting shared recognition and collaborative learning among participants