191 research outputs found

    Fundamental Studies on Measurement of Plasma lα,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol Concentration by Radioreceptor Assay

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    It is well known that 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(lα,25 (OH)2D) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of bone and calcium metabolism. In present paper, we established a relatively convenient assay system, using radioreceptor assay, for lα,25 (OH) 2D. Fundamental studies showed that this assay system had good sensitivity enough to detect 2 pg of lα,25 (OH) 2D per tube, and had good reproducibility. Therefore, it was shown that this assay system could be applied for clinical use. The plasma concentrations of lα,25(OH)2D, measured by this assay system, in healthy young males and females, and in aged females were 55.7±16.1, 44.8±22.1 and 23.5±13.0 pg/ml (mean±s.d.), respectively. Thus, the aged females showed significantly lower (p<0.005) lα,25 (OH)2D levels than the young group. This fact suggests that vitamin D deficient state might exist in aged females

    川崎医科大学における大学連携活動について : その11 : 2018年度半ばから2019年度半ばにかけての活動

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     川崎医科大学では,様々な大学連携活動に参画している。これらのうち筆頭著者が担当している岡山県内の事業の中で,大学コンソーシアム岡山と倉敷市大学連携推進会議について,2018年度後半から2019年度前半の活動状況を報告する。大学コンソーシアム岡山では,大学教育事業部の中の単位互換への講座提供と社会人教育事業部での吉備創生カレッジへの科目提供を行っている。2018年11月17日の「平成30年7月西日本豪雨災害学生ボランティア報告会」には,大学(附属病院と総合医療センター)の支援事業のポスター報告を行った。社会人事業部では2020年度に向けて事業改革案が練られており,その経緯も報告する。倉敷市大学連携推進会議では,おかやま高梁川流域倉敷市大学連携講座への科目提供を実施している。その他のインターンシップ事業等には参画できてはいない。これらの参加している事業について,考察とともに今後の課題を検討する。 Kawasaki Medical School participates in various activities related to university collaboration. Among these projects in which the first author is in charge and performed in Okayama Prefecture, we report on the status of activities from the second half of 2018 to the first half of 2019, focusing on the Consortium of Universities in Okayama and Kurashiki City University Collaboration Promotion Council (KCUCPC). As for the Consortium of Universities in Okayama, Kawasaki Medical School offers course for credit exchange in the university education project and courses for “Kibi Sosei College" in the continuing education project. A poster report of support project from our medical school and hospitals was presented at the July 17th 2018, West Japan Heavy Rain Disaster - Student Volunteer Report Meeting. In addition, the Continuing Education Committee presents reform proposals of project, and here we will report on its progress. Kawasaki Medical School offers courses for university collaboration courses at the KCUCPC. However, our Medical School does not participate in other projects such as an internship operated by KCUCPC. We consider future issues as well as discussions about these participating projects

    External activities such as university cooperation and others in Kawasaki Medical School: Part 12 -Activities from the middle of the 2019 fiscal year to the middle of 2020 -

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     川崎医科大学では,様々な大学連携活動に参画している。これらのうち筆頭著者が担当している岡山県内の事業の中で,大学コンソーシアム岡山と倉敷市大学連携推進会議について,2019年度後半から2020年度前半の活動状況を報告する。大学コンソーシアム岡山では,2020年度から岡山医療専門職大学が発足し参入された。本学では,大学教育事業部の中の単位互換と社会人教育事業部での吉備創生カレッジへの科目提供を行っている。2019年度終盤からは,新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大で,大学コンソーシアム岡山の事業も中止や延期が続くこととなった。なお,筆頭著者が担当している社会人事業部では,「吉備創生カレッジ」のスリム化と,「備美っと大学キャラバン隊」の発足は特記すべき点である。倉敷市大学連携推進会議では,おかやま高梁川流域倉敷市大学連携講座への科目提供を実施している。これらの参加している事業について,考察とともに今後の課題を検討する。 Kawasaki Medical School (KMS) participates in various activities related to university collaboration. Among these projects in which the first author is in charge and performed in Okayama Prefecture, we report on the status of activities from the second half of 2019 to the first half of 2020, focusing on the Consortium of Universities in Okayama (CUO) and Kurashiki City University Collaboration Promotion Council (KCUCPC). In CUO, Okayama Healthcare Professional University is newly established on April, 2020 and joined to CUO. KMS contributes to CUO to provide course to credit exchange in the university education project as well as courses for “Kibi Sosei College” in the continuing education project. In addition, the Continuing Education Committee (in which the first author is performing chairperson) presents reform proposal of projects. The slimming “Kibi Sousei College” down and the establishment of the “Bibiitto University Caravan Corps” are the notable points. Here we report on its progress. KMS also offers courses for university collaboration courses at the KCUCPC. We consider future issues as well as discussions about these participating projects

    The effects of once-weekly teriparatide on hip structure and biomechanical properties assessed by CT

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    Once-weekly administration of 56.5 μg teriparatide improved cortical bone parameters and biomechanical parameters at the proximal femur by CT geometry analysis. Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of weekly administration of teriparatide [human PTH (1-34)] on bone geometry, volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), and parameters of bone strength at the proximal femur which were longitudinally investigated using computed tomography (CT). Methods: The subjects were a subgroup of a recent, randomly assigned, double-blind study (578 subjects) comparing the anti-fracture efficacy of a once-weekly subcutaneous injection of 56.5 μg teriparatide with placebo (TOWER trial). Results: Sixty-six ambulatory postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were enrolled at 15 study sites having multi-detector row CT, and included women injected with teriparatide (n = 29, 74.2 ± 5.1 years) or with placebo (n = 37, 74.8 ± 5.3 years). CT data were obtained at baseline and follow-up scans were performed at 48 and 72 weeks. The data were analyzed to obtain cross-sectional densitometric, geometric, and biomechanical parameters including the section modulus (SM) and buckling ratio (BR) of the femoral neck, inter-trochanter, and femoral shaft. We found that once-weekly teriparatide increased cortical thickness/cross-sectional area (CSA) and total area, and improved biomechanical properties (i.e., decreasing BR) at the femoral neck and shaft. Teriparatide did not change the cortical perimeter. Conclusions: Our longitudinal analysis of proximal femur geometry by CT revealed that once-weekly administration of 56.5 μg teriparatide improved cortical bone parameters at the femoral neck and shaft and also improved biomechanical parameters