42 research outputs found

    Effects of the South Asian Monsoon Intraseasonal Modes on Genesis of Low Pressure Systems over Bangladesh

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    The quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBW) is a dominant intraseasonal mode in summer rainfall over Bangladesh. Active phases of the QBW are often accompanied by low pressure systems (LPSs) such as vortex-type lows. This study investigated the effects of two intraseasonal modes, the QBW and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO), on the genesis of LPSs over Bangladesh during 29 summer monsoon seasons. Daily lag composites of convection and low-level atmospheric circulation were constructed for active-phase cases with LPSs (LPS case) and without LPSs (non-LPS case) based on rainfall in the QBW over Bangladesh. In the QBW mode, a westward propagation of an anticyclonic anomaly from the western Pacific to the Bay of Bengal (BoB) is common in both cases. However, the anticyclonic center in the LPS case is located slightly to the east of that in the non-LPS case, which results in stronger cyclonic vorticity over and around Bangladesh. In contrast, the BSISO mode shows an opposite phase between the two cases: a cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomaly propagating northward from the equator to the BoB in the LPS case (non-LPS case). In the LPS case, the cyclonic anomaly in the BSISO mode enhances the westerly (easterly) flow over the BoB (Bangladesh) in the active phase, resulting in the enhancement of cyclonic vorticity over the northern BoB and Bangladesh, in cooperation with the QBW mode. These results suggest that both the QBW and BSISO modes have significant influence on the environmental conditions for LPS genesis over Bangladesh

    AsiaPEX:Challenges and Prospects in Asian Precipitation Research

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    The Asian Precipitation Experiment (AsiaPEX) was initiated in 2019 to understand terrestrial precipitation over diverse hydroclimatological conditions for improved predictions, disaster reduction, and sustainable development across Asia under the framework of the Global Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP)/Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX). AsiaPEX is the successor to GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME; 1995-2005) and Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (MAHASRI; 2006-16). While retaining the key objectives of the aforementioned projects, the scientific targets of AsiaPEX focus on land-atmosphere coupling and improvements to the predictability of the Asian hydroclimatological system. AsiaPEX was designed for both fine-scale hydroclimatological processes occurring at the land surface and the integrated Asian hydroclimatological system characterized by multiscale interactions. We adopt six approaches including observation, process studies, scale interactions, high-resolution hydrological modeling, field campaigns, and climate projection, which bridge gaps in research activities conducted in different regions. Collaboration with mesoscale and global modeling researchers is one of the core methods in AsiaPEX. We review these strategies based on the literature and our initial outcomes. These include the estimation and validation of highresolution satellite precipitation, investigations of extreme rainfall mechanisms, field campaigns over the Maritime Continent and Tibetan Plateau, areas of significant impact on the entire AsiaPEX region, process studies on diurnal- to interdecadal-scale interactions, and evaluation of the predictabilities of climate models for long-term variabilities. We will conduct integrated observational and modeling initiative, the Asian Monsoon Year (AMY)-II around 2025-28, whose strategies are the subregional observation platforms and integrated global analysis.</p