2,679 research outputs found

    Evolution of the electronic structure across the filling-control and bandwidth-control metal-insulator transitions in pyrochlore-type Ru oxides

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    We have performed photoemission and soft x-ray absorption studies of pyrochlore-type Ru oxides, namely, the filling-control system Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 and the bandwidth-control system Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, which show insulator-to-metal transition with increasing Ca and Bi concentration, respectively. Core levels and the O 2pp valence band in Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 show almost the same amount of monotonous upward energy shifts with Ca concentration, which indicates that the chemical potential is shifted downward due to hole doping. The Ru 4dd band in Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7 is also shifted toward the Fermi level (EFE_F) with hole doping and the density of states (DOS) at EFE_F increases. The core levels in Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7, on the other hand, do not show clear energy shifts except for the Ru 3dd core level, whose line shape change also reflects the increase of metallic screening with Bi concentration. We observe pronounced spectral weight transfer from the incoherent to the coherent parts of the Ru 4d t2gt_{2g} band with Bi concentration, which is expected for a bandwidth-control Mott-Hubbard system. The increase of the DOS at EFE_F is more abrupt in the bandwidth-control Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Bix_xRu2_2O7_7 than in the filling-control Sm2βˆ’x_{2-x}Cax_xRu2_2O7_7, in accordance with a recent theoretical prediction. Effects of charge transfer between the Bi 6spsp band and the Ru 4dd band are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Chemical potential shift in La(1-x)Sr(x)MnO(3): Photoemission test of the phase separation scenario

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    We have studied the chemical potential shift in La(1-x)Sr(x)MnO(3) as a function of doped hole concentration by core-level x-ray photoemission. The shift is monotonous, which means that there is no electronic phase separation on a macroscopic scale, whereas it is consistent with the nano-meter scale cluster formation induced by chemical disorder. Comparison of the observed shift with the shift deduced from the electronic specific heat indicates that hole doping in La(1-x)Sr(x)MnO(3) is well described by the rigid-band picture. In particular no mass enhancement toward the metal-insulator boundary was implied by the chemical potential shift, consistent with the electronic specific heat data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Potential Profiling of the Nanometer-Scale Charge Depletion Layer in n-ZnO/p-NiO Junction Using Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    We have performed a depth-profile analysis of an all-oxide p-n junction diode n-ZnO/p-NiO using photoemission spectroscopy combined with Ar-ion sputtering. Systematic core-level shifts were observed during the gradual removal of the ZnO overlayer, and were interpreted using a simple model based on charge conservation. Spatial profile of the potential around the interface was deduced, including the charge-depletion width of 2.3 nm extending on the ZnO side and the built-in potential of 0.54 eV

    Chemical potential jump between hole- and electron-doped sides of ambipolar high-Tc cuprate

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    In order to study an intrinsic chemical potential jump between the hole- and electron-doped high-Tc superconductors, we have performed core-level X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of Y0.38La0.62Ba1.74La0.26Cu3Oy (YLBLCO), into which one can dope both holes and electrons with maintaining the same crystal structure. Unlike the case between the hole-doped system La_2-xSrxCuO4 and the electron-doped system Nd_2-xCexCuO4, we have estimated the true chemical potential jump between the hole- and electron-doped YLBLCO to be ~0.8 eV, which is much smaller than the optical gaps of 1.4-1.7 eV reported for the parent insulating compounds. We attribute the reduced jump to the indirect nature of the charge-excitation gap as well as to the polaronic nature of the doped carriers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent quasi-particles-to-incoherent hole-carriers crossover in underdoped cuprates

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    In underdoped cuprates, only a portion of the Fermi surface survives as Fermi arcs due to pseudogap opening. In hole-doped La2_{2}CuO4_4, we have deduced the "coherence temperature" TcohT_{coh} of quasi-particles on the Fermi arc above which the broadened leading edge position in angle-integrated photoemission spectra is shifted away from the Fermi level and the quasi-particle concept starts to lose its meaning. TcohT_{coh} is found to rapidly increase with hole doping, an opposite behavior to the pseudogap temperature Tβˆ—T^*. The superconducting dome is thus located below both Tβˆ—T^* and TcohT_{coh}, indicating that the superconductivity emerges out of the coherent Fermionic quasi-particles on the Fermi arc. TcohT_{coh} remains small in the underdoped region, indicating that incoherent charge carriers originating from the Fermi arc are responsible for the apparently metallic transport at high temperatures

    Electronic charges and electric potential at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces studied by core-level photoemission spectroscopy

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    We studied LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces for varying LaAlO3 thickness by core-level photoemission spectroscopy. In Ti 2p spectra for conducting "n-type" interfaces, Ti3+ signals appeared, which were absent for insulating "p-type" interfaces. The Ti3+ signals increased with LaAlO3 thickness, but started well below the critical thickness of 4 unit cells for metallic transport. Core-level shifts with LaAlO3 thickness were much smaller than predicted by the polar catastrophe model. We attribute these observations to surface defects/adsorbates providing charges to the interface even below the critical thickness

    Temperature-dependent photoemission spectral weight transfer and chemical potential shift in Pr1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 : Implications for charge density modulation

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the photoemission spectra of Pr1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 (PCMO) with x=0.25x=0.25, 0.3 and 0.5. For x=0.3x=0.3 and 0.5, we observed a gap in the low-temperature CE-type charge-ordered (CO) phase and a pseudogap with a finite intensity at the Fermi level (EFE_F) in the high-temperature paramagnetic insulating (PI) phase. Within the CO phase, the spectral intensity near EFE_F gradually increased with temperature. These observations are consistent with the results of Monte Carlo simulations on a model including charge ordering and ferromagnetic fluctuations [H. Aliaga {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 104405 (2003)]. For x=0.25x=0.25, on the other hand, little temperature dependence was observed within the low-temperature ferromagnetic insulating (FI) phase and the intensity at EFE_F remained low in the high-temperature PI phase. We attribute the difference in the temperature dependence near EFE_F between the CO and FI phases to the different correlation lengths of orbital order between both phases. Furthermore, we observed a chemical potential shift with temperature due to the opening of the gap in the FI and CO phases. The doping dependent chemical potential shift was recovered at low temperatures, corresponding to the disappearance of the doping dependent change of the modulation wave vector. Spectral weight transfer with hole concentration was clearly observed at high temperatures but was suppressed at low temperatures. We attribute this observation to the fixed periodicity with hole doping in PCMO at low temperatures.Comment: 5pages, 7figure

    Phase Change Observed in Ultrathin Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Films by in-situ Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    Epitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films were prepared on Nb-doped SrTiO3 (100)substrates by the pulsed laser deposition technique, and were studied by measuring the Ti 2p - 3d resonant photoemission spectra in the valence-band region as a function of film thickness, both at room temperature and low temperature. Our results demonstrated an abrupt variation in the spectral structures between 2.8 nm (~7 monolayers) and 2.0 nm (~5 monolayers) Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films, suggesting that there exists a critical thickness for phase change in the range of 2.0 nm to 2.8 nm. This may be ascribed mainly to the intrinsic size effects.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Photoemission and x-ray absorption studies of valence states in (Ni,Zn,Fe,Ti)3_{3}O4_{4} thin films exhibiting photo-induced magnetization

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    By means of photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we have studied the electronic structure of (Ni,Zn,Fe,Ti)3_{3}O4_{4} thin films, which exhibits a cluster glass behavior with a spin-freezing temperature TfT_f of ∼230\sim 230 K and photo-induced magnetization (PIM) below TfT_f. The Ni and Zn ions were found to be in the divalent states. Most of the Fe and Ti ions in the thin films were trivalent (Fe3+^{3+}) and tetravalent (Ti4+^{4+}), respectively. While Ti doping did not affect the valence states of the Ni and Zn ions, a small amount of Fe2+^{2+} ions increased with Ti concentration, consistent with the proposed charge-transfer mechanism of PIM.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gradual Disappearance of the Fermi Surface near the Metal-Insulator Transition in La1βˆ’x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3}

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    We report the first observation of changes in the electronic structure of La1βˆ’x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3} (LSMO) across the filling-control metal-insulator (MI) transition by means of in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) of epitaxial thin films. The Fermi surface gradually disappears near the MI transition by transferring the spectral weight from the coherent band near the Fermi level (EFE_{F}) to the lower Hubbard band, whereas a pseudogap behavior also exists in the ARPES spectra in the close vicinity of EFE_{F} for the metallic LSMO. These results indicate that the spectral weight transfer derived from strong electron-electron interaction dominates the gap formation in LSMO associated with the filling-control MI transition.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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