4 research outputs found

    L’intelligence collective des équipes de travail : support de développement de la capacité d’innovation de l’organisation

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    The acceleration of environmental changes and the change in consumer habits require the organization to have an increased capacity to develop innovations. This capacity is essential insofar as it allows it to maintain its market share and continue to offer quality products and services that perfectly meet customer requirements. Developing the capacity for innovation is not an easy thing: it is based on the creation, acquisition and recombination of several resources. In this context, collective intelligence is an effective collective solution for mobilizing, recombining and developing a team's resources. It is a collaborative capacity to produce exceptional results far beyond those that the organization can achieve if it organizes work individually. It reflects the transition from a culture based on individuality to one based on collaboration, interdependence, exchange and sharing of resources. As a result, collective intelligence is a source of innovative ideas, which stimulates the creativity of the team based on a diversity of knowledge, skills and perspectives of each other. The objective of this manuscript is to explain the role that the collective intelligence of work teams can play in the development of the organization's capacity for innovation. To do this, a conceptual precision of our basic concepts is necessary before placing our problem in the chosen theoretical current, namely: the resource-based perspective (RBV) and its subsequent developments, in particular the knowledge-based perspective, on skills and dynamic capabilities.   Keywords : collective intelligence, innovation, collaboration, work team JEL Classification : O3 Paper type : Theoretical Research   L’accĂ©lĂ©ration des mutations de l’environnement et le changement des habitudes des consommateurs impliquent de la part de l’organisation la disposition d’une capacitĂ© accrue de dĂ©veloppement des innovations.  Cette capacitĂ© est primordiale dans la mesure oĂą elle permet de conserver sa part de marchĂ© et de continuer Ă  offrir des produits et services de qualitĂ© qui rĂ©pondent parfaitement aux exigences de la clientèle. DĂ©velopper la capacitĂ© d’innovation n’est pas une chose aisĂ©e : elle se fonde sur la crĂ©ation, l’acquisition et la recombinaison de plusieurs ressources. Dans ce cadre, l’intelligence collective est une solution collective efficace de mobilisation, recombinaison et dĂ©veloppement des ressources d’une Ă©quipe. C’est une capacitĂ© collaborative de production de rĂ©sultats exceptionnels dĂ©passant largement ceux que l’organisation peut atteindre s’elle organise le travail individuellement. Elle traduit le passage d’une culture fondĂ©e sur l’individualitĂ© vers une autre basĂ©e sur la collaboration, l’interdĂ©pendance, l’échange et le partage des ressources. De ce fait, l’intelligence collective est une source d'idĂ©es novatrices, ce qui stimule la crĂ©ativitĂ© de l’équipe en se basant sur une diversitĂ© de connaissances, compĂ©tences et perspectives de l’un et de l’autre. L’objectif de ce manuscrit est d’expliciter le rĂ´le que peut jouer l’intelligence collective des Ă©quipes de travail dans le dĂ©veloppement de la capacitĂ© d’innovation de l’organisation. Pour faire, une prĂ©cision conceptuelle de nos concepts de base est nĂ©cessaire avant d’inscrire notre problĂ©matique dans le courant thĂ©orique choisi, Ă  savoir : la perspective basĂ©e sur les ressources (RBV) et ses dĂ©veloppements ultĂ©rieurs, notamment la perspective basĂ©e sur les connaissances, sur les compĂ©tences et sur les capacitĂ©s dynamiques.   Mots clĂ©s : intelligence collective, innovation, collaboration, Ă©quipe de travail Classification JEL : O3 Type de l’article : Article thĂ©orique

    Managerial communication as a lever for preventing psychosocial risks in organizations in times of crisis: the case of the Moroccan hospital sector [La communication managériale comme levier de prévention des risques psychosociaux dans les organisations]

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    Abstract. In a fast-changing world, companies are facing many upheavals and challenges. Therefore, they must adapt to the different social, economic, technological and human changes which deeply affect their methods of organization and management. As a result, employees will be required to adopt new management methods and tools in order to guarantee stability and sustainability. Although psychosocial risks constitute a real public health problem that requires global reflection on the part of both decision-makers and managers, few studies in human resource management have focused on the determinants of these risks and more particularly their protective factors. Hence, this work falls within such a context and it is conducted in the frame of a quantitative research, aiming to put into perspective the role of managerial communication in the prevention of PSR among nursing staff in Moroccan public hospitals in times of crisis.Keywords. PSR; Managerial communication; Prevention; Crisis.JEL. I10; M50; J50

    Les réseaux sociaux comme principal levier communicationnel et vecteur transformationnel de la force de vente des coopératives : cas des coopératives de la région Béni Mellal-Khénifra

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    In the digital era, more cooperatives are using social medias to promote their brands and to give a push to their sales workforce, but not only that. As part of their digital communication strategies, the policies developed and deployed on these platforms differ regarding the goals predetermined and followed by every entity. In this line of thought, each platform is particular in terms of its conception and its audience that can be targeted by cooperatives using different messages in each one. Although cooperatives have advanced significantly in the universe of marketing and have acquired a strategic positioning in recent years, scientific and empirical works, and papers, are yet to be published because there are none, especially in terms of analyzing the correlations that may exist between social networks and the performance of cooperatives workforce. This is the reason why we conducted this research. By conducting semi-structured interviews with cooperatives established in the region “Beni Mellal – Khenifra”, we sought to mobilize empirical knowledge on the matter. At the intersection of communicational and commercial strategy, to be deployed by the cooperatives in this context, their sales workforces can no longer do without the ultimate use of social medias. We found that this use has a significant impact on the performance of the cooperatives’ sales workforces and can be used as a communicational and commercial tool to achieve different objectives.   Keywords : Cooperatives – Digital Marketing – Sales workforces – BENI MELLAL - KHÉNIFRA Classification JEL : M31 Paper type : Empirical ResearchDans le contexte digitalisĂ©, de plus en plus de coopĂ©ratives ont recours aux rĂ©seaux sociaux pour promouvoir leurs images de marque et booster la force de vente de leurs produits, mais pas seulement. Dans le cadre de leurs stratĂ©gies de communication digitale, les politiques dĂ©ployĂ©es sur ces plateformes diffèrent selon les objectifs escomptĂ©s. En ce sens, chaque plateforme est unique dans sa conception et dans l’audience Ă  toucher par les actions communicationnelles Ă  y entreprendre. Bien que la pratique des coopĂ©ratives en la matière soit plus rĂ©currente ces dernières annĂ©es, les travaux ayant abordĂ© la thĂ©matique sont plutĂ´t inexistants, notamment en matière d’analyse de l’existence d’une corrĂ©lation entre les rĂ©seaux sociaux et la performance de la force de vente. C’est dans cette dernière acception que s’inscrit notre article. Via des entretiens semi-directifs menĂ©s auprès des coopĂ©ratives implantĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion « BĂ©ni Mellal -KhĂ©nifra », nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  mobiliser des connaissances empiriques sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux dans leur rĂ´le de vecteur de performance de la force de vente des coopĂ©ratives. Ă€ l’intersection de la stratĂ©gie de communication et celle commerciale Ă  dĂ©ployer par les coopĂ©ratives dans le contexte actuel, leurs forces de vente ne peuvent plus se passer des rĂ©seaux sociaux. Toute la question est de savoir si ce levier est actionnĂ© Ă  bon escient afin d’avoir un impact positif sur ces forces de vente.   Mots clĂ©s : CoopĂ©ratives, rĂ©seaux sociaux, force de vente, communication digitale, BĂ©ni Mellal – KhĂ©nifra, marketing. JEL Classification : M31 Type du papier : Recherche empiriqu