9 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo de duas zeólitas naturais visando ao controle da concentração de nitrogênio disponível no solo para plantas sob adubação.

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    O uso indiscriminado de fertilizantes nitrogenados pode causar danos ambientais. O uso rotineiro de espalhamento de fertilizantes na superfície do solo causa a per da de nutrientes nitrogenados, como a amônia. Além disso, a volatilização da amônia eleva a sua concentração no ar, causando sérios problemas pulmonares para trabalhadores do campo. Os processos de lixiviação por chuvas intensas resultam na contaminação de lagos, rios e lençol freático. Uma alternativa viável a este problema está no uso de zeólitas, que atuam como condicionadores de solos e carregadores de nutrientes, através de um mecanismo de troca iônica[1]. Neste trabalho, estudamos duas zeólitas naturais. As amostras foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X (identificação das fases), fisissorção de nitrogênio (área específica pelo método BET) e Dessorção por Temperatura Programada (TPD) e espectroscopia fotoacústica (para comparar a capacidade de liberação de amônia)

    Bothropic antivenom based on monoclonal antibodies, is it possible?

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    AbstractNeutralizing monoclonal antibodies against three major toxic components of Bothrops atrox venom were produced and tested. The mAbs against phospholipase A2, hemorrhagic metalloprotease, and thrombin-like enzymes were produced in large amounts and purified with caprylic acid followed by ammonium sulfate precipitation. Purified mAbs were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and their ability to neutralize the respective toxins was tested. Five Swiss mice were injected i.p. with 13.5 mg of pooled mAbs and challenged via s.c. route with venom. Survival rate was recorded for the next 48 h. All mice treated and challenged with venom survived, whereas only one mouse in the control group survived. Bleeding time in mice treated with mAbs was similar to that observed in control mice. Our results show that monoclonal antibodies neutralized the lethal toxicity of Bothrops venom and indicate that there is a reasonable possibility of developing antivenoms based on humanized mAbs to treat victims of venomous animals in the future

    Regulation of intestinal immunity and tissue repair by enteric glia

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    Tissue maintenance and repair depend on the integrated activity of multiple cell types( 1 ). Whereas the contributions of epithelial( 2,3 ), immune( 4,5 ) and stromal cells( 6,7 ) in intestinal tissue integrity are well understood, the role of intrinsic neuroglia networks remains largely unknown. Here, we uncover pivotal roles of enteric glial cells (EGCs) in intestinal homeostasis, immunity and tissue repair. We demonstrate that infection of mice with Heligmosomoides polygyrus leads to enteric gliosis and upregulation of an interferon gamma (IFN-γ) gene signature. IFN-γ-dependent gene modules were also induced in EGCs from inflammatory bowel disease patients( 8 ). Single-cell transcriptomics of the tunica muscularis (TM) showed that glia-specific abrogation of IFN-γ signaling leads to tissue-wide activation of pro-inflammatory transcriptional programs. In addition, disruption of the IFN-γ-EGC signaling axis enhanced the inflammatory and granulomatous response of the TM to helminths. Mechanistically, we show that upregulation of Cxcl10 is an early immediate response of EGCs to IFN-γ signaling and provide evidence that this chemokine and the downstream amplification of IFN-γ signaling in the TM are required for a measured inflammatory response to helminths and resolution of granulomatous pathology. Our study demonstrates that IFN-γ signaling in enteric glia is central to intestinal homeostasis and reveals critical roles of the IFN-γ-EGC-Cxcl10 axis in immune response and tissue repair following infectious challenge

    A contribuição da avaliação in loco como fator de consolidação dos principios estruturantes do SINAES The contribution of on-site evaluation as a factor of consolidation of the structuring principles of SINAES

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    O artigo versa sobre a contribuição de avaliação in loco no sentido de promover a consolidação dos princípios norteadores do SINAES a partir de uma reflexão construtiva entre os consultores ad hoc e a instituição. A digressão teórica elenca aspectos relacionados a construção da identidade institucional, a partir da contribuição da avaliação e o retrospecto da avaliação institucional no Brasil. Elenca, ainda uma reflexão sobre o modelo do SINAES e os princípios estruturantes e norteadores do Sistema, destacando a contribuição do processo de avaliação in loco na construção da epistemologia institucional. Para tanto, as interações metodológicas ocorrem sob as bases da pesquisa acadêmica, de caráter documental indireto e que se classifica como sendo descritiva-explicativa, predominantemente qualitativa e designada como sendo uma pesquisa participante. As investigações construtivistas permitem concluir, entre outros desígnios, que do ponto de vista dos avaliadores ad hoc os aspectos que determinam o cumprimento dos princípios estruturantes do SINAES no contexto da avaliação institucional das instituições de educação superior no Brasil ensejam uma relação construtivista, democrática e de aprendizado mutuo e continuo entre avaliadores e a própria instituição, a qual é a responsável pela consolidação destes princípios no âmbito do ensino superior brasileiro.<br>The paper focuses on the contribution of on-site evaluation in order to promote the consolidation of the guiding principles of SINAES based on the constructive thinking of consultants and the ad hoc institution. The theoretical discussion presents aspects related to the construction of institutional identity, based on the contribution of evaluation and on the definitions of institutional evaluation in Brazil. It also discusses Sinaes as a model along with the guiding principles that structure the System, emphasizing the contribution of the on-site evaluation process on the construction of institutional epistemology. Methodological interactions occur on the bases of academic research, of indirect documental character, which can be classified as descriptive-explanatory, predominantly qualitative and designed as participative research. The constructivist investigations allow us to conclude, among other things, that, from the standpoint of the peer review panel, the aspects that determine the compliance with the structural principles of Sinaes in the context of the institutional evaluation of higher education institutions in Brazil promote a constructivist and democratic relationship of mutual and continuous learning between evaluators and the institution itself, which is responsible for consolidating these principles in Brazilian higher education

    The enteric nervous system in gastrointestinal disease etiology

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