31,801 research outputs found
Comment on Octet Baryon Magnetic Moments in the Chiral Quark Model with Configuration Mixing
The importance of exchange currents, and of conserving isotopic spin at both
the quark and baryon levels in application of the chiral quark model to any
calculation of baryon magnetic moments is emphasized.Comment: 5 pages, Latex fil
Comment on "Some novel delta-function identities"
We show that a form for the second partial derivative of proposed by
Frahm and subsequently used by other workers applies only when averaged over
smooth functions. We use dyadic notation to derive a more general form without
that restriction.Comment: 4 page Comment on an AJP paper. The second version modifies the
discussion and corrects some misprints. This version will appear in AJP
Mixing of Xi_c and Xi_c' Baryons
The mixing angle between the Xi_c and Xi_c' baryons is shown to be small,
with a negligible shift in the Xi_c masses.Comment: One missprint corrected. The numerator of Eq. (12) should read
{2[(Sigma_c^{*++}-Sigma_c^{++})-(Xi_c^{*+}-Xi_c^{'+})]} The correct equation
was used in the calculation so no other change is mad
The range of a fleet of aircraft
The problem discussed in this paper is to determine the range of a fleet of n aircraft with fuel capacities g gallons and fuel efficiencies ri gallons per mile (i= 1,..., n). It is assumed that the aircraft may share fuel in flight and that any of the aircraft may be abandoned at any stage. The range is defined to be the greatest distance which can be attained in this way. Initially the fleet is supposed to have g gallons of fuel.
A theoretical solution is obtained by the method which Richard Bellman [1] calls dynamic programming. Explicit solutions are obtained in the case of two aircraft with different fuel capacities and fuel efficiencies and in the case of any number of aircraft with identical fuel capacities and identical fuel efficiencies.
The problem is similar to the so-called jeep problem. The jeep problem was solved rigorously by N. J. Fine [2]. A solution was also obtained by O. Helmer [3, 4]. Fine cited an unpublished solution by L. Alaoglu. The problem was generalized by C. G. Phipps [5]. Phipps informally developed the special result which is deduced in [section] 4 of this paper
Time (in)dependence in general relativity
We clarify the conditions for Birkhoff's theorem, that is, time-independence
in general relativity. We work primarily at the linearized level where guidance
from electrodynamics is particularly useful. As a bonus, we also derive the
equivalence principle. The basic time-independent solutions due to
Schwarzschild and Kerr provide concrete illustrations of the theorem. Only
familiarity with Maxwell's equations and tensor analysis is required.Comment: Revised version of originally titled "Kinder Kerr", to appear in
American Journal of Physic
Sum rules for charmed baryon masses
The measured masses of the three charge states of the charmed
baryon are found to be in disagreement with a sum rule based on the quark
model, but relying on no detailed assumptions about the form of the
interaction. This poses a significant problem for the charmed baryon sector of
the quark model. Other relations among charmed baryon masses are also
discussed.Comment: 5 pages, latex, no figure
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