3 research outputs found
Restorative-iterative initialization for a global prediction model
A restorative-iterative procedure is tested in initializing the height and wind fields for a global barotropic model. Real 500 mb. data is used as the basis of the initial height values in the mid latitudes and as the basis of the initial streamfunction values in the tropics. The procedure is tested for the case of frictionless and adiabatic flow and for the case where friction and a simulated heating function is included. In addition, experiments were performed in which an 'observed' divergent wind was added in the tropics. Results are very encouraging in the sense that the amplitudes of the external inertia-gravity motions excited due to initial imbalance between the mass and wind fields are reduced considerably with the use of the procedure. (Author)http://archive.org/details/restorativeitera00win
The fleet numerical weather central operational primitive-equation model
The U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Weather
Central (FN WC), Monterey, Calif., five-layer, primitive equation,
atmospheric prediction model has been under
development since late 1968 and became operational in
September 1970. Seventy-two-hour prognoses are generated
twice daily, requiring 2 hr per run