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8 research outputs found
Comparison of four genotyping assays for epidemiological study of methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus
A Belkum Van
A. Belkum
+15 more
B Kreiswirth
CR Woods
FR Falkiner
G Prévost
G. Prevost
H Lencastre de
J Versalovic
JC Hackbarth
JM MacPherson
MQ Wei
P Saulnier
R. Bax
RV Georing
S Ichiyama
SH Goh
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Interrepeat Fingerprinting of Third-Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacter cloacae Isolated during an Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Alex Van Belkum
Anderson LA
+17 more
Andreas Voss
Aujard Y
Bingen E
Falkiner FR
Gaston MA
Haertl R
Jacomina A. A. Hoogkamp-Korstanje
Jacques F. G. M. Meis
Lambert-Zechovsky N
Paul E. Verweij
Rhodes KH
Sanders CC
Schaad UB
Van Belkum A
Van Belkum A
Wang CC
Willem J. G. Melchers
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Antimicrobial activity of Melia azedarach fruit extracts for control of bacteria in inoculated in-vitro shoots of ‘MRS 2/5’ plum hybrid and calla lily and extract influence on the shoot cultures
A Sen
A Shahzad
+42 more
AA Kulkarni
AC Cassels
AV Khan
B Ruffoni
BM Reed
BM Reed
By Grazia Marino
C Leifert
Chiara Toniolo
DJ Lane
E Reich
EM Abou-Fakhr Hammad
FK Falkiner
FR Gallo
Francesca Gaggìa
G Marino
G Marino
G Marino
G Marino
HP Fleming
IG Chifelle
J Miyazaki
L Jurd
LA Mroginski
Loredana Baffoni
M Nicoletti
M Scortichini
M Zawadzka
Marcello Nicoletti
MC Carpinella
N Benzeggouta
NG Ntalli
PP Bosshard
RP Niedz
S Barberini
S Ramya
SM Palacios
T Murashige
T Orlikowska
XT Chong
Z Lou
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Biotic Contamination and Possible Ways of Sterilization: A Review with Reference to Bamboo Micropropagation.
Abdi GR
Abdulminam Ali H
+92 more
Agnihotri KA
Ahmadi E
Aitken - Christie J
Altan F
Ankur V
Arshad SM
Arya S
Arya S
Attree SM
Babaolu M
Bacon CW
Banerjee M
Barrett C
Behari B
Bisht P
Brar J
Chaturvedi HC
Chowdhury P
Das M
Devi SW
Falkiner FR
Falkiner FR
Fang JY
Fisse J
George EF
George MW
Gielis J
Giri CC
Guri AZ
Herman EB
Hirano SS
James RL
Jime´nez VM
Kane M
Kapruwan S
Kigomo BN
Kulkarni AA
Lata H
Leifert C
Leifert C
Leifert C
Luna C
Mathias PJ
Mbah EI
Mehta R
Mishra Y
Misra P
Mizra MS
Modui KD
Msogoya T
Mudoi DK
Nadgir AR
Nadha HK
Nadha HK
Nasim Ali
Negi D
Niedz R
Niedz RP
Odutayo OI
Omamor IB
Pandey BN
Pollock KD
Prutpongse P
Ramanayake SMSD
Ramanayake SMSD
Ramanayake SMSD
Ray SS
Reed BM
Reed BM
Roxas NJL
Roy SS
Saxena S
Saxena S
Sen MK
Sette LD
Sharma P
Sharma P
Shen H
Shields R
Singh SR
Singh SR
Singh SR
Singh V
Srivastava N
Syandan Sinha Ray
Thakur R
Thomas P
Wei Q
Wilson ZA
Yasodha R
Yeasmin L
Young PM
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Infektionsprävention bei Harnwegskathetern
ABA Stalder
B Barsic
+74 more
BW Trautner
BW Trautner
C Chant
CA Umscheid
CM Kunin
CV Gould
D Bergquist
DA Bronsema
DJ Cook
DJ Damron
E Lo
EF Healy
F Cartier
FM Wagenlehner
FME Wagenlehner
FR Falkiner
H Madersbacher
H Piechota
H Piechota
H Piechota
IA Jansen
J Eisenstadt
J Meddings
JD Denstedt
JM Holroyd-Leduc
JP Burke
JR Johnson
JS Garner
JW Warren
JW Warren
JW Warren
K Clarke
K Lewalter
KB Laupland
KRINKO/RKI Robert Koch-Institut
L Andreessen
LJ Conway
LV Rodriguez
M Rubin
M Willen
MG Fakih
MH Kramer
MJW McPhail
MS Bernard
N Jaggi
NL Lima
P Andersson
P Brühl
P Brühl
P Gastmeier
P Heisig
P Jain
PA Tambyah
R Daifuku
R Fink
R Pickard
RA Garibaldi
RKI Robert Koch-Institut
RKI Robert Koch-Institut
RS Klein
RW Haley
S Niveditha
S Saint
SE Vartivarian
SL Krein
SM Jacobsen
T Rebmann
TM Hooton
TM Hooton
U Dobrindt
U Lehr
VD Rosenthal
W Lingnau
WC Huang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Silver Nanoparticles: An Influential Element in Plant Nanobiotechnology
A Jaganathan
A Kumari
+70 more
AD Russell
AF Mendes
B Nauerby
B Nowack
B Wiebke
C Leifert
C Leifert
C Lin
C Mah
Canas J. E., Long, M., Nations, S., Vadan, R., Dai, L., Luo, M., Ambikapathi, R., Lee, E. H., Olszyk, D
D Lin
D Lin
D Stampoulis
DR Constantine
F Gao
F Hong
F Yang
FR Falkiner
G Benelli
G Benelli
G Benelli
GA Teixeira da Silva
Gh Abdi
H Zhu
H. Salehi
HJ Klasen
I Chopra
J Liu
JH Dodds
JL Elechiguerra
JM Nam
JP Marshall
K Dunn
K Murugan
KI Batarseh
L Braydich-Stolle
L Yang
LM Yepes
M Bruchez Jr
M Khodakovskaya
M Linglan
M Racuciu
M Solgi
MK Sarmast
MK Sarmast
Mostafa K. Sarmast
N Durán
P Holford
P Li
PD Bragg
Q Liu
R Nair
R Rajan
RA Jefferson
S Arora
S Mingyu
S Selwyn
S Travella
SWP Wijnhoven
T Murata
V Shah
W-M Lee
WCW Chan
X Chen
X-M Tan
Y Akasaka-Kennedy
Y Geong
Y Li
Z Lei
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
In vitro propagation of conifers using mature shoots
A Hohtola
A Traore
+90 more
AC Cassells
AE Valdés
AFS Mendes
AL López-Escamilla
ALW Santos Dos
B Bastol
B Kolevska-Pletikapic
B Nauerby
B Renau-Morata
BH McCown
BM Reed
C Bigot
C Chanway
C Leifert
C Leifert
C Leifert
C Selby
CH Saravitz
CM Pulido
D Ewald
D Ewald
D Ewald
D Prehn
D Stojicic
D Stojicic
DD Ellis
E Rugini
E Villalobos-Amador
EE Hood
F Piola
F Skoog
FR Falkiner
GE Burrows
H Laukkanen
IA Montalbán
IS Harry
J Loureiro
J Malá
JA Driver
JH Dodds
JM Bonga
JM Humara
JP Bourgin
KJ Webb
KS Sarma
L Holland
L Sehgal
LH Zhu
LM Yepes
M Becwar
M Boulay
M Cortizo
M Cortizo
M López
M Quoirin
MK Sarmast
MK Sarmast
MK Sarmast
MK Sarmast
MK Sarmast
Mostafa K. Sarmast
N Diego De
N Diego De
N Vidal
OL Gamborg
P Alonso
P Holford
P Moncaleán
PC Debergh
PK Gupta
PM Buckley
PM Gresshoff
PMW Drake
PR Viss
R Le-Feuvre
RB Malabadi
RJ Haines
S Arya
S Tamta
T Murashige
T Murashige
TA Thorpe
TA Thorpe
V Levee
W Tang
W Tang
W Tang
W Tang
Y Ogawa
Y Zhang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text